
End of one journey is start of another. (1)

Hotel Continental

Jazz room.

A man with shoulder-length black hair quietly comes and sits opposite of another man in his late fifties who was wearing slim reading glasses. The man was having a meal. Seeing the new comer his expression visibly changes from neutral to good, as if he saw a long lost friend after a lot of time.



They exchange greeting.

"Nice to see you, Jonathon. I never thought I would see you again. "

"Neither did I." Jonathan answers. After a brief silence, Winston says,

"You have my condolences, my friend. No father deserves to hold the dead of his child. Tell me, how can I help."

"I want a name."


"The person who is responsible for the incident at that super market."





Two weeks earlier...

Two fifteen year old, twins jogging and on their way to nearest super market, their mom sent them to run an errand. While she sent one other gladly tag along. They are having a jogging and a light competition to who reaches the destination first.

- I don't know what you find in DC, Win (Short of Winston), Marvel is the best.

- If you weren't my brother, I would have burned down your whole collection of comics just because you said those words, Marc.

- Ya ya, and as if I would only watch.

As they chat like that, they reach the super market. It is 5 pm in the afternoon. The market is fairly busy. The twin starts to collect the things they are supposed to. After both of them fill up a trolley of their own, some of which was the addition of they made at last moment, they reach the counter and the counter lady abnormally blushes like always at the sight of the famous twin of the neighbourhood. Who knows, may be she a pervert who lusts after young boys. She starts to enter the products on the shopping cart. By the time when she was half done, 6 masked man with automatic assault rifle M4 Carbine and wearing Kevlar vest enters the super market. By any means, they don't look like your average thugs. One look and you would know they mean business.

They held everyone at gun point and made them lie down on the ground. Marcus and Winston looked at the corner and found that those m*****f***** started to set military-grade explosive on the pillars. This is a full-on hostage situation. They had to do something before they arm those explosive. Winston winked at Marcus and Marcus started to yell in pain holding his chest.

-Hey, you, cut it out. Stop yelling. (Armed terrorist 1)

-My brother has heart disease. You gotta help him. (Winston)

-Bull shit, cut the crap. Or I shall shoot. (AT1)

-He really is sick. if you don't believe me, check his pulse.

-What the fuck are you doing? Don't spoil the plan before time. Just check the kid. (AT2)

The armed terrorist came near Marcus to check his pulse. But when he neared the downed Marcus, our boy Marcus suddenly sprang back to life and grabbed behind the trigger at one hand so that he can't shoot and launched a fatal punch the man's adam's apple. It was so instantaneous that the man didn't have the time to utter a 'uck' sound and started falling like a puppet cut off from string. He didn't get to fall though, he was grabbed by Marcus and used as a meat shield when the other terrorists understood what happened and started to rain bullets at him. Holding up the body as a shield both brother now behind a rack of products on display, having there headed down. Winston took the M4 carbine and Marcus took the side arm pistol.

The terrorists were at a loss of word, the leader showed hand sign to fan out and box them in. But that was a big mistake. Right after everyone fanned out, the leader started to hear distinct gun shots of M4 carbine and pistol at regular interval. They were not erratic shot but calculated and precise as every time one M4 and one side arm fired he heard the sound of a body thudding. After the third member of his team fell, he knew he was dealing with professionals and not just any professionals, but those freaks from marine type professionals. He thought of regrouping and retreat but before he could give the command, he heard the guns fire 4 more times and two more body fell.

-Fuck this shit....

He had enough of this, he took out a grenade and pulled out the pin and just as he was about to take off the clip, a pistol fired twice effectively crippling him and the grenade dropping. The man started yelling in pain as he knelt down. Winston came and kicked out the half-alive grenade in the decorative fountain in front of the market through the front glass wall.

They took the only alive terrorist at the front.

-Why didn't you kill me? You are clearly capable of doing so. (AT leader)

-Who is going to tell that who is behind this attack then?

-Ha ha ha, you think you have won... Look behind...

They saw a middle-aged man opened up his shirt and took a button at hand, inside he was wearing an armed explosive vest. There was no doubt what he was about to do, everyone started running. A little girl fumbled and tumbled down, and the counter lady just froze due to fear. Seeing them, instead of getting under cover, which they could very possibly do due to their father's training, the elder one Marcus hugged the little girl and the younger one shielded the counter lady. Next came the loud bang. Everything became silent.




Back to present

-Now, Jonathan. You know the rules. No business can be conducted in the premise of the continental. Stay, eat, drink, enjoy. That's what Continental is all about. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Saying that the middle-aged man got up and left. But he did leave behind a handkerchief. When Jonathan picked it up and opened, he found two words written. "Red Revolutionary". So, through out the next year, the world saw that the bases of a certain terrorist organization blew up one after another, their leaders hunted down and killed like a mad dog one after another. When the last base fell and the last leader died, he died of a heart full of regret that why on earth did he attack the town where lived the ultimate terror named BABA YAGA.

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