JC was leisurely strolling at the boardwalk, trying to pass the time when he saw a lady that captivated his eyes.

She was dressed casually, wearing a flowy orange dress and a flip flop. She was walking ever so slowly while staring at the sea.

'God, she is beautiful.' JC thought to himself. There is something in her that captivated him. Could it be her perfect fair complexion? Or her beautiful pointed nose accentuated by her plump lips? Or could it be her long, shiny, pin-straight hair?

JC is used to seeing beautiful women. In fact, he had dated numerous elite socialites who are willing to jump into his bed with a snap of his fingers. But there is something intriguing about this lady.

'Could it be her eyes?!' With a closer look, one can see how sad her eyes are. They are almost lifeless. Lost.


'What did I do to deserve all this?' Alex thought to herself. She feels numb and lost and it clearly translates to her eyes. She had been walking around the boardwalk all day, staring at people and at the sea hoping to find herself. She does not know where to go or what to feel. It had been few minutes since she stopped by the foot bridge because she was captivated by the sunset. She did not notice the pair of eyes that were watching her intently.

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