
Love you Mr.officer

it's a heart touching college Love story of a college girl ( Manvi) and a police officer Raghav. Manvi was kind and sweet whereas Raghav was rude and aggresive. let's see how there simple meet take form of love .how the people with totally opposite nature fell in love with each other. Raghav comes to Maanvi's college for a security inspection and Manvi was appointed as his assistant. After all, how will be their simple meeting which will make their relationship special? Will both of them ever be able to fall for each other ? how will their love affair begin? ..Keep reading to know "love you Mr. Officer".

smiley7890 · Ciudad
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18 Chs


"Okay...I can do it. I just want to help that police officer for a month, manvi said.

Manvi was walking along the way, try to convence herself that she can do this. Till today she had never assisted anyone, it was completely new for her. There was a strange feeling of anxiety that she should not make any mistake. Thinking this, she reached the cabin.

Maanvi went inside the cabin and took a look at it. That was good enough for her.

There were two tables in the room. One is facing North and the other is kept at a distance facing West. The cabin also has a sofa with a glass table on which flowers are placed in a flower pot.There are two almirahs placed in the room along the south wall and a glass door is placed at some distance directly in front of the officer's table, from which nothing is clearly visible but still it can be guessed that someone is standing at the door. There is a window beside the door. The cabin is decorated in order to welcome that officer.

"All right, she will sit there and I will sit here", Maanvi said to herself by pointing her finger towards the table one by one.

She sits on her chair with dragging it backwards.

"Ah... really, it's more comfortable than the class benches.... ofcourse it will as it is not made up of hard wood," Maanvi said to herself feeling comfortable.

Maanvi stands up and walks out of the room, she goes to the class room to attend the lecture.

"Oho...You have come back, what did the professor asked ? , Priya asked Maanvi.

He asked me to be an assistant to an officer coming tomorrow, Maanvi replied to Priya.

"Officer.. oh, will you be with that officer from tomorrow?, Priya asked Manvi with a sad face.

"Ok..Well, I am not going anywhere, first I will meet you and then I will go to that officer, Maanvi said while hugging Priya.

"Ok..ok. Do you find that the officer is male or female?, Priya asked Maanvi.

"Of course ...that officer will be a woman, so the management has chosen me, otherwise they could have chosen boy," Maanvi replies to Priya.

"Oh..yes, you are right, Priya said to Maanvi.

"Let's go home early because there are no lectures today because from today everyone is busy in preparing and rehearsing for Republic Day, Priya told Maanvi.

'OK let's go ; I will drop you home, Manvi told Priya.

"Yeah.... replies Priya.

Both came out of college and started riding towards home on scooty.

"Well..you finished the assignment?, Priya asked Maanvi.

"Yeah...I did it last night only," Maanvi replies.

"Okay... stop here," Priya told Maanvi.

"Yes....Go inside, see you tomorrow, Maanvi tells Priya and walks towards her house.

Priya went inside her house.

The next morning, Manvi had reached the college on time and was standing with the rest of the teachers, staff and students, all standing to welcome the officer who was coming today.

A police vehicle entered the college playing a siren and an officer in police uniform got down from the jeep. After seeing that officer, Manvi saw her friend Priya. Both stared at each other for a minute.

"Your most welcome Mr Raghav, the principal, extended his hand to Raghav to shake hands.

Thank you sir, the officer said, shaking hands with the principal.

Everyone welcomes the officer by clapping.

"Okay well..... he is quite handsome," Priya said teasingly to Maanvi.

"Oh..Please, I have to help him as an assistant, even though he will be here only for one month. So stop talking such nonsense, Maanvi told Priya.

"Ha ha..... Let's see, Priya laughed again and said softly.

"Manvi! The principal called out to Manvi.

"Yes... Sir, Manvi replied.

"She will help you like a assistant for a month, the principal told Raghav.

"Hello sir!...", Maanvi said to Raghav.

"Hello!, Raghav replied looking at Maanvi.

The two stared at each other for a few minutes.

"Ok Manvi! Show your cabin to Raghav, the principal said to Maanvi.

"Yes...Sir", Manvi replied to the principal.

"I thought the officer would be a woman", Manvi thought in her heart.

"Come with me sir", she said to Raghav.

Raghav nodded his head in saying yes in replies.

When both reached near the cabin, Manvi stepped forward and opened the door.

"Come inside sir", Manvi said, pointing to the inside of the cabin.

This is your place sir, you will sit here and if you need anything just tell me, I am here too.

Raghav looks at Maanvi's table.

"Okk... well, I thought my assistant would be a boy", Raghav said while looking around in the cabin.

"I also thought that you Mr. officer must be a female', she said in a low voice but Raghav listened.

"Mr. Officer?", Raghav looks at Maanvi.

"Yes..yes, are you not an officer? ", Maanvi replies with a fake smile.

Raghav looks at her but don't said a word and then turns back and sits on his chair and opens the file in his hand and starts reading.

"Ok... Mr. Officer, you take a look at the files, by then I went in 2 minutes and came back in 15 minutes, don't miss me OK", Maanvi turned towards the door as soon as she said this.

"What?, Is this girl crazy?, Why will I miss her?, Raghav said to himself when he saw Maanvi going out of the door.

Maanvi came out of the cabin and called her friend Priya and asked her to come to the canteen. Both reached the canteen.

"Oh God! I thought that the officer would be some woman, Maanvi told Priya.

"Yes. I thought the same thing dear, Priya replies with a sip of coffee.

"It's really... frustrating me, Manvi said looking at Priya.

" What if Somebody replace you ?, Priya said with a smile.

" Yes..What if I ask Sir to replace someone with me?", Maanvi asks Priya.

"yes why not...Priya jokingly told Maanvi, I can happily take your place, to assist such a handsome man...".

"Oh my god! Yes... yes you please take it, let's go to the principal", Maanvi replies.

"I am just joking, sir will not agree", Priya replies.

"Yes ... You're right though, she's only here for a month. I'll manage", Maanvi said looking at her cup of coffee.

"Let's go, your officer must be waiting impatiently for you", Priya said teasing Manvi.

"Oh just do it....he is not mine", Maanvi replies.

"ha ha ... let's seen how long you speak like this", priya said while teasing her.

"Come on.. let's go" Maanvi says getting up from the table.

Both came out of the canteen, Priya went to class and Manvi reached near the cabin.

Manvi knocked on the door.

Yes... Come in, the officer speaks in response to a knock on the door.

Maanvi enters the cabin and closes the door.

"do you need something?" , Mr. Officer, Manvi asked the officer.

"Not now, but can you tell me where the minister's seating arrangement has been done?", Raghav asked Manvi.

"Yes, I know....Come with me; I'll show you, Maanvi said while replying to Raghav.

"OK... come on ... let's go", Raghav said while looking at Maanvi.

Both of them move towards outside from the cabin....

Hey dear Roses

It's my First story in my writing career, please support me and vote me if you like

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