
Magic and Miseries

The most powerful supernatural ever is given a second chance at life after being resurrected for selfishly sacrificing herself to save the love of her life. Being the only human, who doesn’t have powers, in her world, she leaves one night to find herself among people like her. Now in New York City, she finds out that people aren’t always what they seem, she comes across two guys Mysterious Ian and Dangerous Don. But there are some secrets in this town, that shouldn’t be dug up.

Chibaby_5934 · Fantasía
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4 Chs



THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN ENTERING THAT CUBE IS DEATH AND LITERAL EXPLOSION. Miles the advisor stated loudly the next day at the crowd that had gathered to watch the test.

Participants should be sure of what they are about to do, because the cube isn't friendly. Entering it, is a piece of cake, it is coming out alive that is the problem. It will literally turn your DNA around, only the strongest of them all and the bravest of them can hope to pass out without any deformity. Miles said reading from the royal scroll.

Bella gulped as Stasia muttered just great under her breath. Who else wants to change their mind. Parrish asked from where they all stood.

Oh shut up, Parrish. Bella said smacking him on the arm.

Ouch, I might be the youngest but we are all the same age, I will definitely take a swing at you. Parrish said as he rubbed his aching arm.

Guys, chill. We got a bigger issue on our hands now. Jasmine whispered from behind them.

And now, we will let the ruler of this great kingdom, the King of Arcadia give us a speech. Miles said as he stepped back as King Charles made the way to the front amidst applause.

Good afternoon, citizens of Arcadia, it is with great pleasure and joy that I welcome you all to the yearly test, we carry out to find out the class of supernatural that we belong to. Arcadia is a kingdom filled with different species of people, we may all look different in our own way, but we are all unique, as we all bear a different gift within us. The gift that makes us to keep on growing amidst differences.

And now, we have gathered here again to let our children carry out this test. Now I know some of you may be afraid, both parents and participants alike, hell I am afraid too, but weakness is not an option. We have to thrive and use this as a challenge to get better, and well, let's get to the test then. King Charles said as he went back to his seat and sat down.

How did I do? He whispered to queen Ashley.

Very bad. You suck at giving speeches. She whispered back giggling as he faced the front with a moody look.

Miles stood from where he stayed and said.

And all he said in summary was, everything is going to work out well. Give a nice round of applause for our ruler. He said as everyone clapped for him.

And now, let's get to the names. If you hear your name, keep step forward and enter the cube, let it decide your fate.

Miles had finished with the thirteenth batch and paused. He looked at the remaining number of participants left. Impossible, he whispered. How could this be? Something was definitely wrong, there were sixteen participants left and they meant two more batches.

Batch 15 was an abominable number, the last time they ever had a batch 15 was eons ago, and that brought total destruction to the land, and now history was repeating itself, it would have been better if his nieces and nephew had undergone theirs but they hadn't and they were on the last three in the list. The names were written there magically and he can't alter them, or face instant death, from the scroll.

He looked at the king and the queen who stared back at him with questioning eyes.

Why the hell did uncle miles stop? My legs are killing me. Bella said bending down.

Dummy, didn't you hear what batch he just called out? Parrish asked rolling his eyes, in anger.

Duh, I did. Batch 13, so what, let him get on with the names, fortunately no one has died yet. Maisie said rolling her eyes.

You still don't get it, do you. He is calling out batch 13 and that is the highest batch ever, we are 18 left, that means two more batches to go, and batch 15 is forbidden batch. It never happens, can't you see that everyone is apprehensive now. Parrish said in a low tone for all the participants to hear.

Some of them had begun to get scared, as some were shaking a bit, scared of their fate. Jasmine looked around and said

Is what they say about batch 15 true, my great grand mum, and my grand mum, always told me bedtime stories of what their ancestors went through. And they told me that the worst thing ever is to be placed in that batch. That, it is cursed.

Well, they did wipe out more than half of the two kingdoms, they were uncontrollable back then, maybe this year will be different. Meryl said shrugging.

Miles looked at the crowd, and saw that the crowd had started to murmur, he was stalling and he doesn't even know why he was stalling.

He looked at the king and the queen and they nodded, signifying that he should continue with the calling. He cleared his throat and called out the names.

Anya, please enter the cube. He announced loudly as a timid girl, nervously entered the cube, as it slid shut and a blue light glowed.

After few minutes, it stopped glowing as the cube opened and the girl came out looking quite the same but this time with wings at her back.

She's a fairy. A man announced as people started applauding and whistling.

The girl's parents ran to her and hugged her crying tears of joy, as they were grateful that their daughter wasn't dead.

After the jubilation had gotten down, Miles cleared his throat and called out the rest of the batch 14 and they were jubilation all through because it was successful.

Jayden, Maisie, Stasia, Bella, Parrish, Jasmine, Dylan, and Carl, all gulped when they realized that they were the last people standing. Everywhere turned to a grave yard as people shifted uncomfortably, murmuring. Even the sky turned gloomy, as dark clouds began to cover everywhere. The cube started radiating off a black light, before returning back to normal.

Miles looked at the frightened teenagers in front of him and shook his head, as he began to read the forbidden batch

Batch 15…. Dylan. He called loudly as Dylan gulped and entered the cube as it began to glow…