1 Helena Fair Biography

Full name :Helena Fair

Nickname(from Yuri): Lena-chan

Favorite dessert: Apple pie with cherry on top

Favorite series: Free! Iwatobi swim club

Favorite song: Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Owl City Good time and This kiss by Carly R. Jepsen

Genre on ice: Romance and action

Sex: female

Sign of horoscope: Scorpio

Loves: Victor, her favourite series, ice skating, keeping in shape and also dancing.

Dislikes: Yuri Plisetsky's bad attitude, spicy food, failing on her choreography's, chocolate and broccoli. ( Her parents force her to eat it)

Bio: Helena Fair was born on November 13, 2005. When, she was 7 her family became friends with the family who owned the Hatsuki Hot Spring in Japan where Helena met Yuri Hatsuki which he was only 1 year older than her and, they first started to have things in common which 'of course' was ice skating and they were big fans of Victor Nikiforov the first place Russian handsome ice skater and they both promise to win the Grand Prix together but that all changed when Yuri decided to quit for one year. Helena decides to finish with her studies at Cambridge University and graduate and go skate for her hobby and dancing too. To get her choreography's right and try it on ice with great success.

Description: Long dark-brown hair, grey pinkish eyes, white smooth skin and has dark-brown bangs on her left side of her face. Her diamond shape face with her pink lips that shine beautifully.

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