
[21] Domineering!

Cassandra felt extreme pain coursing through her lower body, especially her calf muscles.

No... M-my legs broke... But that attack... It was as if gravity had suddenly increased by 10 times...

Hemian and the others also had the same situation as her. All of them were moaning and suffering unimaginable pain crawling upon their spines.

However, an oppressive and mocking voice soon entered their ears.

"Kikiki!! What fools... Do you think I'll just sit around like an idiot while you save your partner?"

They looked at the source of the voice and once they did, a sense of despair befell on their mind. From a single glance, they could tell that the monster in front of them wasn't some random boss monster. It had huge horns on its head and multiple scary scars all over its body.

And with that shiny high-level defensive armour and that overbearing weapon in his hand, it looked even more terrific to them.

Hemian: W-what is this monster? I'd never seen something like this... Fuck, my luck is bad, why did I have to be in the rescue team...

He quickly looked behind and felt utter shock when he found out that one of his teammates had died from the fall. As for the other ones, they were in a pretty bad situation themselves. Not counting just their outer injuries, even he himself was suffering from internal bleeding in his lower abdomen at the moment.

Noticing that their current situation didn't look good even a little bit he couldn't help but sigh in pure anger.

"Fuck!" he cursed out loudly, his voice reaching the enemy's ears.

They didn't think that a monster at such a level would be hiding like a coward to sneak attack upon them and for what reason? To launch an overpowered and deadly attack on them from their blind spot.

However, what happened next was even more heart-wrenching.



"Good... He was really unsightly," the Goblin leader said with a wide grin on his face.

"Ahhhhh!!! Nooo!!!" Judea, the female guard shouted and screamed in terror. Her face was covered by Hemian's blood and flesh. An eyeball even landed on her broken legs which scared her so much that she instantly lost consciousness.

Randal and Jordan's eyes widened when they saw their already dead friend, Ronald, and the former captain, Hemian burst into meat pieces by that goblin's massive weapon. This sudden turn of events made them lose hope even faster than a flickering candle.

"N-No... This can't be!" Jordan wailed, terrified.

In just a single minute their situation was already like this and the enemy leader didn't have a single wound.

Even a fool would be able to discern how this situation would turn out.

"L-Le Leader!! D-do something!!" Randal shouted in fear. This was the first time he had seen someone so strong other than his Patriarch and the original Second Elder.

On top of everything, it was a monstrous creature emanating an aura of death itself, terrifying him to the point where his voice shook uncontrollably in fear.

On the other hand, despite the situation turning bad, Cassandra maintained her calm composure and continued to heal her injury.

She was a seasoned magician with over 80 years of experience, having mastered a wide array of spells and techniques throughout her journey. An injury of this magnitude wouldn't easily unsettle her.

With a quick motion of her hand, her broken legs healed in an instant, though it took her 1/5th Mana.

Standing up, she snapped her finger and conjured a barrier to cage herself and the leader of the goblins.

Successful in singling out the leader she stared at the goblin leader for a good moment and started to laugh, "Hehe!"

"What's so funny, human?" Goblin leader asked, his voice more oppressive than earlier. He stood up and then started to move toward her while glancing at the barrier.

Cassandra stopped laughing, smiled and said in her usual cold voice, "You merely caught me off guard before and now you're behaving as if you have already bested me," stopping, she secretly signalled the remaining two of her three alive subordinates by her fingers and then chuckled, "Don't you think that's funny?"

Annoyed, the huge chunk of meat growled in a threatening voice. Multiple nerves showed themselves on his body as he tightened up his muscles. "So you are saying I'm stupid?" he shouted before he started to run in her direction with an unmatched speed, holding and swinging his mighty weapon upon her.

Randal and Jordan, quick to notice that her finger was directed at unconscious Alicia, regained their resolve, healed their injuries in a few moments and woke Judea up.

There wasn't a single weak goblin around them because the goblin leader had instructed them to take care of the other team while he enjoyed himself with this little group of humans.

"Let's go!" Randal said hurriedly to Jordan and Judea, who had also healed themselves up in this short time.

Nodding, they first glimpsed at their leader, Cassandra, with worry and astonishment, who was fighting against that abomination of a monster by utilizing her powerful spells, before quickly sprinting toward the barrier.


Napoleon busy leading the assault team, wanted to teleport there to confront with Monster leader. However, the sheer amount of those repugnant goblins managed to stop him from doing it.

It wasn't like he couldn't do it but even if he did, he was sure that the members of his assault team would be dominated and killed off in mere minutes.

Next, he quickly descended over the ground and gazed at his eldest daughter slaughtering goblins left and right on the battlefield.

"Helena! Your turn!" he shouted in his usual domineering voice, his hands directed toward the centre.

A woman with toned muscles and a head full of crimson hairs crammed with goblins' blood grinned when she heard her father's voice: "About time!"

Holding a majestic axe in each of her hands she nodded and instantly disappeared.



With a powerful concentrated Fire spell summoned by three Middle-stage 3rd Star realm Magicians, the barrier holding Alicia broke and vanished into thin air.

"Lady Alicia!" Judea said in a worried voice. Although she looked like a mature woman she was already over 90's. The respect she had for Alicia was given from how her face looked like...

As she checked her nerves, a relieved look finally appeared on her face. "Thank the Saintess! She has merely lost consciousness," she sighed in relief.



With the sudden increase in gravitational force, they lost control of their body and found themselves firmly anchored to the ground.

The intense pull made it seem as though they were about to be swallowed by the ground.

S-shit! Not again...

All of them thought at the same time.

However, despite their current situation, a thought soon entered their mind and their expression changed into an ugly one like day and night.

W-Wait... What happened to our leader?

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