
Mage Bizarre

A world where people can use magic, a place with demons, humans and Mages...And amazing tools When the two brothers loose both of their parents they decide to enter the world of magic..and the world of magic gives them more knowledge..now their goal is to achieve (THE SUPREME) Read the full story...

Aman_Saraswat_2282 · Fantasía
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29 Chs


CHAPTER-21---------------------IN THE NEWS! MEMORY IS BACK----------------------

It's been a week since Agetsu hasn't gained consciousness…Rishido is staying in a hotel…every citizen is thanking Rishido for saving them…after a total of 8 days…Agetsu gained consciousness…

Nurse: "Mr.Mage…your brother has woke up"

Rishido run's as fast as he could…he sees Agetsu laying on the bed…he gives a glass of water to Agetsu

Rishido crying: "I am really glad you are okay…."

Agetsu: "I-I-I….I remember"

Rishido: "WHAT!?"

Agetsu: "I remember everything…my memory is back…."

Rishido hugged Agetsu tightly…

Nurse: "young mages!..you have been summoned by our mayor.

Rishido: "Agetsu here you go…a new coat for you…get dressed we gotta go!"

Agetsu: "WOAH…this is amazing…thankyou very much"

They both go to mayor's office…

Mayor: "Agetsu and Rishido…we thankyou very much for saving our town from Gobo"

Agetsu: "how do you know our names?!"

Mayor: "don't you read the news paper?"

Rishido: "the news paper?"

Mayor: "have a look"


1>Young mages!...Rishido and Agetsu defeated the ancient demon Orukiri…we are very thankfull!

2>young mages!...Agetsu and Rishido defeated Bo! The emperor of strength!....gifts them a boat!"

Agetsu: "looks like we are really famous"

Rishido: "we didn't knew we were in news papers…we gotta keep our records I guess"

Rishido: "well, thankyou for having us mayor, we will take our leave now"

Mayor: "you both are welcome anytime!"

Agetsu: "yes!...thankyou very much"

Rishido: "okay now Agetsu , we have to go to OLD SHAG…OLD SHAG is an ancient city…the city begun before the time of mages and is still going on to this time…it's one of the cities which had mages visit for the first time…there are some few more ancient cities…for now we have to go through that city in order to find (the supreme)…it will take us time to reach there…we have no other way to go there than walking…which will take us two days approximately…and if we stop at nights and took breaks then roughly 4 days.

Agetsu: "UNDERSTOOD!...I am ready!"

----------------------------------------END OF CH-21------------------------------------

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