
Magical World:Extraordinary Life

Waking up from his dream in the middle of the night, Lu Fei came to a different world and became an elf! The world is filled with races and chaotic forces, including knights, adventurers, elves, dragons, demons, and gods. The roar of the beast frightened and overwhelmed him. He is just an ordinary high school student. Survival in the wilderness is truly impossible. Fortunately, a "kind" caravan found him and not only gave him food. He also brought him to the city and gave him a legal status: slave! Because she was so good-looking, she was bribed by a powerful lolita. Sure enough, even Loli couldn't resist his charm. Lu Fei thought he was guilty... Originally, I planned to be stubborn and eat soft food. But he awakened the talent [Nature's Beloved] (all elemental attributes, full level elemental affinity) [Analytical Eye] (analyze all things, go straight to the root, reproduce, gain insight, break illusions, detect...) Lu Fei: I want to stand up and call the shots!

Frozensnow · Fantasía
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10 Chs

The Duke's Daughter, a Genius of Magic

In the study, Lori furrowed her brows as she handled various documents concerning her territory.

It wasn't the documents that troubled her, but the elf she had bought.

It had been a week since they returned from the auction.

Lu Fei had remained in a comatose state the entire time.

She had specially brought a priest to examine him, and he had said there was no problem, that Lu Fei was merely in a deep sleep and would wake naturally.

Lori had initially believed this, not feeling particularly anxious at first.

However, as the days passed without any signs of him waking up, even after the priest who had been checking up on him daily had left, she began to grow restless.

Now, her mind was consumed with thoughts of Lu Fei.

When she first saw him at the auction, she felt a strange attraction to him.

He seemed to possess certain qualities similar to her own.

After testing him, it was confirmed that they indeed shared the same talent - the ability to wield all elemental attributes with high affinity.

If he had been her enemy, Lori would have eliminated him without hesitation, for no one understood the terror of this talent better than she did.

To others, Lori was known as one of the Empire's most talented mages, but that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Publicly, she claimed to possess seven common elemental attributes: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder.

Her true rank and power were kept secret, known only to a few close confidants.

Even so, among the young mages of the Empire, there was none who could rival her.

For mages, cultivation involved meditating to absorb natural elements and cultivate magic power.

Under the same affinity for elements, ordinary mages could only meditate on one element at a time, with no increase in speed due to their focus.

Dual-attribute mages could meditate on two elements simultaneously...

The more attributes one possessed, the more elements could be absorbed from nature, leading to faster spiritual growth and greater magic reserves.

Moreover, Lori's affinity far exceeded theirs.

It was like having a pond with many pipes, with the tap turned to the maximum.

Her growth rate was beyond their imagination.

This was only an advantage in cultivation; in the study of magic, there were no restrictions. With the exception of some extremely demanding spells, she could learn almost any magic without difficulty.

Even complex elemental fusion spells, which required multiple attributes, posed no challenge for her.

With all attributes at her disposal, she faced no limitations.

She could cast suitable magic anywhere, without worrying about mismatched attributes.

If she mastered all the magic in the world, Lori believed she could rival or even surpass the gods, achieving omnipotence.

Her confidence stemmed from the talent bestowed upon her.

Thus, Lori would not hesitate to eliminate anyone with the same talent, as she would not tolerate the existence of a significant threat.

However, Lu Fei was different. He was not her enemy; as her slave, his life and death were in her hands.

Thus, she could afford to keep him around.

Not only that, but Lori was also prepared to nurture him and help him become a strong ally.

In this world, strength was paramount; only those with power could survive.

Lu Fei could become her secret weapon.

But now, her 'weapon' showed no signs of responding.


As Lori's pen gracefully danced across the paper, she paused.

She was about to check on Lu Fei again.

Just as she was about to rise, a maid rushed in, worsening Lori's already dark mood.

"If she doesn't have a good reason, I'll make sure to punish her properly! At the very least, she'll be cleaning the toilets for a week."

Lori thought to herself, watching the maid without saying a word.

Seemingly aware of her mistress's temperament, the maid spoke up immediately, "Miss, the person you asked me to take care of seems to be showing signs of waking up."

Upon hearing this, Lori stood up abruptly.

Excitedly, she asked, "What did you say? Is Lu Fei awake?"

"Well, Miss, I'm not sure if he's awake, but I heard some movement just now, so I hurried over to inform you, as you instructed me to report any activity."

The maid spoke nervously, seemingly aware that she had made a mistake.

True to her threat, Lori shot her a fierce glare. "If I find out he's not awake, I'll make you clean the toilets for a week, and there won't be any chicken legs in your meals for the entire week!"

The maid froze in fear at Lori's words.

Ignoring her, Lori walked out of the room.

Arriving at Lu Fei's door, Lori heard some sounds.

With a click, the door opened, revealing Lu Fei's cheerful face.

Lori's expression darkened.

She had been anxiously concerned about his health, yet he was here, happily laughing and joking.

Thinking of the Spirit-testing Crystal that had turned into fireworks, Lori's expression darkened even more.

Sensing someone entering, Lu Fei instinctively looked over.

What met his eyes was a petite figure and a breathtakingly beautiful face.

Information appeared in his vision as well.

[Name: Lori Veronica]

[Age: 18]

[Gender: Female]

[Species: Human (Saint Bloodline)]

[Status: Duke's Daughter, Countess of Dreamland]

[Rank: Saint Mage]

[Strength: 38 (Average for ordinary people: 5)]

[Spirit: 81 (Average for ordinary people: 5)]

[Agility: 46 (Average for ordinary people: 5)]

[Charisma: 18 (Average for ordinary people: 5, 20 is the limit for mortals)]

[Intelligence: 17 (Average for ordinary people: 5, 20 is the limit for mortals)]

[Talents: Photographic Memory, Mastery of Magic (Rapidly learns magic), Spell Mastery (Perfectly controls learned magic), Elemental Princess (Possesses all elemental attributes, extremely high affinity, has some control over elements)...]

The excessively magnificent data stunned him, leaving him dumbfounded.

Even the lowest strength data was several times higher than his own.

Did that mean he couldn't even match her little finger?

And those talents, some of them were outrageously powerful, essential for a deity.

His dream of becoming the master seemed to be crumbling.

Duke's Daughter, Countess of Dreamland... Lori's titles made Lu Fei's mind churn.

He knew Lori's status was prestigious, but he hadn't realized it was this prestigious.

Back at the auction, Windsor had mentioned some things to him.

For example, the place they were in now was the city of Rend, part of the Rite territory, located in the southwest region of the Red Dragon Empire.

The Red Dragon Empire was a vast and powerful empire in the Warren continent, ruled by the Blood Dragon Emperor, Norton Augustus.

And beneath the Blood Dragon Emperor were the five Dukes of the Empire.

Lori turned out to be a Duke's daughter, and she was also a Countess.

A sense of guilt rose in Lori's heart, as if she shouldn't have troubled him like this.

Her expression remained cold, though her eyes seemed a bit unfocused.

Lu Fei calling her "master" always felt strange, and his reactions made her uneasy.

'In the past, things weren't like this, and I haven't caught "commoner's disease" either. Feeling embarrassed about others' reverence and respect.'

After a moment of contemplation, Lori said lightly, "Forget it, from now on, you can call me by my name. I allow you to do so. Remember, this is a privilege granted to you as my servant."

After saying that, Lori relaxed a bit.

Still, she was finding excuses for herself. 'Lu Fei isn't just some expendable subordinate; he's the "sword" I chose, so naturally, I should grant him certain privileges.'

'Offering such rewards can also move him emotionally, truly making him submit to me.'

Hearing Lori's words, Lu Fei felt secretly pleased. He sighed inwardly at his growing tea skills; deliberately showing weakness could indeed reap benefits.

Crying children get candy.

"Understood, Loli, Roli."

"Roli, Loli, thanks, Roli..."

Feeling good about himself, Lu Fei felt a bit smug and arrogant, deliberately teasing them with a play on words they wouldn't understand, shouting back and forth.

But to Lori's ears, it took on a different meaning.

'Is he so happy to call me by my name? Like a child, calling incessantly.'

'Sure enough, such small favors can make this naive little elf so happy.'

With a slight smile, Lori said lightly, "Okay, don't keep calling my name all the time. Although I'm granting you a privilege, you must also understand your identity."

Giving a sweet date, but also wielding the stick, this is how one can make a servant understand their position and grasp their own dignity.

"Umm~" Lu Fei answered obediently on the surface, but in his heart, he didn't care. He even sneered inwardly, 'The little rich Roli acts so high and mighty. After spending some time together, I bet you'll abandon your principles and become a lazy ruler who doesn't attend court early.'

Lori found this attitude quite pleasing; obedient and naive, worth training well.

Approaching Lu Fei's bedside, she reached out and lightly stroked his forehead.

A hazy light emanated from Lori's hand.

Using her detection magic to sense for a moment, she found no problems; his body was healthy.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Then she said, "Molly, get him a change of clothes and have him come to the study to find me."

With that said, she turned and left the room.

The warm touch on his forehead seemed to linger, along with the lingering fragrance.

His cheeks were a little hot; Lu Fei couldn't bear this elder sister's behavior.

As the all-around campus heartthrob, although he had been pursued by many girls, he had remained single to this day.

This straightforward boldness made him unable to resist, being inexperienced as he was.

'I won't have fallen for her before I successfully conquer her, will I?'

Lu Fei lamented inwardly, but also with firm determination.

Even if he's living off a woman, he must be the one to feed himself; his self-respect wouldn't allow otherwise.

Apart from Lu Fei, there was only one maid named Molly left in the room.

Lu Fei looked at her with interest.

[Name: Molly]

[Age: 19]

[Gender: Female]

[Species: Human]

[Occupation: Maid]

[Rank: Intermediate Mage]

[Strength: 16 (Average for a normal person: 5)]

[Spirit: 46 (Average for a normal person: 5)]

[Agility: 18 (Average for a normal person: 5)]

[Charisma: 13 (Average for a normal person: 5, 20 is the limit for mundane beings)]

[Intelligence: 9 (Average for a normal person: 5, 20 is the limit for mundane beings)]

[Talent: Proficient in household chores]


Lu Fei felt embarrassed; this seemingly delicate maid was unexpectedly so strong.

Concealing his thoughts, Lu Fei prepared to try controlling his "Analytical Eyes".

It was relatively easy to use; once aware of its existence, it was like an extra organ in his body, free to deploy.

Closing his eyes, then opening them again, he indeed couldn't see any data or information.

'This should be the simplest use.' Lu Fei thought.

He believed there were other uses for his eyes waiting for him to develop.

While Lu Fei sat on the bed lost in thought, Molly had already come over with a change of clothes.

"Um, here are your clothes. Do you need help putting them on?" Molly asked shyly, unable to meet Lu Fei's eyes.

She had been frightened by this elf after just one encounter; she had never encountered such a handsome opposite sex before.

For her, Lu Fei was a terrifying person; just one glance could make her heart beat rapidly, even more so than those mind magicians.

If it weren't for the mistress's orders, she would definitely keep her distance.

But because he woke up, she was spared her mistress's punishment, got to keep the chicken leg, and didn't have to clean the toilet.

She felt a bit grateful to Lu Fei in her heart.

"Lu Fei, you can call me Lu Fei." Lu Fei said to the maid with an affable tone.

Lu Fei's voice made Molly blush a bit.

"Then, then you can call me Molly, that's my name."

In a flustered tone, Molly made Lu Fei smile.

"Molly, what a nice name, just like you, elegant and beautiful."

"Uh..." Like water boiling in a steam engine, a mist rose from Molly's head.

"Here are your clothes."

Throwing the clothes onto Lu Fei's bed, Molly hurriedly ran out like she was escaping.

Once she was far away from Lu Fei's room, Molly breathed a sigh of relief.

Patting her chest, she muttered to herself, "Too scary, too scary, my heart almost jumped out, I almost couldn't breathe. This Lu Fei is too dangerous; just saying a few words nearly killed me. I'll go beg the mistress later, see if I can change jobs, even cleaning the toilet would be fine..."