

A game of lies, betrayal and love. Adrian's first true love story comes to an end when he learns the truth the hard way. Was he gonna be in the position to carry-on with the broken pieces of his heart? What is set to happen when a mysterious young lady shows up in his life out of nowhere? What was her motive towards him? Blown away by two strong forces: Greed and Love, she was left with a difficult choice to weigh both. Will she risk terminating her mission to stick with her love life? Or, vice versa? It was gonna be a deep decision to gain one and lose the other. What was gonna be the consequence supposing her true identity was revealed? Was she gonna remain hidden forever? Stirring up more dramas, Adrian encountered an accidental nightstand with an unknown identity. Did it seem like a coincidence? Or rather, a set-up for him? Was his life ever gonna remain the same after the incident? Was there more to this drama? Now, all the answers to the endless questions are hidden in this book; Love of Tomorrow. Read to find out.

Becky_Ogoloma · Ciudad
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55 Chs

Haunted by My Past

Kendall's POV:

The night turned out to be very dark and stormy. Then, it began to rain heavily. The cab pulled to a halt and I dropped off in front of The Lucas' mansion as it was boldly written. I ran under the cold rain as fast as my legs could carry to his doorstep. I was without an umbrella or a raincoat.

*ding dong, I rang the bell as I pressed the switch continually yet, I got no response. I attempted giving him a call to know if he was inside but there was a bad network, so the call didn't go through.

The thunderstorms grew wide and struck continually at every damn second in different directions. I was cold and frightened to death. I was badly shivering and tired of pressing the switch as it made my fingertips feel numb.

With frustration and anger, I begun banging loudly at the door, hoping he'll hear it and respond quickly.

"Holy sh*t! Who the hell are you?", I heard a masculine voice scream from inside.

The voice wasn't that of Mateo but I wasn't in the clear mood to think things straight. I was raving mad already which made me yell at whosoever it was. "Will you keep me under the rain much longer?", I screamed back.

I saw the doorknob twist and the door was pushed opened. My gaze fell on the guy that unlocked the door to let me in. I just remembered that Mateo had domestic servants under him. So, the guy was probably one of them. I guessed I had seen him before.

"Miss Kendall?", he asked, acting like he had just seen a ghost. He wore an astonished look on his face.

I didn't bother replying as I was already drowned in frustration about the whole matter. I pushed him aside and made my way through with my drenched luggages.

"Where is Mateo?", I inquired to know immediately.

"My boss is in his study room", he answered plainly after shutting the door.

"Tell him I'm waiting for him right here", I ordered. He increased his pace as he took the stairs up to deliver my message.

I had waited for about ten minutes for Mateo to show up. I couldn't believe he could keep me waiting for this long. Finally, I heard footsteps approach me. I tilted my head towards the direction. It was the one and only Devil himself.

"Kendall, what explains your visit at this hour of the night?", I heard him ask. His voice sounded much deeper but sexy in a way. He was dressed in a blue pyjamas.

"Don't I have the right to come whenever I want?", I asked in return.

"How dare you question me?", he screamed in his loudest voice, making the entire house tremble in fear.

"You can't force me into being submissive to you every damn time! I've had enough of it", I screamed back at him.

"And what does that supposed to mean? Does that give you the audacity to raise your voice at me in my very own house?", he barked loudly. I didn't respond anymore. I wanted to get things straight to him. I was literally fed up of everything happening.

"To be honest with you, Mateo, I wouldn't have stepped my foot here if I had a damn choice. You're the cause of ever fucking thing that's happening in my life currently. You made a fool of me and now, you choose to abandon me?", I sobbed. I was going through a lot of pains, full of regrets.

"You literally know I'm carrying your child in my fucking womb but you failed to take your responsibilities as a man you claim to be", I sniffed in my tears before I continued.

"I feel stabbed in the chest right now. I wish I never met you. I wish I never laid with you that night. You played your dirty games on me and now, my life is on the wrong track all because of you. What do you even think of yourself?", I asked in tears as they ran down my cheeks.

"Enough of your nonsense, Kendall! You fucking blame me for everything that happened? You know well enough that I never forced you into bed with me. The day you broke out the news of your pregnancy to me, I gave you all the money you needed for an abortion and booked one of the best doctors for you but you turned my offer down. It wasn't too late then but yet, you chose to walk yourself into this mess. I saved you today by lying to the court for your sake and you aren't even grateful? If I didn't do all of that, will you be standing here before me to blabber this trash you just said this moment?", he asked.

"Is this all you can say now? Did you hear yourself speak? How did you even expect me to terminate my pregnancy? Is it so hard to take responsibility now? Can't we raise our unborn child together?", I asked as a million of questions ran down my mind.

"You have clearly lost your mind, I know it. Raise a child I didn't make plans for? Raise our child together but your heart belongs to someone else? I don't even love you and I know it's mutual. Things can't work out between us, what don't you understand?", he asked.

He was right. I clearly didn't love him, but being a single mother? How was I gonna cope with that all alone? My life was planned from the start but it was ruined now. Everything went wrong. Maybe, Mateo wasn't the one at fault. It was me. I caused all of it. My life was the real definition of miserable.

I heard him utter one last statement. "Whatever you wanna do, do it. It's your damn life. I tried my best to this point.You should be grateful atleast. Goodnight!", Mateo said. "Suite yourself in the guestroom for the night", he added as he found his way back to his bedroom upstairs.

I waved through with my luggages to the visitor's room which was just a stone throw from the sitting room. I got rid of my wet clothes and dumped them in the laundry basket. Then, I quickly prepared a hot bubble bath and went in to have my bathe. I could only think of what life could befall me in the nearest future.