
Mad love (I'm anti-romantic) Book 3

I love you. I hate you. I like you. I detest you. I need you. I think you're stupid. I think you're a loser. I think you're wonderful. I know you stole my heart in addition to yours. But yet and despite all these, I'll tell you one thing, I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU...

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Ciudad
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30 Chs

10| I'm mute

Bernard was already getting tired of Tyler's long words which refuses to come to an end.

The both of them have been standing outside the basketball court for minutes now, yet he haven't seen or heard any meaningful words from his friend's speech so far.

"So you see, it's so-"

Bernard quickly cut Tyler's words off, "Enough, Tyler!" He yelled at him.

Tyler froze. Eyes like bug. Never or maybe in a long time he had seen this ugly side of his friend.

Bernard took a deep breath and exhaled. He just raised his voice at his only best friend.

He exhaled for a chill pill and then.., "Okay, you have to get one thing clear here, Tyler." He begins, his tone and expression is so serious right now. "I'm not interested in falling into some romantic movie or play with a girl-"

Tyler chuckled sarcastically, "It's not a movie, bro-"

"Britney and I are just random friends that met on a random day and then begin some weird casual friendship." He declared. "There's no way I'm gonna fall for all these tips you've been giving me. Besides, my mother is the only thing that matters to me the most."

Tyler sighed. In deep pity for his friend.

When he had said Besides, my mother is the only thing that matters to me the most. Tyler's heart sank like a stone thrown into the middle of the ocean.

How sad.

*Britney's P.O.V*

First of all, I got stunned from what Bernard had said earlier about our friendship but then, I collapsed into a deep sympathy with his last words.

I know how many times he has told me about his mother. Just the number of times is enough to make me understand how truly he loves that woman.

Camila had told me while we where still at the courtroom that Bernard had some hard time dealing with family stuff.

She went on saying that Bernard is having a deep feeling about something not right with his mother.

He had once told me before that he is fatherless. I really need to be grateful.

My both parents are still alive, isn't that a great luck?

Bernard and Tyler's conversation died immediately after they noticed Camila and I standing by the doorway.

I realized that something was not fine when my gaze locked in Bernard's. But at the same time, I feel he is somewhat secretive. He hasn't shared much with me.

He didn't utter a single word. He just left, unlocking his gaze from mine.

I watched him leave without a goodbye smile or wave.

I understand he has something to deal with but should there be any other thing I should know behind that?

Camila left me and went to meet her boyfriend, Tyler. Even Tyler is tired and wanly for his friend's condition.

I walked my way to meet the couples, Tyler directly. Camila was still resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder and they both looked at me with lost puppy's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Britney. We're just trying to help y-"

I cut his words off, "It's alright, Ty." I smiled. Even though it's shaking and fainting off, I added, "I understand."

My eyes went back to the lane Bernard took. Though no sign of him anywhere, but I wish he had said a goodbye before walking away, "He's not in the right state of mind to speak with me. Maybe some other time."

I didn't wait for anyone to say a word before I made my move. I left.

Tears were already dripping down the side of my eyes. Cheese! Do I get this emotional all the time?

I don't want anyone to notice me like this. Bernard is breakdown, me too. I'm hurt. I hope he feels that too.

I took my phone out of my pocket while heading my way towards my car. I wanted to know if he has dropped any messages in my inbox yet, but.. to no avail, nothing.

I wiped the tears off, took a deep breath and fasten for my car with a serious expression round my facial features.




The excitement and happiness inside of me was too much for only me to bear. It sends butterflies and flutters waves underneath my stomach or should I say my abdomen?

Aunt jin-joo just got me the good news of my admission into college few days from now.

Today is the most happiest day of my life.

I have always wanted to make my Grandma proud. Today, I think I did.

She is happy. The sweet smile on her face is too priceless and expensive. If only money can negotiate.

I ran down the stairs, carefully. It's just noon and it felt like a new dawn of harvest for me.

Everything seems new to me.

I wish today can not end, but just as the slang, TIME WAITS FOR NOBODY.

I helped my grandma with the cooking, dishes and cleaning. Though there are other helpers, chefs around who could also help, but because of my too much excitement, I asked them to stay back and let me do the chores alone.

If this was to be someone else not me, I bet they'd have done the same or maybe request for a day off.

My grandma stood by the door, arms crossed, eyes focused on me with a sweet smile.

I looked at her, though I'm mute, I know anything I say, she understands it right. You look so gorgeous, grandma. I mouthed to her.

She blew flying kisses to me and wiped her tears. I ran to hug her. Her palms massaged my head and then her fingers in my hair. "Bless you dear."

I cupped my cheeks. Tears are already running down my cheeks. I hide my face in her embrace.

Grandma and I were busy having a good time with our celebration concerning my admission into The Catholic University of America.

At least I'm grateful. That's the only school who could offer me admission for now and- speaking of for now, for good!

Aunt jin-joo did a lot of favor for me. She never knew me before, neither do I. I believe she's my destiny helper.

She has promised to take care of my responsibilities, even down to my toiletries. I've never met someone as nice as her before.

Well, all thanks to my grandma. If she hadn't come here for a job in the past years before I was born, I don't think I'd have find this kind of favor from Aunt jin-joo.

She's my #1 celeb and now, my helper.

While grandma and I were into our hugs, the bitch I hate walked in to spoil the show. Guess who?

It's my boss's junior sister. Aunt Nelly.

No one could tell how much I detest this woman.

The first time I knew her, is the first time I saw from her perspective. She doesn't like me but does it seem like I care?

She rolled her eyes over grandma and I as she walked in with an empty plate in her right hand. "So you've been waiting for me to scream your name like a child who just lost a tooth, right?"

She's so disrespectful towards grand- hell no, she wasn't talking to grandma but me. Yes me especially!

Grandma had told me that she had been a long time worker in this great massive mansion since Aunt Nelly and my boss was a little child.

Now I know what Era we're living in.

I pulled away from Grandma's embrace and quietly took the plate from Aunt Nelly.

I was expecting a polite word after, but she hissed and walked out rudely.

My steams are already boiling out of my ears like a genie escaping a kettle.

If only I was given the power and authority to rule as a royal leader in just one minute, I'd have made her suffer and smell hell for once in her lifetime.

So rude of her to look down on poor people like me.

I may look unkept because of my standard, but I know I won't remain like this forever.

My grandma could perceive my anger. She leaned over to calm me down with one hand on my shoulder.

I dimmed my eyes shut and stole some breath from the Atmosphere. I opened my eyes and spare a glare at my grandma. She nod with a smile.

But why do she always smile when I'm being tormented by my enemies?

Aunt Nelly is old enough to be my mother, at least she should look at me as her daughter, if nothing else. Aunt jin-joo is super nice and friendly and I love and adore her for it. Unlike this ugly Aunt Nelly.

Gosh! She pisses me off on daily basis.

She only came over to see her sister in-law, Aunt jin-joo. I hope she leave sooner.

"Take this to Sebastian." Grandma said, offering me a tray of juice which she had just crushed from freshly plucked fruits in the mansion's garden.

She's talking about my boss. I won't lie, my boss is super handsome, cool, nice and rich.

Why do grandma have to send me to deliver this juice to him?

I swear on myself- umm... On my behalf, my boss is so cool. I almost drool and fall of the stairs when I first saw him. So anyone can easily imagine what's gonna happen this time if I appear before him.

Men like him... I mean rich and handsome hunks like him, would have got married to more than one wife.

I love the way he respects Aunt jin-joo. He gives her a full quality respect like never before.

I hope for such a man like him in the future. Someday.

Now I crave to see how his son's might be.

Grandma has told me countless times whenever I ask about my boss's kids. She'd told me once that they're quintuplets, three males and two females who barely get along with each other.

She'd also told me to get my f*cking mindset off that story.

I guess she's right after all.

Take a very close look at me, I'm pretty, good looking, intelligent, good body shapes one last ugly and foul thing, I'm mute. (Background image at the top).

No one understands me whenever I speak or try to word out a statement except my grandma.

I'm taking too much time thinking about all of these. I thought I had gotten over all these before. Grandma had given me the nerves to overcome these thoughts but still, I just can't get over the one I'm mute.

It's not easy.

Pretty girl like me, I can't talk? What a shame to myself. It's not my fault but I blame my parents for bringing a mute girl like me into this world.

I'd have stayed in the wilderness or in wherever I'd have been. Rather than coming to earth to receive humiliation from people who doesn't love me. Except Aunt jin-joo, my boss and Grandma.