
Loving the demon prince

Bright_Eme_6774 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

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Though she was tired, Princess Lisa found it difficult to sleep. Clad in only her night wear, she rose from her bed and headed for her balcony.

As she entered, she was assaulted by the sweet scents of the flowers in the garden below without much thought to it, she stood in the dark barely illuminated by the moon.

Though the night was warm, she could not help but shiver as crossed her arms over her chest and rubbed her upper arms as she could not help but worry about the fate of her Kingdom when her father the King passes away.

For many years under the reign of King Borden of Caldin, there have been no incidence of war due to the peace treaty he had deviced and persuaded other Kings to sign.

Though the King knew that it will not last forever, he knew that it will serve as a respite to all the people after the ceaseless wars they had endured since time immemorial.

He had seen first hand the effects of the different wars his own father had engaged in and decided that during his own regime, he will try his best to avoid any form of fear or hostility in his Kingdom because of any war.

Now, all the Kings of the other kingdoms who signed the treaty are dead leaving king Borden who is very ill and believed will never recover again. With the installation of the new kings, the war has started again for the control of the six kingdoms with the King of Griffin, Ares defeating four kingdoms leaving Caldin and Delphin as the next kingdoms to attack.

Ares was able to live up to the name of the god he was named after with his military might and prowess, he seemed unbeatable and with a large army backing him he was practically unstoppable and it was rumoured that he had set his sight on Caldin and plans to attack unless they surrendered.

Lost in her thoughts, Lisa did not hear the insistent knock on the door. But she turned quickly at the creaking sound of her door opening. Turning instantly, she saw her maid at the door.

Looking apologetic she said "Am sorry your highness I have been knocking for a while and hearing no response, I decided to check if you were alright."

Lisa replied "It is okay. So what is the matter?"

"The King's adviser sent for you"

"What for" asked Lisa

"I don't know, he did not say but he said you should meet him in your father's room."

"Alright, tell him I will meet him shortly." she replied.

"Yes, your majesty" with that,the maid left.

Lost in her thoughts again, she wondered why her father's adviser will want to see her in father's room late this night when her sick father should be resting. With a worried look on her face, she readied herself and left to meet him already feeling sick within.

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