

Anabelle Walker or Belle walker as she calls herself these days is a model. Not just any model, a freaking lingerie model. She has a body to die for. She's one of those people who are just so attractive it should actually be a sin. 

I mean she's so beautiful she could turn straight women into lesbians. 

And now I get to work for her?! Wow life, can you just give me a warning next time you plan on tossing a giant curve at me. 

Gigi is smiling her butt off at my somewhat catatonic state, I am in complete shock. I quickly walk out of the elevator and go sit at her deskchair . 

"Are you backing out now?", she asks while spinning on the other chair. 

"No", I reply.

"Then why are you freaking out?' she stops spinning and looks at me. 

I shrug, "I don't know, it's Belle freaking Walker. She's like model royalty". 

Gigi lets out a huge laugh, "You'll be awesome, don't sweat it.". 

The following morning I receive a text from Belle Walker, asking if we can meet up for coffee. I reply with a quick yes and then get myself ready. 

After my shower, I stumble into my room nearly face planting on the floor in the process. I guess the nerves are actually kicking in now. I have no idea what I am going to wear. 

What does one wear when they are going to meet an international supermodel who knows everything there is about fashion?

I'm not saying that I don't know how to dress, I have a sense of style but I also don't want Anabelle freaking Walker, mentally tearing apart my outfit. 

I settle for a cute velvety short black string dress. The hem sits a little above my knees, and I draw the strings on the side to hike it up a little. I put on some white converse on my feet and a complete the outfit off with a faded, light blue denim jacket. 

I'm not a big make-up person so I just put on some light foundation, powder and some mascara. I quickly shape my brows and douse my lips with lipgloss. 

I take a look at myself in the mirror and I am pleased with what I see. Streetstyle at it's best baby. I look like those girls that you see on Pinterest or something. My naturally curly hair is done up into a sleek low bun. 

I grab a black purse to complement my outfit and shove all the necessary items that I'll need and then walk out of the apartment. 

I find myself on the upscale side of town. The ridiculously fancy part of town where the ridiculously rich people wine and dine. Conviniently enough, this is the very same part of town where I work. 

It feels weird being here in casual clothing and not rushing into the staff entrance of Le Petit Chateau . I can't help but wonder what my life would have been like if I was born into the world of the rich and famous. 

I may work around here but that doesn't mean I know my way around,so I pull up Google maps on my phone to get the directions to where I am supposed to meet Belle. 

I finally navigate my way and arrive at The Elixr. Once inside I can't help but marvel in awe at the interior of this place. It's the coffee house of every barista's dream. White walls decorated with vintage frames. Stainless steel front counter with glass to see the deliciously decorated pastries. There's hints of black and grey undertones. 

Basically it's like someone took an expensive kitchen and opened it up to be a coffee shop. The whole thing is aesthetically pleasing.

"Hi, can I help you?", a girl walks up to me. 

"Uhm yeah, I'm meeting someone here." I reply looking around and not seeing any sign of Belle. 

The girl who's name is Samantha as I took a look at her nametag shows me to a table and hands me a menu. 

The prices at this place are about to give me a migraine, who the heck pays twenty four bucks for a cappuccino?! 

Before I die from how expensive this place is, Belle walks into the coffee house and everything comes to a standstill. Seriously, it feels like I'm in a movie where the scene is in slow motion. 

Better yet, let me paint a mental picture for you. 

You know in Lucifer when Amenadiel shows up and time slows down? Yup, it is basically what it looks like now. People stop what they are doing and stare at this woman. What I wouldn't give to have that kind of a presence. 

Belle walks up the table and sits right in front of me.

"Hey", she says with a huge smile. Her teeth are so white.

"H-Hi", I reply. 

Okay now I'm stuttering. She's making me nervous. Calm down Rosalie!

Samantha comes to the table, handing over a menu to Belle she waits for us to give our order. 

"I'll have the Vanilla Chai Latte and a slice of carrot cake", Belle says. 

"And I'll have a cappuccino and a slice of dark chocolate cake".

Samantha takes down our orders and leaves. 

"How did you know I am the one you're meeting?", I ask her. 

I have to ask, because out of the two us, she's the one that I would be able to recognise and not the other way around. 

She giggles at my question, "Your friend, Georgiana, sent me your picture". 

I smile and nod at that. 

Our orders arrive and we dive into the specifications of my potential new job. 

"Okay,so I need a helper. You'll be doing some light cleaning, and laundry, you know normal maid stuff". She says before taking sip of her chai. 

I nod. 

"You already have the job, I just wanted to meet you to officially welcome you". 

A smile tugs at my lips. She's beautiful and a nice person. Some people just have it all. 

Our conversation continues for a little while longer. I am slightly ashamed to admit that I can't help but be so envious of her looks. Her body is amazing, her smile,even her outfit screams the word sexy. 

God help me. 

I mentally shake myself out of this trance or whatever it is that I'm sucked up in. 

"How so soon do I have to start?", I ask her. Keeping in mind that I have to give Mr Donnadieu my notice. 

"A week from now", she replies. 

A few minutes later, we're saying goodbye to each other and we go our separate ways. 

I look at the time and see that it's a little past midday, so I still have some time before I go in to work later on today. My shift starts at 3pm. 

While exploring the city a little my phone rings with a call from Bryce. 

"Hey", I say with a smile, even though he can't see me. 

"Well you sound happy, what's up?", he says. 

 I walk past a Gucci store and longingly stare at a pair of heels that I could never afford. 

"I have good news"

"Care to share them over some lunch with me?", he asks. 

I've literally just had something to eat a while ago, but coffee and cake aren't real food. Plus who the heck says no to a free lunch? Not this girl right here. 

Bryce tells me meet him at this other cool indie themed restaurant called The Broken Plate. I shake my head the name and the icon itself as it is a broken plate. 

Hippies I tell you. 

When I walk inside I immediately spot Bryce out of the crowded place. It's pretty hard to miss his six foot self with his wide shoulders and a bunch of tattoos going up his left arm in the form of a sleeve. 

As I walk up to the table his seated on, my eyes roam over his body. He looks exquisite, like he just jumped right out of the cover of a magazine with his dark blue ripped jeans, white converse and a black tshirt. 

He turns towards me and engulfs me in a hug. I wrap my arms around him and once again sniff his delicious scent like the creep that I am. 

Once we pull away from each other, he pulls a chair out for me to sit. 

A waitress comes over to take our order, her attention the whole entire time on Bryce. You could swear that I don't exist. 

"So, what's the good news?", Bryce asks once the vixen that had her eyes on him leaves to get our food. 

"I got a new job", I say to him. 

His lips tug up into this wide smile that is so contagious that I can't help but smile too. 

As we eat our food, I let him on how Gigi got me this job with Belle and how my meeting went a little more than an hour ago with her. 

"So what's the exact position you got?" he asks. 

"A maid", I mumble as I avert my eyes from him, not ready to see his reaction. 

"A maid?" he holds my hand over the table. "RJ, are you sure about this?" .

I nod at him. "I'm desperate Bryce, plus I can be able to survive with the amount of money I'm gonna be getting paid". 

He nods and looks at me with a grin, "You know you could just become my maid".

I choke on the lettuce that I currently trying to swallow. He laughs at my reaction as I reach for my juice, to relive my poor throat from this unexpected assault. 

"I could already see you in a sexy maid uniform, cleaning up after me." he continues staring off into the distance as if he can mentally see this happening.

I throw my straw at him as I join in laughing along with him. 

He catches the straw and puts it on the table, "You can't blame a guy for trying".

I jokingly glare at him, "Shut up".  

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