
Chapter 22-

Sirius, Remus, and James were enjoying breakfast and Wormtail sat, blessedly, at the other side of the table. When Sirius asked,

"Where's Ricky?"

James turned in his seat and to see Terry eating his breakfast alone.

That was odd.

Ricky didn't appear until halfway through breakfast with Andromeda and Narcissa at his side, which was odder still.

Ricky and Andromeda were holding hands and they parted with smiles.

James was about to ask Sirius if something really was going on, but Ricky was coming to them looking tired, rumpled, and a bit unsteady on his feet.

"You look a bit hungover, Potterclaw," Sirius teased as he sank into a seat beside James.

"Your cousins are impossible," Ricky announced, reaching for a glass of pumpkin juice and toast.

Sirius burst into laughter, "You didn't play poker with them? Oh, you poor boy, I hope you realized they hustled you, right? Cissa can count cards."

Ricky nodded, "And I didn't eat last night either."

"You didn't eat?" Remus asked curiously, "but last night was the feast."

He shrugged, "I don't like Halloween, getting drunk with the Blacks was much preferable to celebrating."

"You didn't invite me, and I'm a Black to you know," Sirius pouted.

Ricky grinned, "Trust me, you crazy hound, I haven't forgotten that."

James was frowning at his best mate, "Since when do you get along with your cousins?"

Sirius' expression fell but Ricky spoke before he could answer, "You all better be getting along with them, Andromeda and I are dating."

Remus' jaw dropped as did James' and everyone within earshot exploded into whispers much like the Slytherin table already was.

Sirius was grinning, "Andromeda is pretty awesome."

"She's a Slytherin," James protested.

"Of course she is," he shot back, "Can you imagine her in any other house?"


Ricky snorted, "I like books more than Andromeda does."

"You are a Ravenclaw," James retorted, "I don't know why though, I mean yeah you carry heavier books around with you than even Moony does, and if he isn't a claw why are you?"

"James, for the record" Ricky said flatly, "I was almost sorted into Slytherin."

"Where were you three playing poker?" Sirius asked.

"The Slytherin dorms."

Sirius pursed his lips at him, "Not in their common room, you didn't. Slughorn would be breathing down your neck by now. In Regulus' room? How did you keep his dormmates from noticing?"

"We played poker in Andromeda and Narcissa's room. I'm still not sure I fully understand how you three and those two managed to get your own rooms."

"Wait." James held up his hand and lowered his voice, "You're telling us that you not only broke into the Slytherin dorm, which none of us have ever managed, and you got into one of the girl's dorm rooms?"

Ricky nodded, then passed something to James under the table, "Yep, thanks for letting me borrow the map and cloak, by the way, they were most useful."

"You stole my stuff!" James exploded.

"Told you so," Remus sang, smiling widely.

"Borrowed," Ricky repeated smoothly, "See, I'm giving them back, none the worse for wear. Besides we're family, I thought we were supposed to share." He stood and slung his bag around his shoulder. "Laters Marauders, mind your mischief."

The three of them stared after him in degrees of astonishment and fondness.

Remus asked, "How does he know so much? James, I think your cousin is going to give you a run for your money in causing trouble."

James shook his head, not knowing where to even begin with Ricky.

Maybe he should have been sorted into Slytherin, after all.

And just like that, a month Passed. Ricky and James win some quidditch matches, Ricky and Andromeda become a known item, much to the consternation of the occupants at Hogwarts.

Some people didn't believe the rumors at first, but when they were spotted together during their Hogsmead weekend they had bo choice but too.

Aside from Terry and Narcissa who are highly amused by the whole affair Siriusand Regulus just shook their heads and left it at that.

Hagrid and Ricky become even closer friends bonding over their love for Magical Creatures.

About a month ago though something else happened. Something good, Ricky has finally found a way to create life.

Well it's note like recreate really, using the cloning method from his DnD character by using the blood he has been collecting throughout the school.

But his were a variation that he came up with, by crafting a biological double similar to what the original spell did but with one notable difference, the lack of a soul connection.

This would mean that Ricky could theoretically create a clone double of a chosen target and if that target happened to die, the soul would not pop into the clone double.

So he now had a blank and soulless living body with the ability to use magic. And to remedy that problem, he had to use drastic measures.

You no matter what one cannot create a soul, but with magic one can manipulate one. So with that in mind Ricky sent his simulacrums to scoure the continent and rip the soul out of some of the worst criminals they could get their hands on.

The list included child molesters, child rapists, human traffickers, serial killers, and all forms of sick assholes. When the simulacrums came back they had over three hundred souls.

Though he was not comfortable with what he was about to do, he convinced himself that it was for the 'greater good' that those scumbags were removed from society.

the next process was the hardest for him as it attacked his moral code, the souls were tortured repeatedly and mercilessly in order to break them down to their base forms.

That took a week for relentless torture that Ricky left and the hands of his simulacrum's, after they were rendered blank with no memories, no personalities, and no means to influence the bodies. That he used the 'alter memory' spell, which through that he was also able to give the bodies their own unique personalities and lives.

So it was with great joy that today he looked on nine nicely dressed figures in front of him.

There were six males and three females, three of the males and one of the female ages ranged between eighteen and sixteen years old. While the others between sixty and forty.

Two of the males were the current head of the Peverell family and his heir, while the other males were the current head of the Le Fey family, and his heir.

The last two were the leader and heir of the Pendragon family.

The females were the sole daughter of the Pendragon family and her mother. Apparently the Pendragon family did exist. Well considering both Morgana Le Fey and Merlin Emrys did exist he shouldn't have been surprised.

The last female was the wife of the head of the Peverell family. In the end he ended up bringing three extinct families back.

He snuck out of the castle one night and send them along with Three simulacrums to establish an identity, something the goblins could help with.

While everything was going well for Ricky for the last two days, Voldemort was in a towering mood. Two of his Horcruxes were gone, the ring was acting up and thanks to his one unplanned, one involuntarily made Horcrux, he had to start wearing a glamour of over his once brown now red, eyes.

He needed to check on his two Horcruxes at Hogwarts, and conveniently, there were open interviews for the DADA positions today.

It was one of the first things to go right for him in a long time, he had only a few mindless moronic, spies in place at Hogwarts.

The Blacks had slipped his leash, the eldest who was in France, had cut all contact with him, not returning any of his letters when they had such a delightful theoretical discussion going about the Dark Arts. But she had cut correspondence stating that her duty was to her sisters first and foremost.

How she had gone from being drawn in by his honeyed words then to being able to cut through to his intentions that he had yet to hint at, was a mystery.

But it was much of the same mystery going around. The potions genius in his sixth year was unreachable, as was Nott and Malfoy who had been spooked by the rumours of a Dark Lord 'enslaving' people.

When Voldemort found out who had started using the word 'enslave' he would strangle them.

Everywhere he turned, more doors seemed to shut, his existence, his intentions an open secret, that only those of such low prospects were interested in joining him now.

He had a few key Pure Blood families in his grasp but now most of them left, the Rosiers, and the Carrows deserted, and the Lestrange's apparently angered a hidden pure blood family and got wiped out recently.

To make matters worst he could not get any Information on the family that had done so, for a family to not only have the power and ability to wipe out an old pure blood family like the Lestrange's, they would no doubt be of use to his cause.

But sadly he kept coming short, even the ministry hadn't have any luck. When they went to Gringotts, the goblins told them that all of the Lestrange family assets have been transferred to that same family whom wipe them out, according to them the Lestrange's violated a contract written by their ancestors in middle ages.

The consequence of the violation of said contract meant certain death of the whole family, and that all assets would transferred to the living family including their seats on the Wizengamot.

The goblins also informed them that the said family are one hundred percent pure blood, but tend to stay away from politics.

It was infuriating, things weren't going well for him, the pure bloods weren't even turning him down because they disagreed with his worldview, they were turning him down because they didn't want to serve him, because they didn't want to put themselves at risk.


Still, he thought things might still be salvageable, there were older minds to be impressed upon, it would take longer than raising support among the young, but it was certainly doable.

He entered Hogwarts' great halls and felt a sense of homecoming wash over him.

He felt centered.

At Hogwarts, all things were possible, with magic, everything was achievable.

"That's him," someone whispered, Voldemort caught a glimpse of a boy with wild hair and spectacles, and for a moment he felt an instance of connection, a flash of another's emotions, fear, disgust, and… fury.

But whoever the boy was, was lost in the crowd. And the whispers that started after him made Voldemort's head spin.

Their voices and laughter overlapped each other, and he froze as students streamed around him to get to their classes after lunch.

"That's him, the Dark Lord."

"The would-be Dark Lord."


"What a silly name."

"Who would choose to be called Moldemort?"

"No, Vuldemort, like vulva."

"Oh, I know who that is!"

"Slughorn has a picture of him on his shelf. He talks about him all the time and what a waste he was."

"Well, what is his name?"

"Tom Riddle."

"He was a half blood in Slytherin. Guess he was smart or something."

"And he wants to run a Pure Blood revolution? He can't be that smart."

"What a laugh!"

Voldemort was breathing heavy, he wanted to kill all of them each and every one of them.

But he couldn't slaughter children, not here, no matter what people felt about sides, and adult murdering children did not garner support, especially when the majority of the speakers had seemed to be from Slytherin.

That wasn't good, that wasn't good at all.

He made his way to the fourth floor and was barely able to control his rage at what he didn't find.

He went to Dumbledore's office, so angry he could barely see, someone would bleed tonight.

Multiple someones would scream and die. And whoever had started the rumours, he would find them and make an example out of them.

"Tom," Dumbledore greeted with a twinkle in his eye. "How fortunate I am to see you here. Come, have a seat, would you like any tea."

"No, Albus," Voldemort said through gritted teeth and a forced smile. "Thank you." He took a seat. "I'm here for the interview."

"Ah, yes," Dumbledore said, looking in extremely high spirits. He didn't sit behind his desk, rather leaning against the front of his desk, his hands at his sides. His accursed phoenix gave a warning trill.

They both ignored the buzzard.

"You know my experience is more than-"

Dumbledore cut him off, "Yes, your experience. Let's talk about your experiences, shall we, Tom."

"Research," he said shortly, "Into Defense Against-"

"I rather think it has been for not against." His blue eyes were no longer twinkling.

"Whatever do you mean?" Voldemort said smoothy, trying to keep his shoulders from visibly tensing.

"I received a very interesting package from an enormous source. A gift of sorts. Certainly, it included my new favorite pair of socks. Poor dear didn't seem to know that a bezoar wouldn't work against Basilisk venom, but their intentions were certainly good."

"You were given socks and Basilisk venom,"

Voldemort repeated slowly, trying to still his heartbeat and not jump to conclusions.

"No, they sent me a lovely pair of socks and a Basilisk fang, as well as a bezoar."

Voldemort cursed internally as the old man continued.

"And what's more the letter said it was from Salazar's monsters. I'm sure you remember the Chamber of Secrets, don't you Tom? A Basilisk does indeed seem more Salazar Slytherin's style than Hagrid's spiders he saved from smugglers from the East, don't you agree."

Voldemort said nothing, only glared up at the man, whose eyes were now focused not his gaze but on his left hand, where he wore his ring, his last safe Horcrux.

Recognition flared in the old man's eyes and Voldemort knew, knew, the old bastard recognized it as a horcrux.

He wasn't the only one who had been chasing fairy-tales. Voldemort had to decide if Dumbledore had somehow managed to get word to the DMLE before there conversation, or whether he still had time to walk out of here.

He was very glad he had brought a portkey with him.

"That wasn't the only things in the package, there was also Helga's cup, which has been missing for years, Salazar's locket, Rowena's diadem, and a journal with your name on it, Tom Marvolo Riddle."

Voldemort struck with a curse before the man could say another word. His plans had just fallen to ruin.

The war had started today.

The Dementors were his, even though he has to make due without Greyback and his werewolves, or the Giants, no, his careful seductions were now nothing, but he wasn't off the board. Not yet.

War was now, and anyone opposed him would know death.

Dumbledore struck back with a power that had earned him the title Greatest Wizard of their age.

Tom had only to reach into his robes to escape, but it was taking all his concentration to hold of the other wizard's attack.

Pain, searing pain cut through his left wrist, and his left hand and his surviving Horcrux fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

Dumbledore didn't fight like a Light wizard, he fought with all the tenacity of the legendary Grindelwald, and Voldemort couldn't even summon the hand to himself.

A spell of blue fire shaped like a dragon came at him, and Voldemort knew instinctively that his shield would be no good against it. He summoned the portkey from his robes and was yanked away.

He landed on the ground, hard, his hair falling over his face as he curled in around his left stub were his hand and Horcrux been. He roared, he howled with rage.

They would pay for this humiliation, they would all pay!

Back at Hogwarts, one Ricky Potter was screaming into his pillow, the four poster bed curtains drawn and warded to keep out sound.

He was very grateful that he had thought to go back to his dorm rather than attend his afternoon classes when he had spotted Voldemort in the halls.

He had seen the entire reveal between the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. All Ricky had done had worked. Now he could only fear what Voldemort would do now. Of all people, Ricky knew just how Voldemort could be when he appeared to be losing.

He waded through the pain, his scar hurting like it never had before. He didn't go to dinner, and when Terry checked up on him, he pretended to be asleep.

Ricky didn't know what he had to do next, but he was very glad that Dumbledore not only knew the truth about Tom Riddle but had taken active steps against him.

Now, he only had to remove and destroy the last Horcrux, the one in his scar.

He knew Dumbledore wouldn't kill Voldemort, for everything he was Dumbledore was at his base a pacifist and a fool, at his core he was a coward.

He would sacrifice the lives of everyone, innocent children, and muggles before he would kill.

So now that Voldemort will be public enemy number one, by making him mortal it would only be a matter of time before someone snuffs him.

The next in the front of the Daily prophet, there was a huge spread.


Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr., Half blood son of Merooe Gaunt, and muggle aristocrat Tom Riddle.

Merope Gaunt used a love potion to ensnare him, but upon being freed from said potion abandoned her and unborn child.

Hogwarts attendee class of 45, the now dark lord self proclaimed Lord Voldemort, is considered highly dangerous and unstable. Do not engage, call for Aurors for help immediately.

Known for using all three unforgivables, responsible for hundreds of Muggle murders. Maybe using the Imperius Curse on several unknown people.

Has been linked to a number of wizards' and witches' disappearances over the last few decades. Any known associates may be brought up on criminal charges…

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