A lone journey to see the God A lot of path to choose A lot of people to learn August, the priest that left the cathedral Darron, a bounty hunter who always searching for the truth An alternative story of the world, when age of gunpowder and age of discovery combined with age of magic. When man have magic, does he become God? Or if he meet God, does he become the Man of God? Then who are Man of God?
This is a world where magic is real and become the everyday things like a religion. A power that made a creature and nature became one, or destroy each others. A power that keeps the harmony with nature or against the nature, against the god.
In a small old abandoned house this story happening. The house is located in the edge of the woods, maybe the owner was a hunter. The minimalist furniture and some tools that looks like used for drying meat and stretching animal skin. The calm sound of the owl keep ringing in the distance. Cicadas keep the percussion running constantly. The duet of wind and bamboo trees made the dynamics tempo additionally. The night orchestra always calming the hearts and the mind of creatures. But not tonight, at least for the man with a bloody wounds in his 'incomplete' arm.
Blood keep dripping slowly from his wrist. "Bloody dog! It hurt so much!" He talking to himself and he started to dripping tears. A man's tears maybe an unmanly things, but a manly man never deny his tears. Slowly with bead sized sweat running in his forehead, he push his blood dripping arm closer to the fireplace.
Every second like a minute, every millimeter like a far away corridor that felt so far. His heart keep beating faster and faster, but amazingly in his hearing the beats like a slow motion ticking clock and it feels like forever. His mind clouded with the foolish tragedy a few hours ago. The flashback felt so real and he really confused why did it became like this.
Then the heat of the flame made a contact to his wounded arm. "Hrraarrghhh, goddamnit" he forget to muffle his mouth and let out a loud scream that he will be sorry for. The smell of burned flesh started flowing across the house.
With a heavy breathing and whispered voice the man keep mumbling "My name is August and i am a priest, my name is August and i am a priest, my name is August and i am a priest". Not long after that his eyes felt so hard to keep, his head felt like spinning. His body bent like a shrimp and started to fall to the left. August has fallen, fallen to the floor and unconscious. Yes, he won't die in this story like forever, maybe.
Like an old and lonely graveyard, silence is coming back home at that place. Maybe this is what people called 'a calm before the storm'. Then, not far away from that house where our protagonist has 'mend' his wound, some figure startled by some scream and a smile widening across his face "now we got you" he said.
The figure kick some sand into the bonfire and made a check that the fire dies and then its over when its just begun 'hell yeah'. With a long stride, a sword in his hand, and a meaningful smile he went to search the 'scream' he heard not too long ago. The vengeful man had started his search.