
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

I'll also be posting chapters here https://www.royalroad.com/profile/553083/fictions and here lucrada.net In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Chapter 9

In Alfhiem, the war between humans and the fae goes on. Unfortunately, the fae has been confined in a barrier constructed to repel Thor's curse. His curse struck anybody with any type of spiritual element in their system with his lightning. Luckily, Sapphire and Titania were able to make the barrier, but they are unable to help Leska, Jeanne, Rias, and the others fight against the Thor and the army of ten million humans. Fortunately for them, the humans were easily beaten, but Thor was a different problem. It seems Thor was enhanced with an experimental drug developed by King Hasegawa, and with this, he was able to rival Leska and Jeanne together. After he defeated them, he sought to finish off the fae. However, Rias had other plans. She tried her best to fight Thor but was beaten into the ground repeatedly, which sparked fear in Yana, Tyrell, and the others.

"I must commend you for your bravery, little one. But this is where we say goodbye," Thor said as he raised his mighty hammer.

As Thor tries to slam his hammer, he feels resistance.

"Question. Do you find pleasure in beating another man's child?" Reo said as he held the hammer in place.

"What!" Thor said as he turned and swung his hammer, attempting to knock back Reo. However, Anko caught the hammer.

"Impossible!? No one should be able to catch Mjolnir," Thor said.

"Well, we are known for the impossible," Anko said.

"Momma...Papa, you came," Rias said weakly.

"Don't speak. Just relax and wait with Yana, Tyrell, and your friends. We'll explain everything later." Anko said as she snapped her fingers.

Instantly, Rias, Leska, and Jeanne were healed and teleported beside Yana. Then, a barrier was constructed around them.

"What happened? Where's Thor?" Jeanne asked as she woke up.

"I have the most killer headache right now," Leska said.

"Sister Jeanne, Sister Leska... thank goodness you're up!" Rias said with excitement.

"Rias, what's going on?" Jeanne said.

"Where's Thor?" Leska said.

Rias points over toward Reo and Anko. Jeanne and Leska looked at Reo and Anko, dressed in a black jacket, over white short sleeves skin-tight shirt, with a black cape that stretched to their calves. Jeanne and Leska looked at them, they felt the immense power that Reo and Anko had. Then, they looked back at Rias and wondered why she couldn't feel this power. Suddenly, a powerful blast of wind destroyed the surrounding area, leaving no place to hide. However, Reo and Anko were nowhere to be found.

"Huh... Even after all that hard work for thousands of years, we still can't control our power." Reo said with a disappointed tone as he and Anko appeared behind Thor. Then, Reo's cape collapsed into his jacket.

"Yeah, it seems like we couldn't release nothing but five percent of our power," Anko said as hers did the same. Then, they both took off their jackets, which faded into the air.

"Five percent. Impossible. Who are they?" Thor thought to himself as he felt fear through every nerve in his body.

"So, who's going first?" Anko asked.

"Why do it one at a time? We did okay when we sparred with Void." Reo replied confidently.

"You're right, but why does it feel like she wasn't taking us seriously? Besides, I don't want you slowing me down." Anko said confidently.

"Really1!? You think I'll slow you down. Is that a challenge?"

"The first one to defeat the weak thunder god gets to order the loser around for a whole day. You up for the challenge." Anko said as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"This is why I fell in love with you," Reo said as he shook her hand.

Anko blushed a bright red color as if she was embarrassed by his words. However, she wasn't alone. Reo was somehow flustered by her blushing face.

"Are they serious?" Thor thought to himself.

"Alright, the first person to beat him wins. Ready,"

"Set," Reo said in response.

"Go!" They both said simultaneously.

Instantly, they both disappeared, which confused Thor. Suddenly, by an inch, Thor dodged a flying kick by Reo. As he landed down in front of Thor, Thor raised his hammer and tried to strike Reo as hard as he could, but Anko took advantage of this and attempted to hit him from behind. Sadly, Thor was able to dodge her too. But Reo grabbed Anko's arm and threw her back at Thor, and followed behind her. Unexpected, she shot a dimensional blast toward Reo and sent him into a portal while she charged at Thor. Lucky for him, Thor was able to block Anko with Mjolnir. However, she was holding Mjolnir to stop him from countering their real attack. A portal appeared behind Thor, and flying out of it was Reo, who knocked Thor miles away from the forest. Then, Anko threw Mjolnir at Thor as hard as she could. Then, Reo and Anko generated an unusual aura, disappeared in opposite directions, and reappeared on Thor's left and right. Reo kicked clockwise while Anko kicked counterclockwise, trapping Thor in between the two of them. Fortunately for him, condensed light beams burnt Reo and Anko's legs off, stopping them both.

"So, who's interrupting our contest?" Reo asked as his leg regrew instantly.

"I don't know, but they're kind of annoying," Anko said as her leg regrew instantly.

"Ah, Anko, that's not nice. And, to think I was starting to miss you after all these months." A familiar voice said as he walked up behind him.

Reo and Anko turned around and saw Asta and One, the Royal 13 Captain. However, they both looked and felt different. They both looked older and more powerful. Asta, in particular, looked older and radiated a holy aura. By the looks of it, he was radiating the same kind of energy as One, as if they were sharing one body.

"What's wrong? No, 'Hello, how are you?' Or 'It's good to see you after almost a year.' You're rude." Asta said arrogantly.

"Wow! Almost a year. Time does flow at different speeds in other dimensions." Reo said.

"Ira said that Earth's dimensional time flow was supposed to be the slowest. If anything, we only would be gone for two months tops."

"Well, Time has really haven't been a friend to me since I got out of the lab," Asta said.

"What did they do to you, cousin?" Reo asked.

"Let's just say I'm the first of my kind. The first of your destruction."

Asta charged at Reo. Reo punched, and compressed air bullets shot toward Asta. However, Thor threw his hammer at an incredible speed to counter the air bullets heading toward Asta, leaving him an opening to attack. As he attacked Reo, Reo stopped it inches away from his face.

"Tsk," Anko clicked her tongue. "Reckless," she thought to herself.

Thor jumps toward Reo as he calls Mjolnir and slams Mjolnir into Reo's head. Oddly, Mjolnir didn't destroy Reo's head as he was hoping. Instead, all it did was annoy Reo.

"Why does everybody go for the head? It's not worth it. You're leaving yourself wide open for a non-existent kill shot on me." Reo mumbled to himself.

"Impossible! There's nothing in this universe that can withstand a hit from Mjolnir. What are you?" Thor said.

"How can I explain this? I think void called us 'Primordials'. We're basically the embodiment of void."

"Primordials?" Thor, One, and Asta thought to themselves.

Reo nodded confidently.

"There's that arrogance I missed so much," Asta said sarcastically.

"I have reason to be arrogant. It's in my DNA."

"Sure, it is," Asta said.

Suddenly, a pillar of fire shot up from the ground, engulfing Reo and Anko. Then, Large pieces of the ground merged with the flame pillar. Lastly, lightning struck the pillar transforming it and the average person inside of it into dust. However, Reo and Anko weren't average people. They were Primordials, which meant they were indestructible and immortal. They could not be damaged unless they wanted it. Their clothes, on the other hand, are a different story.

"Really, did you have to use fire on us? You ruined our brand-new clothes." Anko said with disappointment.

The pillars of flame were dispersed, revealing Reo and Anko wearing pieces of cloth, seductively covering them. Immediately, Jeanne and Leska covered Rias' eyes while staring at Reo's and Anko's lightly burnt bodies. Then, something unexpected happened. Their clothes slowly repaired themselves like Dragon Sage Armor or the sentient cloth.

Suddenly, Thor leaped into the air and summoned Mjolnir. Then, bolts of lightning struck him, transforming him into living lightning. Filling lightning within Mjolnir, Thor attempted to release the second form of Mjolnir. A long-handle ax capable of creating storms large enough to cover the earth, breaking through dimensional barriers, and cutting through atoms. It's probably the only weapon that could injure a Jan-gu and Primordial. Vlad's biggest mistake.

"Huh, it seems like this guy is more powerful than we thought," Reo said.

"Yeah... Wanna show them our new ability?" Anko asked.

"Talk about overkilling our opponent. May I have your hand?" Reo said as he extended his hand.

"Wow! You've changed." Anko said as she took his hand.

"You think. I feel the exact same." Reo said as he grabbed her hand.

"Idiot," Anko said as a light engulfed them, but the light quickly dissolved, leaving a woman's body.

" Alright, you three. It's time you meet Raik... Wait a minute. What's wrong with my voice? It's more feminine than last time." The woman said.

"What did they just do?" Leska asked.

"I don't know. They seem like they fused with each other," Jeanne tried to explain.

"Well, that's another ability that they unlocked," Vlad said as he, Meliona, Titania, Raya, and Sapphire appeared.

"Father, I thought you and mother were inside Reo and Anko," Sapphire said.

"We were, but my father thought it was more of a hindrance than a solution to them. So, he took all of us apart."

"That's possible?"

"Apparently, and it's painful."

"Mom and Dad feeling pain. Must've been something really intense." Jeanne, Sapphire, and Leska thought to themselves. Suddenly, a loud bang sounds, and the sky turns red. Then, a large ship appears out of thin air.

"People of Alfheim, no need to be alarmed. We have tracked fugitives of the Earth dimension who needs to face justice for their horrid crimes. Reo Amagiri, Anko Namikaze, Come out!" One voice echoed across the world.

"Aw, she missed us. Makes you wonder what happened during the last thousand years. Wait, thousand years? For them, it would be a couple of months. Man, dimensional time flow is a difficult concept. Wait, if One is here, who's on the ship?" The woman said as she flew with Thor, Asta, and One. She then pulls One up to her close and examines her body. "A clone? Wow, a pretty good…except for the fact she can't access her full power." She thought to herself.

"God Mode: Overdrive! ATHENA!" One yells as she flies to the woman.

"Woah, impressive. You've changed since the tournament. A lot stronger," the woman said.

"You too, Reo. However, I didn't think you would be the type to cross-dress to such an extreme." One said teasingly.

"Well, can't say you've gotten smarter. We're not cross-dressing. We've fused into a superior being beyond the Jan-gu. We have become the Primordial, Ayako."

"Ayako? Did you just make that up?" One said as she pushed harder against Ayako.

"Actually, yes… What do you think? Too plain?" Ayako said as she effortlessly held One back.

"No, it's perfect for a dead woman." One said as she jumped back.

"Huh," Ayako thought to herself, not noticing One's ship was aiming its weapons and magical attacks at her.

"FIRE!" One yelled, and loud explosions filled the sky. As the magical spells and bullets rained down, Ayako looked around and smiled.

"Woah, everything is moving so slowly. Standing still, even. God Flash? No, I don't feel any difference in my breathing. Maybe, it's an ability that I unlocked. Man, this is amazing." Ayako thought to herself. Then, she looked at the ground and saw that Rias and the others were beneath her and the attacks. Acting fast, Ayako rushed down to the ground and appeared in front of Rias. "Now, what to do? I could put up a shield, but that won't keep them from doing this again. I need to get them off to another dimension. Caleaxia? No, they wouldn't be able to survive on there for long. Edn?" Ayako thought to herself. She then looked up and saw that magical attacks were getting closer. "Am I slowing down? No choice… sending everybody and the Faes to Edn with a little gift from me?" Ayako said as her eyes glowed and her hands radiated strange energy.

"Ma'am, we have confirmed that we hit our target. No traces of her cannot be found." A man said telepathically to One.

"Well, that's because they're…

"Back to normal!" Anko said as she appeared beside her and punched her into a dimension portal. She then looked up and yelled, "Leave this place now!" as she mistakenly shot energy beams from her eyes, destroying a portion of the ship. "Woah, what did I just do?" Anko said.

"All hands retreat." The man said.

"On who's authority! One is missing. We can't just leave her." Two said.

"I can't waste the lives of all these soldiers to fight an unbeatable being like the dimensional queen. No matter what or who's missing." The man said as he started the warp gate drive.

"Agreed," Two said. "Kenzo's is going to kill me." Two thought to herself.

"Proceed," the man ordered. Slowly, the ship flew forward as energy, similar to dimensional energy, radiated off the ship. Then, it immediately disappeared out of thin air.

"Woah, what happened?" Reo said as he flew up beside Anko.

"I don't know. I think the humans made a way to travel between the dimensions."

"Without dimensional energy?" Reo asked.

Anko nodded and said, "yeah, that ship didn't use any dimensional energy. But, it felt somewhat familiar." Anko said.

"Yeah, but where from?"

"Don't know. But we need to get back to Eden. We need to make sure everybody is okay."

"Yeah, let's go," Reo said as he opened a portal. " So, hey, since when did you have heat vision like those ancient comics?" He asked as they flew into the portal.

"I don't know. All I can tell you is that my eyes are killing me." Anko answered. They laughed.

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