
Chapter 1

So how do I look?"haha"this was so not what I wanted by wedding to be like ?!and getting married when I'm only 19????Leaving home ... yes i do have a small crush on Shikamaru but getting Married??it never ever crossed my mind -just where did everything go wrong -


"TEMARI" yelled the young Nara head as the kunoichi saw him standing in front of the gates of Konoha a smile spread across Temari's face but as soon as the smile appeared it was gone as the kunoichi told herself that she had gone training to hide her emotions and a Suna Shinobi does not show emotion .But with Shikamaru -He just makes her all giddily and soft which she hated and loved at the same time .The kunoichi got her head out of the clouds - "So what are you doing here Shikamaru ?" Well I'm your escort during your stay in Konoha ,Hokage -sama's orders even tho it's drag-

"Lazy ass" the kunoichi teased.

" Trouble some woman " the young Nara head huffed.

Let's go to the Hokage's office first and notify him of your arrival ,he has been waiting . The kunoichi nods.They end up meeting Ino and Chouji. Chouji as usual eating his chips as Ino smirks and says " Ooo on a date ?I KNEW YOU GUYS HAD SOMETHING GOING ON !!" as she squeals excitedly . A slight blush appeared on their faces just for a moment and it was gone soon as it apperared. The smirk on Ino's face just grows ." NO" they said in Unison -I was just joking ..unless there really is something going on???- " No, Ino there is nothing I'm just her escort and we really have to go" sighed the young Nara head. "Really Shikamaru? ?" Yes really Ino -as she was about to say something again ,Chouji interrupts and says " If Shikamaru says so it must be true " while eating his chips ." HMPH" huffs Ino.Well go along you two lovebirds Ino smirks. The kunoichi Sighs and as they walk into the Hokage's building .They knock on the door-"Hokage-sama" the young Nara head calls - as they enter the room Shikamaru sees the so called Hokage trying to hide his Icha Icha paradise but an failed attempt while the paper work is still set in a pile - the young Nara head thinks to himself " am I baby sitting a 30 year old "- as he sends a deadly glare to the Hokage - the Hokage clears his throat and puts his arms on the table Welcome to Konoha" Suna no Temari", as you already know we are short on repairs from the war so you have been called here to supervise and as you know Shikamaru is going to be your escort ~the Hokage smiles . " Yes ,Hokage -sama " the kunoichi reply's with a slight smile . " Please it's KAKASHI"the Hokage huffs. The kunoichi bows " Hokage -sama " the Hokage sighs - you two can go now its late so you must be hungry after your long journey and Shikamaru you can show her to the Inn that has been prepared -make sure to stay with her ~ the Hokage says in a teasing tone ~ a slight blush appeared on their faces . I hope the reconstruction of Sunakagure is coming along greatly since Enteral Tsukuyomi had destroyed pretty much everything. It's going great Hokage sama ,the kunoichi replys since I'm here after all .The Hokage gives a smile "that's true" now Shikamaru take good care of her~the Hokage says in a teasing tone.They bow and leave the room.As the young Nara head thinks to himself , "even kakashi -sensei " he lets good a sigh ~

Let's go eat and then I'll show you your Inn. The kunoichi nods. As they enter Ichiraku they sit beside the Uzumaki couple ,as the blonde spots them he waves and calls them over " HERE SHIKAMARU DATTEBAYO" the young Nara head sighs .As they both take a seat next to them on the counter .Temari what do you want? "Anything really " the young kunoich replys. The young Nara head "sighs" trouble woman .The kunoichi just shot him her usual glare at his not so sexist remark . The young Nara head feeling a little threatened decides to just order their food. "Two large bowls of the usual Teuchi-San " he ordered . "Coming right up" he replied

After an awkward silence the kunoichi finally decides to break the silence,

So are you keeping up with training "Crybaby"? The kunoichi asked with a smirk. "Trouble woman you keep bringing up the past ?! But yes I have even tho it's troublesome "the Young Nara head sighs. Think you can beat me?the kunoichi aksed with her tone full of seriousness. Yes I can-as he was about to say something Teuchi -San bought them their food." Here you go"he said while placing their orders in front of them. Temari's stomach grumbled as her face is covered with a little blush but its gone as soon as she heard the young Nara head giggled- The kunoichi shot him a deadly glare before eating. The young Nara head thought to himself "Even if Temari was known as the crulest kunoichi, and she had gone training to control her emotions but when she saw food she couldn't help it, and he found that cute but at that thought he mentally slapped himself "cut eeeesee???" He just shrugged it off , both of them said in Unison

" itadakimasu"as they started eating. They ate in silence and as they were done the young Nara head went to pay for their meal as Temari protested that she will be paying for her meal. The young Nara head sighed as said "Men are supposed to pay for the meal even tho it's troublesome "he sighed

The kunoichi "pouts and huffs her cheeks "as the young Nara head finished paying for the meal he turned around to face the kunoichi only to stumble as kids were playing and two of them fell but as he was about to hit face to the ground a hand grabs his arms. He looks at whom the hand belonged to as he heard "Men huh??"as the kunoichi smirked. A blush appeared on the young Nara head cheeks as he said "s-shut upp" as he straightened himself. The kunoichi gave a slight smile as she saw him sutter which was a rare slight after all. As they moved out of Ichiraku and toward the Inn the kunoichi would be staying at. There was silence the entire time none of them could find the words.As both of them tried to say something they were in front of the Inn. "Here we are  "Shikamaru said. As they walked in and got the room key, the young Nara head walked the kunoichi to her room and finally said

" you should rest ya know there is a lot of work to be done "the young Nara head sighs remembering the pile of paper work that will be awaiting him. "You should really see your face right now"- the kunoichi sighed with a bit of smirk creeping up her lips.

"Troublesome woman "the young Nara head sighed

"Crybaby "the kunoichi said as in a matter of fact tone

"The young Nara head scratched the back of his head we both should since we will be needing it "he sighed"

"Yeah you're right " sighed back the kunoichi

As she opens the door to go in she says to the young Nara head "don't cry yourself to sleep "the kunoichi smirked

" Troublesome woman "the young Nara head huffed as he went on his way to his home. It was late probably around 11:30 pm Shikamaru just put his key in the door knob and opened the door and as he scanned the living room for his mother but there was no sign of her, so he just assumes that she's asleep. Shikamaru just goes straight up to his room, he sighs as lazy as he was he would always take a shower before bed. He takes of his clothes and goes into the shower. After some time he comes back and throws on his night suit on and jumps to the bed ~Ahh finally he was in his bed and as he looks up at ceiling he laughs remembering how uncool he was in front of the Kunoichi and her giggle seems to keep replaying in his head he doesn't know why as he drifts into a deep slumber.

Had he known what was coming -