
Mad love (I'm anti-romantic) Book 3

I love you. I hate you. I like you. I detest you. I need you. I think you're stupid. I think you're a loser. I think you're wonderful. I know you stole my heart in addition to yours. But yet and despite all these, I'll tell you one thing, I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU...

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Ciudad
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30 Chs

20| Expensive card

Few minutes after the doctor left me alone in my ward, I saw Mia rushing in towards my bed.

Her slippers made hasty sounds as she rushed to catch up with me like it was a competition of marathon.

"Mabel!" She tossed aside the bag she was holding and then pulled me into a tight hug. She pulled back before I inched out a breath of air, "Are you okay?"

Her eyes are downcasted.

Of course no, Mia. Like seriously, who gets alright in this present condition?


I rolled my eyes over. Mia and her sarcastic questions.

She understood. She sighed, running her fingers into my hair, "I'm so sorry you fell into this condition, girlfriend. But do you mind telling me how it happened?"

I twitched my mouth towards the direction of a seat for her to sit.

She's sweating continuously and those droplets of sweats are pouring down on me like rain drops.

I'm glad she's good with sign language.

"Oh, yeah, thanks." She sat and still pulled the chair closer to the bedside. "How did this hit you up this early Sunday morning?"

"Firstly, how did you know? And secondly, aren't you supposed to be in church?" I asked instead.


Does that hurt a bit?

Sorry, I returned it back as question. I love God, belief and religion. Something inside of me tells me the reason I'm a victim of this right now, is only because my instincts choose business over religion.

Good for me. Well, not that bad after all. It didn't just happened in vain. It kinda happen to bring some lost and found person back to me.

I never knew Mia hadn't answered my question yet, still, she kept a very close deadpan stare at me.

"What?" I ask, obliviously.

"Really? Questions to question?" She exhaled, tiredly. Hoping I was to answer her's first. "Okay, I was on my way to church but then somewhat good citizen gave me the gist of what happened to you this morning." She explained.

Somewhat citizen? Is someone paid to–

"Hey, did you fix up a spy to keep watch on me?" I asked, grimacing.

She rolled her eyes at me, placing the back of her hand on my forehead, "What am I, girlfriend?"

"You're human, Mia."

"No I– Yes I am human but I'm not that stupid or childish to play crazy super heroin behind your curtains." She snapped.

"Okay, so–"

"Too much questions will hurt your condition, babe." She shut me up.

I still want to say more but she nudged me not to.

After minutes of serenity, she inquired, "Hope you didn't call Bernard for this shit?"

I glower at her, "You gat to be kidding me, girl."

Why would I do that?

Little things that are not up to situation like this, will definitely make my son savage and want to return in no time. I don't want to hurt my little boy's heart.

"And even if he calls, tell him momma is cool." I winked.

I'm a pretty liar. A very smart one.

Mia shook her head on that one and gave me a thumbs up. "Gat it."

I sighed moment after realizing I still held onto the complimentary card in my palm.

A sweet unaffordable smile appeared on my lips. Mia witnessed it. She knit her brows, "What now?"

I gaze at her but didn't offer a word to her. Still smiling.

She tilt her head, giving me the suspicious look. Thereafter, her eyes flicked down at my fist.

Mia knows me for ages. She can tell if I'm pretending or saving something away.

She got the idea that I'm with something. Without saying anything to me, she carefully took my hand, unlock my fist and found a card therein.

Her brows furrowed slightly as she takes it off my palm and then, her eyes bugged out after going through the written words in the card.

Why is she running her eyes on the card and at me at the same time like there's a love quote written on it?

"W–Wh–Who gave this to you?" She asked, Squealing, beaming and bitting her fingers, childishly with the kitty eyes. "The doctor?"

"Eww! Mia, gross." That's a bit fouled.

The next thing Mia did, shook me. She pressed the card against her chest, breathing a sigh of relief. You have no idea the benefit of this card, Mabel."

"Of course I do, right?" I chuckled, fidgeting with the white bedsheet.

She paused and snapped, "No! You're such a dumbass, Mabel."

Yup! I know.

"This card belongs to only one celeb in town, baby. One can't just see this on the floor and pick it. It's expensive to be seen, let alone touched!" She explained, volubly.

I corked an eyebrow, "Seriously?" Maybe it's true and I never care to see that. "Someone gave it to me."

"Yeah, it sure belongs to some–what?!" Mia's eyes widened even bigger than previously. She waved the card, slowly, "Where did that someone picked it from?"

Okay, enough with the sarcasm question, Mia.

I can't answer that. I should have remained quiet but I also needed to say something in return to her sarcasm question.

"He gave it to me."


I can't really picture the last written words on the card but erm... it wrote about some details.....