

Romansa Anak Muda
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Lee la novela LOVE IS WEIRD escrita por el autor Erni_Wulandari_4069 publicada en WebNovel. Kisah cinta yang aneh antara embun dan raksa yang menarik untuk di ceritakan ke seluruh alam semesta...


Kisah cinta yang aneh antara embun dan raksa yang menarik untuk di ceritakan ke seluruh alam semesta

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his revenge

why ? why are you so eager to make my life hell? what I have done to deserve such kind of behavior ? just answer me god damed ".. she was shouting in pain and agony.. whereas he was standing there in his tall intimidating frame, he didn't show any sign of being affected by her words or even by her shouting he more like enjoyed it ... "this is just a start and you are already shouting and complaining about this .. there is much more waiting for you and I should remind you that the level of pain you will feel by each passing day will be increased.. " after hearing him say this she was shocked and was confused at the same time as she was thinking what else he will do to make her life worse.. he never trusted any woman after that incidence and was living with only one Moto that he will make her pay for all the pain he has has suffered because of her.. he will ruin her life.. . he will search her in every corner of world and then he will return back in her life but this time not because of love, this time he will come back in her life just for revenge.. ANOTHER SCENE .. when I opened the door I thought I will meet a old age lady who is my aunt but it was really dark at home.. I think she didn't paid the electricity bill..that's why there is power cut.. I was moving in to my living room when something startled me someone was sitting on the Mahogany chair.. Maybe aunt is trying to rest.. She must be hungry... "HEY aren't you going to eat something I brought many things and while coming back I brought your favourite Chinese food look over here.. How many bags do I have " I told her in cheerful voice... But when the light were switched on all the energy from my body,  all smile from My face was drained out as I saw who was sitting in front of me. The bag of food and grocery which I was holding just slipped out of my hand... It was like I was paralysed.. I couldn't move my feet or I couldn't even breath at that moment.. "what happened are you shocked to see me over here?  You didn't expected me to be here.. Hmmn sorry for disappointing your expectations but I am happy to see you again ASHLESHA " he was all smirking while saying that but the moment he took my name the smirk was long gone from his face and a deadly expression was replaced instead of that... I got so scared that tears were flowing out of my eyes... I was shaking terribly... " I... I..  I sobbed loudly... Why?  Why you are here? Whe.. Where is my aunt?  Have you.. Kill... Killed her? " I asked him while sobbing.. " no why should I kill her she was my informer she herself told me that you have came over here..  She is very useful I won't kill her but you... You need to answer my questions " he shouted on the top of his lungs. His presence over here was enough for me to be terrified of him... He doesn't need to shout for that...  I am  feeling more afraid now.. He was about to get up and make his way to me but I dropped all the contents which were there in my other hand and started running.... "Aunty Maria,  Aunty Maria where are you I need you please answer me.. " i was trying to call my Aunt while running all the way to my room... But no one answered. Instead I heard his evil laugh from behind me.. "  there is on one in this house...  Your aunt sold you to me in exchange of a lot of money...  SO try shouting for some more help but you won't get any help from anyone... " he said... I reached my room and tried to lock it with all my strength but he got the hold of it... And he pushed the door to open with so much strength that I was on the floor as a impact of his pushing.. I tried to get away from him even in that position... But he closed the door loudly making me jump out in fright... " I told you, do not cross your line I won't leave you alone ever again.  Still you came over here now see what I will do to you.. You will see my beast side... " he shouted...

harshita95 · Integral
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2 Chs

Living With Christopher And Enjoy Your Life and View Nature Of Allah

Mark Haddon wrote an excellent book that became a best seller and won both the Whitbread Book of the Year and Whitbread Novel awards. Mark Haddon himself exclaimed, "Who in the world would want to learn about a fifteen-year-old boy with a disability?", While writing the book. Little did he know that it was the 15-year-old crippled boy who made his book stand out, won awards and sold out. The book is called, "The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time and the boy is Christopher." Christopher is an autistic-savant. You can list all the countries in the world and their titles. He has a memory of photography and mathematical and scientific wisdom. Despite his extraordinary intelligence, he is unable to think, understand figurative language and is related to humor. And he doesn’t like crowded places and people who touch him. People with autistic-savants exhibit both common traits in those with autism and those with Savant Syndrome. Autism is one of the growing diseases among the Autism Spectrum Disorders group. This condition is characterized by social, mental and communication impairments. Savant Syndrome is characterized by a very low standard of intelligence but an extremely low intensity in the fields of mathematics, music, art and memory. In the story, Christopher's parents are separated. Her mother has decided to leave Christopher and her father because she can no longer cope with the demands of having an autistic child. Parents who care for special children such as those with autism are more likely to have high levels of depression than most parents. This is because their children have special needs, unusual behavior and different abilities compared to other children of the same age. These children are more likely to find it difficult to communicate, thus, leading to abnormal responses. An example of this is when a child with autism cries for no good reason and starts beating himself up. There may be something that made him feel bad but he can't convey what it is because he doesn't know how. Some autistic children with neurological problems may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to touch, pressure, movement and noise. They will show certain behaviors that are sometimes difficult to understand such as avoiding certain types of food and drink, congestion or beatings, repetitive movements and shouting. Some of them may indicate strong attachment to certain tasks and fear of new places or people. Accepting the needs and dealing with these children's behavior is not easy and, therefore, can lead to a lot of stress. Autism can greatly affect a child's world. They thrive in safety, and anything they see that threatens their security must be shunned. However, many factors, circumstances, and social demands make them feel insecure and compelled to deal with this, making them more anxious over time. Unknowingly and unintentionally, children with autism often feel anxious about anything new or unknown in their understanding. As in the book, when Christopher had to walk past an unfamiliar town, he felt sick and scared. Unlike many children, those with autism are unable to adapt to new circumstances or situations. The process of learning to understand and accept the unknown beforehand causes high anxiety. In addition to what appears to be a difficult task to adapt to dealing with autistic children, much has been learned and published about appropriate management that can reduce not only the anxiety of children but also the pressure on their parents. Certain methods such as Cognitive Behavior Modification, Behavior Modification Techniques and Behavioral Modification Techniques have been proven to be effective in changing misbehavior and improving the learning skills of children with autism.

Khan_Baba_6224 · Historia
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