
Chapter 96

It was already Saturday, the truth is that I did not have much courage because I had wanted to contact my brother several times and it had completely passed me by and the truth is that I was starting to piss off a bit.

“ All good? “ Someone asked while they were sitting on the stairs while I hid my head between my knees and some tears came out of the burden I had.

"Yes," I said as I looked up.

"Well, the truth is not very noticeable," she said.

"Actually, I'm not in my best week, Lance," I said and Stroll sat down next to me.

“ You notice a lot, these days they haven't talked much about you around the paddock “ Lance said.

"Someday I'll stop being the talk of the paddock," I said and looked at him.

“ What's wrong? Are you okay? Wait for me to find out, you have the friend of the month “ he said and I started to laugh “ I'm glad you're laughing.

“ No, family problems and more, I just needed to cry a little and that's it “ I said.