
Making money

Magical Realism
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What is Making money

Lee la novela Making money escrita por el autor Pascal_Simukanga publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Seorang gadis kecil berlari dari rumahnya, ia berlari dan tidak sengaja tersandung batu didepannya. "Aduh, berdarah lututku, sakit sekali," ucap gadis kecil itu saat cairan merah mengucur dari lututnya. Gadis itu tak lain adalah Delisa saat dia masih berumur 6 tahun. Tidak ia sadari, darah segar keluar dari hidungnya yang kecil. Saat Delisa kecil akan mengusap darah itu dengan bajunya, ada seorang anak laki laki yang menghentikannya. "Berhenti," cegah anak laki laki itu, dan Delisa kecil mendongakkan kepalanya sedikit dan menatap anak laki laki itu. Anak laki laki itu mengambil sesuatu dari kantong bajunya dan mengeluarkan benda yang ternyata adalah sapu tangan. Ternyata anak laki laki itu mengusap darah yang keluar dari hidung kecil Delisa, Delisa kecil terdiam dan anak laki laki itu berkata. "Hidungmu berdarah," ucap anak laki laki itu, saat dia menunduk dia melihat lutut Delisa kecil berdarah dan memar "Lututmu juga berdarah dan memar," lanjut anak laki laki itu sambil mengeluarkan hansaplast dari kantong bajunya dan mulai menutup luka di lutut Delisa kecil dengan hansaplast itu. Delisa kecil terdiam seketika, dia menatap kearah anak laki laki itu dan bertanya "Kamu siapa?" janya Delisa kecil. Sontak anak laki laki itu mendongakkan kepala dan menatap balik Delisa kecil, dia menjawab "Namaku Arka, namamu siapa?" jawab Arka sambil bertanya diakhirnya. "Namaku Delisa, kenapa kamu perduli denganku?" jawab Delisa disertai pertanyaan diakhirnya. Arka terdiam dan berpikir sebentar, dia berkata "Tidak tahu, mungkin karena kamu istriku," jawab Arka seadanya. Delisa mengernyitkan dahi bingung. "Istri?" Tanya Delisa bingung, Arka menganggukkan kepala. "Istri apa itu?" tanya Delisa lagi, dan Arka hanya mengangkat bahu tanda tidak tahu. "Kamu mau jadi istriku? Nanti saat kita sudah dewasa, aku berjanji akan selalu melindungimu dan menjagamu," ucap Arka dewasa, Delisa hanya mengangguk saja. Arka tersenyum yang membuat Delisa terpesona oleh senyumannya. Gadis kecil itu adalah Delisa Raveena Acavelle Ardilan adalah anak perempuan keluarga ARDILAN, ia mempunyai kakak kembar yang bernama Delima Reeca Zharlie Ardilan. Dan anak laki laki itu Arka Raiden Cornelius adalah anak tunggal dari keluarga ternama yaitu keluarga CORNELIUS, ia adalah seorang primadona disekolahnya. Dia laki laki yang dingin, cuek dan tidak perduli dengan lingkungan sekitar. Bagaimana kisah mereka selanjutnya? Apakah Delisa akan bertemu lagi dengan kekasih masa kecil atau tidak? Saksikan terus kisah mereka berdua hanya di novel DELISA yaa☺️

DaoistmVmhWt · Adolescente
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3 Chs

Hero of Greed

The Vecora Continent is home to three countries of great power, each with its own grudges, desires, and internal machinations. Athios. An alliance of belligerent city-states that make up the southern region, whose borders are being encroached on by hungry neighbors. Theurgard. A clannish collective located in the freezing northern steppes of Vecora. With the passing of time, it has evolved into a hawkish empire, whose frostbitten populace hungrily stares toward the more temperate south. Finally, Rochan. A kingdom made up of traders, merchants, seafarers, and ambitious adventurers. They call the Delane Peninsula their home, sandwiched between Athios and Theugard. Rochan has found itself benefiting off the other two's skirmishes, though such gold has created dangerously ambitious nobles. And living on this continent, is Gary. Neither his name nor personality would suggest Gary would ever have an impact on the world. Generally unpleasant and of average talent, he would have been lucky to be put down as a footnote in history. He is a greedy, lying, sorry excuse of a team leader who is more than willing to risk it all for some gold. But stuck in a dire situation, Gary experiences a freak accident, one that leads him either to the end of the world, or a chance at greatness. Living in a world with scheming nobles and existential doom, Gary must change his actions, and become something he was never meant to be: a hero. Or... at least pretend to be one. ................ AN: I do not own the cover

Dontlookdown · Fantasía
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My CEO Daddy is Gay?

“Are you sure this is the right address?” “I’m pretty sure.” They rang the doorbell and a tall handsome man stood in front of them. “Alex?” “Hi, Robbie.” “It’s been a long time.” “Yeah, well..” “Mom,” said a girl who emerged from behind her. “Is he the one?” “The one what?” She rolled her eyes. “Duh?! Can’t you see? I’m your daughter.” “What?! That can’t be right.” “Better believe it, stupid!” “Honey!” “What?” “I thought you said I’m gay, Alex?” “You’re what?” “You hear that right, honey. Your daddy is gay.” ********** All that ten-year old Sasha ever wanted was to meet her true father but every time she asked her mom, she always tried to make excuses. Until one day, as a birthday gift, she finally convinced her to bring her to meet her real father. What she didn’t expect is that he is not what she thought he would be... Allison Jane Macatangay has been known as one of the youngest top models in the fashion world. She had been in the covers of magazines in the country until one day, her dreams had been shattered when she got pregnant by her best friend, Robbie. Thirty-three year old Robert James Magsano, the CEO of JM Cosmetics had almost everything he ever wanted except for one thing. Everyone thinks he is gay because of one person, Alex. So to prove her wrong, he gave her a night she would remember expecting her to tell everyone about it. Except she fled out of the country, and he was left owning up to the stereotype the media has thought of him. For ten years, his life was normal until one day, Alex showed up in his doorstep with a ten-year old girl claiming to be his daughter. Will this news bring Alex and Robbie together or will it tear them apart? What will Sasha do upon knowing who his father is? Come and find out. Note: This will be edited every now and then. ************* Gold Tier Winner of WFP#15: Parenthood. Thank you for all your support. *************** *Book cover created as fan-art credited to: Michelleleee Thank you.

Honey15 · Ciudad
187 Chs
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