
Accepted I

Kat cafe

kat: Have a good day!! *exhausted* finally my shift is over time to go home

Kat Kat's home

Kat's mom:How was your day at work sweetie? and by the way you got a letter.

Kat:from who?

Kat's mom:from some university...west wood I think?


Kat's mom: That is what the letter said.

Kat: I got in!!! ..... WAIT mom are you going to be ok here without me?

Kat's mom: I will be fine....well what are you waiting for go pack.

Kat: your right I have to leave in 2 days

....what should I bring

Kat's mom:Where would you be without me? Here is list it came with the letter

2 days later

Kat: *teary eyed* I'll miss you mom

Kat's mom: I'll miss you too sweetie.....here I got this for you *hands box*

Kat: what is it?*opens box*thank you mom I will always wear this bracelet.

Kat's mom: well you have to get going I'll talk to you soon sweetheart

Kat West Wood University

Kat: Ok so the dorms are over here?

Guide: Yes and if you want I can show you to yours.

Kat: Yeah thank you

Guide: You have no idea how lucky you are you don't have to share a dorm this semester.

Kat: thank you

Kat Her dorm

Kat: Ok time to unpack....its bigger than I expected. Maybe I should go say hi to everybody else.

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