
Chapter One

Marinette heard of the new heros in town and greatly respected Chat Noir's abilities to deal with Scarlet Lady's shenanigans. Scarlet Lady seemed unbearable and reminded Marinette of Chloe Bourgeois though somehow worse. Marinette didn't know it was possible but as akuma attack after akuma attack Scarlet Lady still managed to do nothing and claim credit Marinette found the new Mean Queen.

Alya quickly realized this as well and shut down the Scarblog and instead created the BlackChat. It was cleverly designed so the text was green on a black background. She only used the Scarblog now to criticize the supposed "hero" and needless to say Chloe hated it. When Scarlet Lady dropped by the school to fan her own ego Marinette wasn't all too surprised. What did surprise Marinette was the old man waiting in her room for her after school that day.

"I am sorry to intrude Miss Dupain-Cheng but this is urgent. I am Master Fu, the Guardian of the Miraculous. Scarlet stole the Miraculous of the Ladybug from me and I am here to right that wrong. You were supposed to be the Ladybug hero. Unfortunately I cannot persuade her to return the Miraculous even in exchange for another. That is why I ask you to take the earrings from her to regain your place as the true Ladybug hero." He finished and waited for her questions.

"How am I supposed to do all that? Also wait I was supposed to be a hero? Like Chat Noir?"

"Yes. You are Chat Noir's true partner. You will accomplish this task with a different Miraculous." He held out a box and Marinette took it and opened it to reveal a beautiful golden comb. "That is the Miraculous of the Bee." A small golden ball zipped around the room before stopping in front of her. It faded into dust and within the golden power there was a large bee like being. "This is the Bee Kwami Pollen."

"Pleasure to meet you my Queen." He went over the power of the Bee Miraculous quickly.

"Venom will allow you to immobilize an enemy. But be warned you will transform back soon after using your power." Marinette nodded before a loud crash nearly knocked them both off their feet. "That must be an akuma. Go join Chat Noir and help because we both know Scarlet will not."

Marinette went to put the comb in her hair but suddenly it changed into two smaller combs. She smiled at Pollen who had clearly worked the magic for her hair. She slid the combs into both of her pigtails and nodded.

"Pollen buzz on!" The magic of everything ran over her and she let her fingertips brush along her body as the suit formed beneath them. She leapt off her balcony and went to join Chat Noir and Scarlet Lady. She went straight into the fray dodging hits with fluid motions switching between attacking and defending flawlessly. "Venom!" she called out and pricked the enemy with her stinger. She took the akumatized object to Scarlet with a smile. "Hello. I'm your new partner. I'm the holder of the Bee Miraculous and my name is Marigold."

Scarlet Lady scoffed. "Yet another sidekick. We don't need your help so just buzz off." She took the item and crushed it. Then purifying the Akuma she reversed the minor damage done. Marigold brushed Scarlet off.

"I wasn't actually talking to you. I was talking to the real hero." She turned to Chat Noir. "It's nice to meet you!" She held out her fist for him to pound. Chat appeared stunned for a moment.

"The real hero? You were talking to the right person in the beginning then." She turned back to an irritated Scarlet.

"No, the first person I talked to was a hero wannabe who should really just stick to cosplaying." Scarlets jaw dropped. "Chat would you like to talk to me later? I'm going to transform back soon." Chat snapped back to reality. God if he wasn't falling for Marinette he'd be head over heels for this new bee in town.

"Yeah sure I don't have to transform back yet so just come back in a few minutes...what's your name again?" He said partly in a daze.

"Marigold and sure I'll see you shortly kitty!" Marigold disappeared in a flash of gold and black. Marinette transformed again after feeding Pollen some honey. She landed on the roof as Marigold. Chat Noir smiled at her when she joined him on the roof. She gasped when she saw the beautiful sunset overlooking the city.

"I know how you feel. Even after being a hero for a few months you don't really stop being wowed by the beauty." Chat looked out at the city as he sat near the edge of the building.

"There's a lot you don't know yet. About Scarlet and I. It will be hard to hear I would think and if you don't want to know I won't tell you." Chat looked back towards her and nodded.

"Go ahead."

"Scarlet stole the Ladybug Miraculous from Master Fu. She didn't know what it was yet but regardless she didn't return it. The Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous are soulmates, meant to be together and fall in love. Master Fu found me eventually and gave me the Bee Miraculous. I was supposed to be the Ladybug hero but Scarlet is refusing to give the Miraculous back even in exchange for a different Miraculous. So Master Fu gave me the mission of taking the Ladybug earrings from her to restore my place as your true partner." Chat Noir took a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

"So we're soulmates then? You and I."

She blushed and nodded. "It's a lot to take in I know." He looked out at the sky again.

"So how do we do this?" Marigold looked at him in shock.

"W-we?" He grinned at her.

"Of course. After all as your knight in shining leather I can't let my Queen do all the work." Marigold felt her cheeks heat up and she smiled. She could feel a warmth spreading through her chest.

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