
Lucky Damon

He Is Damon a devil in the flesh .

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasía
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58 Chs

Drama Begins.

Months Later.

Lucky sat alone in the grand chamber of Blue Moon, surrounded by the echoes of his own thoughts. The room, usually bustling with the vibrant energy of the gods, now felt eerily silent and empty. His heart sank as he realized that none of the gods had shown up for the meeting he had called.

"My worst fear is coming true," Leander's voice broke the heavy silence, his tone laced with palpable concern. "After summoning all the gods, none of them are here. This is bad. What Zuka is planning against us is not good at all. He's ready to go to any cost to rule over us. I'm afraid we won't be able to fight back."

Lucky nodded solemnly, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him like a mountain. The absence of the gods, the ominous portent of Zuka's intentions.

"Don't say that, master," Lucky insisted, his voice tinged with determination. "I won't let that happen. I'll do whatever it takes to protect Blue Moon and its people."

Leander's expression remained grave as he shook his head in disagreement. "No, Lucky. It's not just about fighting against Zuka's men. He has millions of human puppets at his disposal, ready to do his bidding. And their bites are contagious. If any of our people are bitten, they'll become Zuka's puppets too. That's the control he possesses."

"We need to gather the rest of the Mooners," Leander continued, his tone filled with urgency. "We must make plans before it's too late. The full Blue Moon rituals are approaching, and without all the Mooners present, we won't stand a chance."

"Don't worry, master. I'll protect our land with everything I have. No one will take over while I'm here. The key they're searching for is safe, hidden in a place they'll never even think to look. You can trust me. I won't let you down," he vowed.

Leander nodded, his expression reflecting a mix of gratitude and concern. "I hope so, Lucky. I trust you with all my heart. I may not be able to do much, but I entrust the fate of Blue Moon to you," he said softly.

Back on earth

Abigail lay fast asleep in the tranquility of the night, nestled in the comfort of her bed. Suddenly, a peculiar surge of energy jolted through her senses, causing her to stir. Blinking groggily, she peered into the darkness, her eyes adjusting to the dim moonlight filtering through the window. Before she could discern the figures looming before her, a wave of dizziness washed over her, and she slipped into unconsciousness, succumbing to the mysterious force that had invaded her peaceful slumber.


Abigail's eyes snapped open as icy water cascaded over her, shocking her senses into alertness. Blinking against the blur, she struggled to orient herself, her mind clouded by confusion. Panic surged within her as she attempted to move, only to find her limbs restrained, bound by unyielding chains affixed to an imposing iron rod.

As clarity slowly seeped into her consciousness, she surveyed her surroundings with growing dread, piecing together the reality of her captivity. Her heart sank as she recognized the dank, dimly lit chamber she was imprisoned in, its stone walls echoing with the ominous silence of her confinement.

"How the hell did I get here? What am I doing here?" Abigail's voice echoed in the dim chamber, filled with confusion and alarm. From the shadows emerged a figure, its identity shrouded in darkness.

"I will answer those questions for you," the voice replied. Even before she saw the face, she recognized the speaker.

'Zara,' she whispered silently in her mind.

"You, this little liar, you think you can fool us for long?" Zara's voice dripped with disdain as she confronted Abigail, her eyes ablaze with fury. "You've turned your back against us and you're looking for all means to wipe it away, but that's not possible. I think you've forgotten who you're dealing with. No matter where you run, you can't escape from us. Do you really think your so-called husband will come to save you? You must be dreaming, baby girl," she spat, delivering a sharp slap to Abigail's cheek.

Abigail gritted her teeth, her jaw clenched in defiance as she growled, "Get your hand off me," turning her cheek away from the stinging blow.

Zara's grip tightened on Abigail's jaw, her expression twisted in contempt. "Oh, you're trying to act like a tigress, huh? We assigned you to do a particular job, but you chose to betray us, huh? It shows how brave you are," she sneered, her fingers digging into Abigail's skin.

"You're in no position to ask me that, know your place Zara, you know what I can do" Abigail said and that made Zara snarled deceitfully

"Hahahaha, I think I should make something clear here," Zara declared, her voice dripping with malice. "You've lost all the rights you had in this land since the moment you decided to betray us. So get this straight into your brain: I can actually do anything I want to you right now because presently, you're an enemy," she stated, circling Abigail like a predator.

Abigail clicked her tongue in defiance. "Tsk, so you guys have finally understood. We're now enemies. Well, I have nothing to say to you. You and I are not on the same level. I want to see Zuka," her voice rang out, commanding and resolute, as a devilish smirk played on her lips.

"Hmph, Velverosa, you think you're still in charge?" Zara sneered, her tone mocking. "You think Master Zuka still has that love in his heart for you? But you don't know that it has disappeared a long time ago. You actually don't know what you are in. Today's going to be the end of you and your lovely husband, hahahaha," she laughed sinisterly, clapping her hands as guards entered the cell.

Stretching her hand, a cell phone was placed in Abigail's hand. Without averting her gaze from Abigail, Zara smiled wickedly.

"You don't know what fate has in store for you, Abi, Watch as the drama begins," she said, dialing a number and putting it on speaker before placing it near Abigail.

"What in hell do you want to do?" Abigail asked, her eyes locked on Zara.

"Just relax and watch, baby. It will be so much fun," Zara replied, laughing devilishly.

The phone rang twice before it was picked up, and as Abigail heard the voice on the other end, her eyes widened in shock.

"Hello, who am I speaking with?" the person asked, and Zara burst into hysterical laughter.

"We finally meet, baby boy. Surprise, surprise," Zara said, looking at Abigail with widened eyes as her lips gently whispered, 'Lucky'.

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