
First Glance

" She's pretty" My heart whispers for the first time skipping a beat or two, as my face flushed a little in this foreign feeling I looked away forcefully yet reluctantly.

All our lives we live on logic thinking that nothing we do is from our heart and we're logical creatures. But once in a lifetime our heart finally speaks for itself and our eyes can't withdraw from who it mentions. Is it an old loved, No it's just someone random who just crosses our path or maybe someone who's been there all along in front of our eyes.

Suddenly as the heart speaks after a lifetime of silence, The world seems to gain colour, life becomes meaningful and nights restless.

" I want her " my mind processed a little slower and mission get my first love started.

Well folks time for introduction. At the time I'm around 16 years old, medium build, medium length hair, kind of above average in looks. Mama never said I'm handsome since 3rd class but everyone else does so it's a maybe.

I just started my collage and it's been a week and I do come from an all boys school but I kind of have a little confidence in talking to girls due to being thrown out of home to see the world, well that's what my parents said but I think they just wanted me to get put of my room. So no better way than to throw me to my uncles shop in their opinion but it was fun.

Plans after plans begin to emerge in my mind 5 mins after I decided to have my first love.

" She's pretty but not out of my league I just have to go for it " I thought

Next day,

I see her talking to a boy sitting behind her thoughts entering my mind as I see them smiling at jokes.

" I need to make my move "

Next class and I do something I couldn't think of doing looking back at my life.

I take my book and go sit at the first seat right beside their line.

" Write this down " The teacher said and fuck I don't have a pen neither do anyone sitting beside me I mean the boys.

" Here's my chance " I thought and asked miss gorgeous for a pen and what are the odds now even she doesn't have an extra so her friend lends her one. A bit sad isn't it.

The class ends as I reluctantly make my way back, she stands to do something and I stop at my track

" Ask for her number thats how it starts" God knows who said it but I heard it ring in my ear clearly and

" Can I have your number " I said expecting a number

" For what " She replied

" wtf I haven't thought of that " I thought as I facepalmed myself in my imagination

" The physics notes " I replied being proud of my lifesaving critical thinking.

" Oh, you can give me yours I'll text " She replied,

" Fuck she's gonna ditch " I thought as this excuse was kind of out of a textbook to reject a guy.

And then the most sweet and ignorant debate started in between us for who gets the others number and we come to a conclusion of exchanging.

" I did it " I thought coming back to my seat at the back and yes everyone knew it I did it as they smiled at me the whole day.