
Year 1

The sun shone brightly upon a forest meadow.

There right in the middle lay a sleeping youth with a small bundle next to him.

If someone not very observant saw this scene, he would surely describe it as peaceful. In some way it really was peaceful . One would not think that the world was ending up till yesterday.

But today it suddenly stopped.

Only the wind told stories of already extinguished fires. And from time to time strange paw prints could be found one the ground. Hopefully the creatures responsible for them would never resurface.

At this time Nobody knew they would change calendar. They will call it year 1 AT. The Year after Twilight, the twilight of God's.


The sleeping boy slowly awoke. Groggily he opened his eyes to blink a few times. Confused he sat up but still...

"Where am I?"

The meadow stayed silent. Trees revealed nothing, not what they've seen or what they're hiding.

Then he looked at him self. A simple white linen shirt and similar trousers covered his body. His hands looked small like that of a teen maybe around thirteen to fifteen years old. Which brought him to his next question.

"Who am I?"

He searched for information in his mind. But there were none. It was as if he never existed. Slowly he began to panic. As he nervously looked for clues, he noticed the small bundle.

Wrapped in a lilac scarf, a baby was sleeping soundlessly in the grass.


And suddenly he remembered a single thing about himself.

"You're my sister and I will protect you."


this is my first story. First I want to apologise for the short chapter. I will try to make longer ones in the future. If you see some mistakes then PLEASE TELL ME. I'm not a native speaker AND English was my worst subject back in school. I'm not sure if I improved since graduating.

Lunicacreators' thoughts