
Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 3

A few hours later*

"So, I just channel my Demonic Power to these Runes on my wrist to turn it off and on?" Rias look at her left wrist, where there are numerous tiny printed Magic Words wrapped around her wrist. Similar to a tattooed and giving off a gentle light purple glow, showing it's on right now. "Also, are you sure you don't need me to be completely naked?" Rias pout at Zheng.

"You just want sex." Zheng deadpan at Rias, and to think one sex is all it needs before finding out that Rias is a nympho.

"And don't you want it too?" Rias lean forward, to give Zheng a good view of her cleavage.

"I do, but that doesn't mean I want to have non-stop sex when we can do something productive. Like getting you better control over your Devil's Luck or make it more powerful. Since your luck went downhill due to your own father and maybe your brother if what you told me about him a while ago is true." Zheng said to Rias calmly, ignoring the raging boner he is having and he knew Rias noticed with the way she smirking again after she glances down at his dick.

Rias blankly stare at Zheng the moment he finished speaking. As her mind comprehends every word he just said near the end, then her eyes widen in disbelief. "Are you for real?! You can make my Devil's Luck stronger than as it is?!" If this is true, then could it be possible with her Power of Destruction too?!

"Yeah. Also, I've included the Runes on your wrist, that other than myself and through certain conditions are met. Pretty much everyone would ignore you and treat you as a nobody. However, the moment you talk to them and/or touch them, then they will notice you straight away." Zheng made sure to go back onto the topic of the Magic Words he printed onto Rias's left wrist.

"Seriously?" Rias did not expect this and looking at her left wrist again and to think there is another feature to it other than making her undetectable. But, not to the point, everyone excluding her darling wouldn't even pay attention to her whatsoever.

"Yup. I don't know about you, but you're hard not to be noticed by the crowd. Hell, if I haven't come along yesterday at the right time, then you would have been bound to be capture by someone. Be it from the mundane world or the supernatural world." Zheng points out how lucky... Rias is. He slaps his forehead. "I just realize it's your Devil's Luck that made me found you and prevented others from taking you away." Zheng let out a sigh, that it seems a bit too forced yesterday upon finding Rias. It's due to her Devil's Luck helping her out still during her escape.

"Now, that you mention it. I could see that happen." Rias said casually, but secretly she is thinking about all the time she went through and wonder if it's truly her Devil's Luck not working most of the time or one of her family nearby. If it's the latter, then she has been played by someone in her family nearly all her life, which is a whole lot worse than the former. At least, the former she could understand why.

"Hm. Well, I got nothing much to do today. So, I guess we can start off working on improving your Devil's Luck first and anything else later." Zheng said to Rias, along with thinking about what kind of Magic Words he will use.

"Ready~!" Rias took all her clothes off, making Zheng look at her with a deadpan.

He didn't even ask her to remove anything at all and she just strips. Seriously make him wonder what kind of person Rias is before he met her. Because he could have sworn she would act a bit different compared to her canon version. Then again, she was considered a nudist due to many fanservice scenes in the series.

An hour later*

"Okay, I'm exhausted. Mentally and physically." Zheng lay on his bed, very tired and sweating a bit. As he overused his Magic Power, where he even went far as to use a couple of Magic Words to speed up his regeneration and even sometimes use powerful Magic Words to instantly restore his stamina, which is dangerous if not timed right and use too many times without any rest.

"Here. Let me give you a back massage. It's at least I can do for you've done for me." Rias said softly as she gently pushes her darling onto his stomach, which he didn't resist, and begin massaging him. "You know, with everything you have done for me, even just knowing me for a day and I pretty much forced you to have sex with me. I'm happy to meet you, Zheng-kun. So, I hope we'll be together forever." She honestly can't believe how someone could increase her Devil's Luck to be better than it was before.

If anything, if someone found out about Zheng could do something like this. He would be hunted for his secret and be killed, to be forcibly turned into a Reincarnated Devil. And suddenly, she can see why her darling wanted to stay low-key so much. Maybe it's best for her to change her mindset and adapt to her new present situation. No longer being an heiress to the Gremory Clan nor having a peerage that should have act like her own family.

"Don't mention it. It's just too bad I don't have enough Magic Power to increase everything and only your Devil's Luck, even your Power of Destruction is too much for me to enhance." Zheng didn't think it would take that much to make Rias overpowered, but it seems that there is even a limit for him. Well, more like Rias is the first Devil he has tried using Letter Magic on, and he is surprised how hard it is to just write down a couple of Magic Words further than the one has already written down on her left wrist. Only to be hit by the harsh reality, that he could only boost Rias's Devil's Luck by 20% and that it is for him right now.

"It's fine. 20% is more than enough for some like me." This is the truth for Rias because that just means her own personal luck is 20% higher and that's a lot already. Even just 2% would be great in her opinion. She knew how luck is very important for the Gremory Clan. Therefore, she knew how important it is to not let this out at all costs. "So now that you help me. What do you want us to do next? Maybe I can help you somehow?"

"Just having you-ugh." Zheng let out a grunt as Rias decided to sit on his lower back before resuming on giving him a back massage while making sure to allow him to feel her butt too. "Just having you do my back massage is already helping me. By the way, other than being with me. What's your plan for the future. Out of curiosity on my part really." He let out a sigh of relief at the end, where Rias is surprisingly great at giving a massage.

Usually, he would just remove anything feeling sore with Letter Magic, but the feeling of getting his back massage is completely different and worth having the pain slowly being removed. Especially by someone like Rias.

"As for what we do next. Let's get back to this topic after we discuss your future plans." Zheng continues off while feeling more relaxed than before. "And if you're that curious about what my future plans are before meeting you. It's mainly just a repeated process of waking up, train, studying, eating, bathroom, studying, eating, studying, bathing, sleeping, and repeat again. Unless I've run out of food, then I'd go out to buy groceries after I complete I pawn off something valuable to the pawnshop to get some money whenever I'm low on cash. And yes, I have used Letter Magic to make said something valuable."

"I see." Rias start massaging her darling's shoulders after she moves up a bit. "I'd love to get back at my family and those that abandoned me. But, after thinking about it. There is no point in me sticking around. Sure, my pride would be wounded. Better than being married off like I was only worth as a breeding tool for the Devil Faction. Something I have been thinking about in the morning and even now, I'm still debating if I should just give up on vengeance or not. Then, realize I don't have the strength nor have the backing to get my vengeance." Rias let out a sad sigh, then put on a smile. "So for the time being, I'll just go with the flow and let what life has in store for me. After all, I didn't have anything in mind when I met you, darling." Rias wraps her arms around darling's neck and rests her head on her left arm while pressing her cheek against Zheng's. "And right now, I rather just be with you and that's fine for me."

"Alrighty then." Zheng replied, wonder if Rias was this clingy in the canon, then recall how there are more girls than just Rias and how she is jealous too for some time because of the other girls. "Well, I need to work on studying my Letter Magic." There are still lots of innate knowledge for him to go through and it will take him years to go through all of them.

"Kay." Rias smile. As she continues to lay on top of Zheng.

"I kind of need you to get off me." Zheng said dryly, thinking about if she is about to tease him again or just whatever to mess with him.

"I don't want to~!" Rias giggle at the end. As she felt so free, no more responsibility nor having to be concerned about dealing with politics. Not even having to deal with that bastard, Riser. "Can't you study your Letter Magic without me having to get off?"

"I can, but I won't be about to concentrate." Zheng trying his best not to react to Rias's breasts on his back nor the way she is gently kissing him on the cheek more than once now.

"Alright." Rias let out a sad sigh, getting off her darling and look around the place. Paying more attention to her surrounding for the first time since she was brought here. "Do you mind me making something for us to eat? I'm getting a bit hungry."

"Go ahead. I've already restocked on food in the fridge." Zheng said to Rias. Getting up from the bed and felt great. No backache from the time he had to slouch down to get a better look at Rias's left wrist while writing down the Magic Words. In hindsight, he should have used a Recovery Spell or two during that time. "Also, before you begin cooking. Make sure to look up online how to cook and whatever, then channel your Demonic Power through your body, to replicate what you've seen in the video. See if that would improve your cooking skills." This is an idea he got on the spot and wonders if Rias and other Devils could do the same with Demonic Power.

"Got it~!" Rias said to her darling, while secretly thinking about what things she could have done with Demonic Power and feel stupid for not thinking about using it other than blasting Stray Devils with her Power of Destruction when she could have done other things with the basic usages of the Demonic Power.

It was on this day, that Rias would explode what else she could do with Demonic Power other than working on her two innate abilities from two different Clans of the 72 Pillars. All thanks to Zheng's helpful tip he just thought of. Allowing Rias to branch out into other things that would help her future.