
Madara Reborn in genshin impact without memory

SleepyGamer_18 · Otras
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4 Chs

chapter 4 father,battle,limit

Chapter 5: The Battle

It had been days since the last battle, but the weariness in my bones still lingered. My father, who had grown even stronger since the last Uchiha event where I had defended him, stood before me. His imposing figure towered over me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of intimidation. But I knew that this fight could be the opportunity I needed to break through my limit and reach a new level of power.

My father's three-tomoe Sharingan was just too powerful for me to handle. Sweat trickled down my forehead, and my breaths came out in ragged gasps. However, as the fight wore on, I began to feel a strange surge of energy within me. It was like something deep within me had been awakened, and I was finally able to push my Sharingan to its limits.

As we continued to battle, I found that I was able to anticipate my father's moves before he even made them. I could see through his Sharingan's illusions and was able to predict his every move. It was like I had unlocked a new level of power, and my father couldn't keep up with me.

Despite my newfound strength, however, I still couldn't quite break through my Sharingan's limit. But I didn't let that stop me. With a fierce determination, I pushed myself harder and harder with each passing moment.

Chapter 6: The Aftermath

As the battle ended, I collapsed to the ground, panting and exhausted. My father stood over me, his face a mixture of pride and concern. "You pushed yourself hard, son," he said. "But you need to rest now."

For the next few days, I slept, ate, and trained. I could feel my power growing with every passing moment. I trained day and night, never letting up until I felt like I had reached my full potential.

Finally, after weeks of intense training, I stood before my father again. This time, I was confident in my abilities. I knew that I had grown stronger, and that nothing could stop me now.

My father and I battled again, but this time, I was in control. I could see through his moves, predict his attacks, and defend against them with ease. And then, finally, I did it. I broke through my Sharingan's limit, and my power surged to new heights.

My father looked at me with a mixture of pride and amazement. "You've done it, son," he said. "You've surpassed me."

From that day on, I knew that I had truly come into my own. I was no longer just a young Uchiha struggling to find his place in the world. I was a warrior, a force to be reckoned with. And I knew that nothing could stop me now