
Maid to be his Wife

There is nothing more embarrassing than approaching a man with a marriage proposal while you're still intoxicated! Chelsea Leigh Garcia is a young woman who got wasted in a well-known club and ended up as the bride/personal maid of a well-known CEO of a huge company, but he is also a pervert who is continuously teasing her. Will the course of his life change forever in the hands of Red Chandler Buenavista? But what if there are a lot of challenges they need to overcome to prove their undying love for each other? Make sure to fasten your seatbelts because we are about to witness the rollercoaster life of Chelsea Leigh Garcia and Red Chandler Buenavista.

Sofia_Silvestre · Ciudad
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12 Chs



We arrived in front of a ten storey building. What a huge building this is! As we got out of the car, suddenly there was a man approaching us and bowing his head as soon as he saw us.

What is wrong with this man?

"Follow me," Mr. Maniac ordered.

What did he mean when he indicated earlier that it was time for me to pay him? Will he offer me to the proprietor of this company? Oh no, what if he actually does sell me?

If the building's exterior is impressive, the interior will astound you even more. It is really inclusive. I examined the area as we passed each spot. He then pressed the tenth floor as we got into the elevator. Are we truly going to be the company's owner? When we got there, we went into an office.

"Wow!" I whispered in amazement. It is quite a large room for a normal employee. This must be the company's owner's office. Will he actually sell me to the owner? God! I'm growing anxious about what I'm thinking!

"Have you thought about it, Ms. Garcia?" Mr. Maniac asked in such a formal voice.

What's up with the mood swing? What makes him sit in the owner's chair, exactly? Are they close friends?

"...What?" I innocently asked him.

Did we discuss something that I don't recall? Or is he possibly trying to sell me? So, will he actually sell me?

"Hmm... You're going to do everything that I say. In short, you're going to obey me. As simple as that, Ms. Garcia," he said, and a slight grin showed on the side of his lips.

To be honest, Mr. Maniacs looks charismatic. I would have fallen in love with him if he wasn't such an arrogant maniac. If only he wasn't a pervert...

"Thank you so much for saving me the other day, but again, I am not that kind of woman. I am not an easy one." I said, confidently.

What does he think of me? Easy woman? Just because he is attractive doesn't mean he can have everything.

"But you thought I was an easy guy last night at the pub. Am I right?" he said to me.

I was shocked by what he said. After all, he does have a point. But I still won't agree.

He handed me something—a business card. [Red Chandler Buenavista - CEO] I was shocked by what I read. It seems that the thickness of my face is gradually collapsing. I just want to be swallowed by the earth right now.

If you really look at it, the arrogant guy I tripped over last night at the bar is actually the CEO of this huge company… I can't believe this is happening!

"I seriously apologize for my actions last night, Mr. Buenavista. I was drunk at the time, and you're someone of such high status, and because of that, I definitely shouldn't have been so careless. I'm really sorry." I bowed to apologize.

"Are you sure you're careless, Ms. Garcia?" he asked. It sounds like he is joking.

Well, I am not in a state to laugh right now. I just placed my head in a pillory. What a dumb move, Chels!

"Mr. Buenavista, I'm not joking. I am really sorry for what I did. So please, if we don't have anything to talk about, I will leave now." I said, turning my back to leave when he suddenly spoke.

"If you think about it, you'll see that this is a very beneficial deal for you, Ms. Garcia. In fact, this is not for free. You will get paid monthly." I was stunned by what he said.

He was right. I need money now. There's nothing wrong with accepting his offer, but I can't just agree to this arrogant pervert man. He approached the desk and seemed to be taking something. A document. He came to me and handed over the documents he took.

I was stunned by what I read. This is a marriage contract.

He put his hand to his lips, scratching it while he was in his deep thoughts, and suddenly smiled, looking over me. "You need money, I need a marriage certificate. Isn't this a good deal, Ms. Garcia?" he said. "I'll give you a high rate and you'll be my personal maid. Those are the conditions," he added.

I looked at the contract he gave me. I spent a minute thinking about it, but NO! "Thank you very much for the offer and for your help, but that doesn't mean you can insult my dignity. I am a woman and not just a woman!" I said as I dropped the contract into his table.

"Pfft" he said, and started laughing at what I said. "Do you think highly of yourself, Ms. Devon? If I wanted to insult you, there are countless ways, but I did not because that is not what I wanted right now."

"Then, what do you mean?" I asked.

He walked closer to me and suddenly pushed me against the wall. "Don't worry too much about it; it's just a contract; you need money and I need a marriage contract," he whispered to the side of my ear.

We are in an awkward position right now. He is too close to me. I just turned my head so that our eyes wouldn't meet.

"Just last night you were so brave. You have even gone so far to ask a random man to marry you, but now you look so scared." He whispered again, but now much closer.

My hair rose up as his breath landed on my neck. Alcohol makes people bold, doesn't he know that? I'm probably drunk enough to be brave enough to do things I can't do.

He just stared at me blankly and then left to go to his table. He signed the contract and handed it back to me.

"Here," he said, while handing over the signed contract. "And here is your card that you can use. You will need it in the future."

I took the contract and suddenly the problems I was facing now came to my mind. This is such a huge amount of money. $1,751 and all I needed to do was be his maid and act as his wife. I need to be brave. This is the only way I can start over.

"I will agree to what you want to happen, but I have one condition..." I gasped.

"Okay. You raised your conditions, and I'll do mine as well. I want you to clean up your messy relationships. I don't want to be like you, surrounded by rumors." he said to me calmly.

What?! That's my condition too!

"I'd say the same thing to you!"

I immediately picked up the ballpoint pen and signed the contract. After I signed it, I just threw the pen behind my back and left. Do you think you will be able to make me do things just because I signed as your maid? Tss! I will use my wife's card then… I won't let you look down on me!


She just threw away the ballpoint pen she used and stormed out the door. What a brat! I suppose it's time to put on my husband's act...

A few minutes passed, and I felt like drinking coffee. I took my phone and called Ms. Garcia, or should I say, my wife.

"Hello?" she answered on the other line.

"Make me a cup of coffee. No sugar." I ordered.

"What?! Are you being serious right now?! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I just got on the bus!" she said in a very angry manner.

"Then get off and run back here, and also, I really want to entertain the guests with the best sushi from the Japanese store in the city. It has to be here in half an hour!"

"Are you serious?! That's too far. That's in the south of the city. Even one hour is not enough to go back after buying it!"

"Make it happen!" I responded.

She then dropped the call, and I have no idea if she really obeyed my orders. An hour passed and she still hadn't arrived. I was about to call her when the door abruptly opened and spit out my wife, who was sweating while carrying what I had ordered.

"You're late," I said.

She just looked at me and placed the sushi orders on the table.

"I have a meeting this afternoon, and at 3:40, I want you to serve 20 bags of afternoon tea from the kitchen."

She has a different expression now that you can see it. Evidently, she was really irate. She appeared inflated from the mounting rage on her face, as if she were puffing up. She then went off again. Stamping her feet loudly.

What a cry baby…

It's just as much fun as I expected. It looks like I will enjoy being with her by my side. I immediately called my secretary to tell the Garcia family the news.


Meanwhile, the day ended with Chelsea doing everything for Mr. Buenavista. When it was over, she went home to take a rest. When she entered the house, she saw her sister, Maxine Faye Garcia, her youngest step sibling, in the living room.

Maxine suddenly stood up and faced Chelsea and said, "You just broke up with Mark and now you're flirting with the CEO? You're such an embarrassment!"

"I'm tired. I don't want to mess with you!" Chelsea answered.

Maxine was very annoyed when Chelsea turned her back and continued walking. She was about to yell at her when their father suddenly arrived.

"Chelsea, my daughter, where is your boyfriend? Didn't he come here with you?" their father asked happily.

Chelsea frowned at what she heard coming from her father.

"Isn't my sister mad at you, dad, because of what happened earlier?" Maxine murmured.

Their father just glared at her. Making Maxine stop and keep on silent.

"How about we invite your boyfriend to the house, Chelsea?" he asked his daughter, full of joy.

"Let's talk about this later. I'm very tired. I need to rest." Chelsea said and continued to her room.

"Dad, you told my sister to apologize to Mark's family. For sure, my sister is mad at you right now," Maxine said to her father.

Their father ignored her and suddenly left.

"How did she end up with a CEO that quickly? She just left home earlier, and now she's got herself a CEO…"

Maxine wondered to herself while feeling jealous and envious of what was happening to her sister's life.