1 Prologue:

The world was spinning. That was the only thing Madison saw after she felt something hitting her back hard and pierced through her heart.

She knew she was shot but she didn't see where it came from or who shot her.

She should've known. Or at least, she should've been alerted by the oncoming gunshot by the people in her team.

And yet, they all stood there in front of her, watching her as if they were watching a suspense movie coming out of their eyes.

But this was no suspense movie. Madison thought as she felt her body growing colder as blood kept on leaving her system.

"Is she still alive?" The voice of a female rang above Madison's head.

"Still breathing." A man said after confirming that Madison was wheezing through her last breath. Madison recognized the female to be Claire and Robert, the man who just spoke. "She's a tenacious one. She should've died from that shot."

"Well, Mark must have missed a few centimeters and didn't deal it with one shot." Liu Tao said and laughed. "Well, it doesn't matter. One bullet in her head should be enough."

Liu Tao pulled out his gun from its holster and pointed it at Madison's head. She was still breathing, but barely noticeable. It was almost as if one didn't look carefully, one wouldn't know she's still alive and grasping for the last thread of life.

She wanted to live. She wanted to stand up and kill these people who stood before her.

They were supposed to be her teammates and her subordinates. And yet, ironically, they were also her executor.

'F*ck my life.' Madison harshly berated herself for trusting her life and back to them.


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