
This... This is real?

One day I simply woke up lying on a bed with very high bars, but that was not the worst.

When I wanted to move around to see my surroundings, I could only move my eyes, a feeling of despair assail me as well as a ghostly feeling of my arms and legs.

I know that my arms and legs should be moving according to my intention but they didn't move at all among the cloth set in which I'm wrapped.

My feeling of despair increased faster as I thought that maybe I had run out of arms and legs.

While I had my fears, I heard the cry of a baby, but it was not far...

<Is my own voice?> The crying began to buzz in my head like when you talk but.

<WHAT?!> Look how plump arms came out of the cloth and wobbled in the air with desperation to vent all feeling that I have inside my body.

<I am a baby! ... is this hell ?!> I thought it is the hell, because I had been told that in it, one will fulfill his dream or sin until it becomes torture and I always wanted to be a child without worries.

<It can not be possible> I denied it outright in my mind and kept repeating like a mantra to calm myself down.

At some point my body stopped screaming and calmed down, only it didn't last long because it began to be hungry.

* SFX Door opening hurriedly *

A giant woman opened the door and began to reassure us.

With us, I mean the other babies I woke up with my first cry.

It didn't take long for more people to arrive, one man and two women.

The man who entered began to perform somewhat strange actions.

"[𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡 𝑢𝑝 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑦𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑦]" The man spoke some strange words that I don't understand, I don't know, what language he is talking about.

But suddenly, particles of light were dragged towards the tip of the man's finger, until it became a sphere of light the size of a baseball and illuminated the entire room.

When there was finally light in the room, I could see the appearance of things and people. The room is built with wooden planks like almost everything else, the piece of cloth which is covering me looks worn but soft.

The man who has just performed an incomprehensible act ... let's call it magic, he is tall from my point of view, his hair is brown like his eyes, he has a face of someone who is always thought or scholarly, his eyes are slanted, has small square lenses on his nose that are apparently for reading and reaffirms his aura of know-it-all.

He has a brown robe that covers his entire body and is fastened by a cloth tape.

The other three women have similar clothing to sleep, a black robe fastened with a white ribbon, but they are not of the same height or physical appearance, two are equally tall while the other is smaller, she has two lumps on their head but are covered by the dressing gown.

The two tall women have the difference of aura, one being more maternal than the other along with its two large hills, apparently, she is the wet nurse, her appearance is that of a mature woman with a beautiful face, with black straight hair until her waist.

The other woman of same height has a cooler and more serene aura but when she loads a baby, this aura becomes warm, her appearance is similar to the wet nurse only that her hair and eyes are brown and she has little breast.

"Kya!" Suddenly the dwarf woman screamed when she was bitten by a baby on her finger.


The baby took off the hood and thus showing a reddish hair but what surprised me was.

<She has animal ears!> It's just that, she doesn't have the ears of an average human, or rather she doesn't have them! and instead of those, she has two small erect ears.

Every second this place becomes crazier.

I don't see technology in the room but I don't expect much when it's an orphanage because of what I see ... <He! Neither here or there ...>

Little by little the babies were appeased by the four people, but my eyes were still dwarfed with animal ears.

When it was my turn and they lifted me from my place, my mind went blank as the color of the thing that hangs on me.

A fluffy white tail, which moves in the air.

Suddenly my sight was blocked by something soft and my body reacted by instinct, my hands pushed the soft thing while my mouth sucked everything it could.

When I could look up I found the wet Nurse looking with love while she lulled me.

When I felt full my body began to warm up and give me drowsiness until I fell asleep.



Time flew by for me since I was almost always asleep.

Little by little I am getting used to this place, luckily it is not an old-time, there are televisions, there is electricity, the baby room that is where I am now, it is made of wood because it is a new extension to the orphanage, it doesn't have many things apart from the beds of the babies.

During the six months that I have been living, my body has changed or rather it has grown plumper.

Adults always pinch my cheeks when they can, the good thing is that I'm not the only one who suffers from that torture.

My motor skill is improving little by little, but it doesn't compare to my tail, for some reason my tail responds much better than my other limbs.

Although sometimes it reacts independently according to my mood.

When I get upset my tail bristles and stands erect, when I'm hungry it wiggles gently but without strength as it hangs, among other actions.

My ways of communicating so far are my crying or wagging my tail.



I have been 6 years since I arrived in this world, I discovered my name and where I live during these years and also to talk.

My name is Suta, I don't have a last name, I am obviously a man, my hair is white and my tail is like ears, I don't have human ears and some improved aspects like my night vision, a sharper sense of smell and my perception of sound is better than of the other normal children.

The language spoken in Ashima is Star Language, or the language of the stars, is so named because the legend says that when the first man who could speak it, caused the stars to shine when they saw that they could be understood by humans.

It's just the belief among ordinary people.

The place where the Moon Orphanage is located is in the town of Fluss, which is in Ashima.

Ashima is the name of one of the four islands under the government of the Starlight Kingdom, the other three islands are Shita, Kregu, Kroga, of the four, Ashima is the largest and is where the Kingdom of Starlight is.

The town of Fluss is located on the river that divides Ashima from Shita, the town lives on fishing as well as the foreigners who go on a trip, for the inns that the town has.

The town Fluss is beautiful in its own way, Fluss is built in an octagonal form which only has three entrances that form a >Y< but where the three entrances meet the main square, which is a green esplanade, and in front of the square is the house of the chief of the town facing east, then there are the secondary streets that form a pentagonal shape that also points to the east. On each side of the secondary street, there is a ledge and the one that is more to the Northwest is where the Orphanage is and the exit that leads to the Kingdom of Starlight.

The Octagonal form of the town is thus by the belief of the eighth star in the culture that only people who are reincarnated deities will have.

The town is reinforced to defend against the attacks of the beasts that are usually large groups of Kregs, goblins, Ratceks and Orcs.

Those are the four types of monsters that usually attack the town or lurk around it.

But we of the people don't have to worry because usually the Magic Academy, sends a tour of apprentice magicians or apprentice warriors to gain experience killing weak beasts.

Or sometimes the hunters' guild takes care of them when the village chief asks for help.

The head of the town is called Mart, he doesn't have a last name either, in fact, it is very rare to see someone have a surname since to have one, you have to earn it from the same King and your family will inherit it for seven generations.

Mr. Mart has a wife and two children, a girl and a boy, the girl is the oldest but she will not inherit the position and it is difficult to see her because she is always studying to get ahead, I think her name is Rose.

The boy named Roy is a very imperative and bossy child but he is not conceited, not yet.

Returning to the Orphanage, I'm not the only one with characteristics of animals, there are about 13 children bigger than me for several years as well as a few who are smaller than me, but only a girl who has just arrived has white hair.

In this world, which I don't know if they called it Earth, it is common to see people walking with weapons in the street, but nobody is afraid of them because it is common for some soldier to enchanting them with blocking, a light spell that blocks the use of weapons, blocking them from being able to remove them from their sheath and if they don't have them, they are confiscated, so everyone has a weapon... they always have something to hide them, they are usually a piece of thick leather and some chains for the most barbarians.

Some others, they have special cases.

So the question that came up when I looked at them, what if they were attacked to kill? the spell of light blocked them from using their weapon and they would die, no, the spell would be deactivated the moment one sent an intention to kill and the one who placed the spell will be alerted.

Pretty complicated is the thing.

I have witnessed several times as drunken people fight and manage to unlock the other's weapons spell, only for a group of guards to arrive and take them to the dungeon for three days for public disorder.

My hobby is to see the weapons and costumes of the people that seem to be taken from a video game of my previous life.

<Now that I remember, an extravagant carriage arrived last night> It is rare to see carriages pulled by magical beasts, although the technology is high, I still find incongruous things like a horse-drawn carriage.

They gave me a silver crystal to watch over, so now I'm sitting in the square looking at purple horses, slightly purple.

Every time they moved a trail of static generated the horses, they looked like the Shire race, but with magic.

The driver of the carriage left them food and went somewhere and those who were inside are in the house of Mr. Mart

"What are you doing, Suta ?!"

"Hey! don't surprise me like that! "I screamed in surprise at the scream in my ears that was made by Joseph, a child I usually play with, his parents own a bakery so it's easy to deal with him.

"Get away! I'm taking care of those things over there! "I point out the horses that are eating as I push Joseph away that smells of a combination of unfamiliar odors that my nose can not stand.

"EH !, WHAT ARE THOSE?!, HEY! HEY! GUYS LOOK AT WHAT SUTA HAS TO CARE FOR! "Joseph was excited to see sparks coming from the horses and began to scream with emotion to call the other kids who were playing at being a wizard or a warrior.

"AMAZING, RIGHT?!" The children were gawking at the horses that looked majestic and more with the purple or blue sparks around them, but I was a little annoyed by Joseph's attitude.

"So you presume if they are not yours!" "Suta is the one who is taking care of them, not you!" Children who don't know what is moderation, they were started to bother Joseph who only laughed in a low voice because of the shame he feels.

"Stop bothering Joseph! and they paid me a crystal of silver to watch the horses, look! "It was time to show me off so I took out the glass from my leather bag where I keep some of my things.

I lifted the crystal as high as I could in the air so that all the tadpoles would look at it and know my greatness.

"" OOOH! "" They all let out an ovation through the glass.

"How many Cropes can we buy with that!" A boy of my age asked excitedly when he saw the glass.

"1,2,3,4 ... 13!" I started counting on my fingers and Joseph's.

"" SUTA WILL BUY US CROPES !! "" Everyone started shouting excitedly.

"Hehehe, who said I would share, the 12 Cropes, they are all for me!" I cross my arms while laughing sinisterly.

"Ehh! no way!" The same child who asked how many we could buy looked sad.

"But ... I'll give you one if you say I'm the best at hiding!" My ego asked that these tadpoles accept that I was better than them to hide and that I didn't cheat but they refused to accept it and now it is the moment.

::Suta forgot that they were 13 cropes::


A sweet cake with a filling of grape pulp with a round shape.

Dipperutcreators' thoughts
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