
Marked By The Alpha King

When Klara was rejected by her mate and shunned by her family, the last thing she expects is to cross paths with the infamous Alpha King Caden. The man was everything she loathed and everything she hated. However, as it turns out, the line between love and hate really is very, very thin.

Choco_Addict · Fantasía
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3 Chs



Clink. Clink. Clink.

I played with the ice cubes in my drink, swirling the strong uncut alcohol around absentmindedly.

Next to me on the bar table, my phone constantly kept buzzing.

I didn't have to guess who it was. Probably my friend Inara. It was not like anyone else would care about me enough to check up on me.

I am, after all, the pariah of the family. Always have been and will probably always be. If today taught me anything, it was this.

My mind wandered once again to the events of the day and I let out a long sigh. I still couldn't believe everything that happened today…

And ironically, today was supposed to be my day.

For twenty-one years, because of some weird astrology crap, I was always treated differently by my family. I was the cursed one, the daughter who was going to bring bad luck to the family.

But all of this changed… or at least I thought it would... when our Alpha picked me as his mate. He was a kind and caring man and had always been sympathetic to my plight.

He had even tried to talk to my family several times about the way they treated me. So I was truly touched when the goddess chose me for him and him for me.

But still, the one who got engaged to him today and performed the pre-mating ritual with him was not me but my sister, Katherine.

Apparently, our Alpha and my sister are childhood sweethearts.

How they were in a secret relationship for several years without even the knowledge of the person sharing her room, her own sister, was still a mystery to me.

I took a sip of my drink and let out a deep breath.

I didn't want to think about this anymore but nagging questions kept popping up in my brain. Not to mention, the dull pain that spread throughout my body because of the forceful mate rejection.

I shivered. I still felt the tear in my wounded soul. Mating with someone else other than your mate was blasphemy, but they did it anyways…

They even went as far as to call our mating ritual a figment of superstition. "The true mate was someone loved whole-heartedly." They said.

It was fine. The truth was that I didn't really care about that part. Sure, if they loved each other so much why not mate with each other? I would have never stood in their way.

But the part that bothered me was just how easily they threw away the custom which had been piously followed in our pack, in every pack for generations after generations.

But when it came to me… that small ounce of kindness and pity was no longer there… wasn't astrology also another superstition?

And yet… I was still the cursed one… being rejected and ignored even by my own mother.

Sure... bend everything according to your wish. I chuckled wryly and emptied the drink in my glass.

After today, one thing was abundantly clear to me. My family and my pack were never going to accept me.

And perhaps… I was done with them too. Maybe it was time for a change.

My mind wandered thinking about the various options and possibilities and somehow just the thought alone was freeing.

The bartender had refilled my drink and I took another sip.

"Heh? What's got someone like you drinking something like that?" A random voice muttered near me.

"That's none of your business." I bluntly shot back. I wasn't in the mood to entertain some dirty sleazebag looking for an easy lay. I wanted to be alone tonight and wallow in my misery.

"Ouch. Spicy. I like that. Have plans tonight?"

"Hmm… Nothing that concerns you."

"Of course, it concerns me. A big ugly frown doesn't suit someone beautiful like you. I think I need to turn that frown upside down."

What the hell? Who the heck uses such a cheesy pickup line? My lips twisted into an even uglier frown.

"Ugghh. Just shut up smart ass. Don't waste your time playing these games with me. I know exactly what you want and I am not interested."

I looked up at the taunting voice, ready to erupt angrily, but… that didn't happen. Instead, I stumbled and stammered to pick up my jaw which had dropped on the floor without my consent.

What was I even saying? I had no idea.

My brain completely froze and for a moment I forgot about everything else… except for the mythically beautiful creature standing in front of me.

The pair of coal black eyes darker than the night itself... the sharp curve of his jaw… his spectacular 'make you weak in the knees' face… his broad chest… his lean and muscular figure draped in what looked like a million dollar suit…

Or perhaps his suit wasn't expensive at all. Who knows? Though it sure did look like it cost that much when it was on him.

Damn… How the hell can someone look this hot? Isn't that some sort of illegal?

As my mind and my eyes wandered over the lines of his shirt, beneath which his muscles were clearly strained, I couldn't help but think about what could such a person want from me…

Why was he even paying attention to someone like me?

I looked up and my eyes met his devilish obsidian orbs, staring straight at me as if they wanted to devour me.

I gulped. Not good!

I looked down hurriedly, but only to see his sinfully decadent lips grinning in amusement.

A blush crept up my cheeks.

Fuck! Why am I behaving this way? I looked away in embarrassment.

But the next second unexpectedly the man leaned towards me and a warmth brushed my ears. Before I realized what was happening... a dark delicious voice whispered in my ears.

"You are right."

"I plan to take you home tonight and fuck you in a hundred different ways… By the time we are done… the loser you are thinking about… will already be history…"

I gulped and a shiver ran down my spine.

It was as if the devil himself was whispering sweet nothings in my ear. My entire body was tingling with a vague thrill and excitement that I had never felt ever before.

"So... are you still not interested?" I felt the man move away from me and as he did, his cheek slightly caressed my ear.

It was just a small touch, probably lasted all of a millisecond but my entire damn traitorous body reacted. I shivered.

I reflexively turned around, only to find myself face to face with him now, our lips almost brushing together.

Ah! I pulled myself back, but it was too late. The last knot in my stomach came undone. This was it. I was done fighting the urge.

The devil smirked and placed his incomplete drink on the bar table. He then turned to walk away and… I did the same… following him like a lost puppy.

My heart pounded loudly against my chest, but I didn't care. After the day that I had, why can't I indulge myself a bit?

Just because one mutt didn't want me, I should hate the rest of mankind?

Hell no, I deserve this hot guy! I am going to let him do… gulp… all the things that he told me.

My resolve waxed and waned, nevertheless I followed him. The two of us walked to his car which was parked right outside the bar in one of the VIP spots.

Of course, the ridiculously hot guy was also rich. I bitterly smiled. The world truly was not fair. It looked like only jerks and assholes had good luck these days.

Yup, I had no illusion as to what exactly this was and what sort of a person this mysterious handsome stranger was… a rich hot jerk looking for a one night stand.

Perhaps on some other day, I would have made fun of the poor girl falling for such an obvious trap, but tonight I was this poor girl and I had no intention of turning back.

I wanted to forget everything. I was going to let him make me forget everything.

As I opened the car door, just about to get in, a wad of cool breeze swept past me and I shivered. My entire body froze and I stood still on the spot, not moving another muscle.

The night was freezing cold. Yet, I didn't stop because of that.

It was rather because of a familiar musky smell… a smell oozing with masculinity and rich pheromones… a scent that could only belong to a wolf… one of my kind.

Damn it! No more mutts! That was my one condition and the only thing that I wasn't ready for tonight and he had to be one of us!

Oh, goddess! You don't even want me to enjoy myself for one night? This is unfair.

"Are you alright?" His decadent amused voice rang in my ears and I sighed.

"No sorry, I changed my mind." I turned around and walked away without looking back.

I half-expected him to come running behind me, but he never did and I kept walking. I should have anyway never entertained him in the first place.

After all, tomorrow was going to be a long day. I was going to leave my pack.

They called me cursed. Even my closest family members, and my own parents hated and ignored me. They didn't want me there, so why should I stay any longer?

I think it's time I got my own life. I am done with these stupid pack shenanigans and I am done with the wolves.