
Love Is Red

chelsea was living with her mother and stepfather. She never dated anyone seriously and everyone knows that. She never regrets staying single until his stepbrother came to her home and they shared a time together. Vincent is different from others he is harsh , he is heartless but she still fell for him.

Black_Swan_8894 · Ciudad
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11 Chs



I asked her mother to meet her one last time and she allowed me. I went inside her room and locked the door behind.

She was still crying .

"You are still here. "

"I'm not leaving until you look at me."



I turned around. He must have seen the despair written all over my face.

His eyes looked watery. "Fuck. I don't want to leave you like this."

Just know that if I could stay with you, I would." He gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and continued, "I know that despite my warning, you gave me a piece of your heart anyway last night.

" please don't leave me…. I love you… I cannot take it alone".



She was holding my jacket with both her hands and was crying like a baby.

I kissed on her lips then her forehead and said " thanks for giving me your most special thing , thanks for making me alive again. This is the end I guess, give your heart to the person who really deserve it".

Saying that I tried hard to get her hands off my jacket but she didn't let go. I kissed her again and said " please don't make it more difficult for me ".

She losen her grip and I went out of her room left her crying on the floor. When I came down I looked at the back of Dave but he didn't looked at me .I came outside looked at her window one last time and she was in her window looking at me crying.


Just like that, he'd exited my life as fast as he'd entered it.

I stood at the window and wished I hadn't when he looked up at me one last time before entering the cab with the piece of my heart he knew he'd taken with him. As for the rest of my heart left behind, it was



Vincent left me. I was alll alone and broken. I went in his room to feel his presence. I opened the door of his room and felt him sitting on his bed playing play station. That night was amazing. I went to his cupboard and opened it. There was nothing in there. No shirt, nothing. I looked at the drawer of cupboard and saw a dairy in it. I took that diary out and sat at the bed to read it.

I opened from the first page and read how badly Dave used to treat him. I shuffle some pages to see If he wrote about me like I wrote about him in my diary and I found something.

"She looks so innocent and cute. I saw her the way she was looking at me one thing was clear that she wanted to be more to me. She made my work more easy. I will make her fell in love with me and I will make her dirty and then I will leave her. I will leave her crying like Dave left my mother crying. "

My heart came in my mouth reading all that. He played me. He was playing with me. All he wanted was revenge. He never loved me. I started feeling dizzy. I came in my room and sat at my bed. I gave my heart to a wrong person. His words were roaming in my mind now. "Give your heart to a person who deserves it." You never deserved that Vincent. I was a fool.

Once he left the time start to pass fast in life. Lily fell in love with a boy and they were kind of serious about each other. She asked me many times why Vicent left and finally I told her the truth.

She felt pity for me and I was happy that she was there to hear me out. I stopped sitting with Dave anymore and I stopped calling him my dad. My real dad start meeting me more often. I told him what Dave used to do with me and he took action against it. My mother find out about it and she didn't believe me because she never saw anything unusual in my behavior with Dave. My dad took my responsibility from court and I shifted with him but I told him to keep me in another house or flat so I can live in peace and his family also. So he agreed and he bought me flat for me and I was very thankful for that.

After seprating from my I start my journey as a new person where I was putting my focus on my career and not love or romance. I was at home one day. It was a weekend and this is my habit to call Lily over my place so we can have a girls night all together. That night we decided to watch Titanic at her request. I am not into romantic movies anymore but who can say no to Titanic. So she came over with snacks and beers and we went in our room to enjoy our movie.

We have been watching the movie from an hour now along with some chicken nachos. The door bell rings and I looked at the time. It was 10 o clock in the night. I wasn't sure who could that be at this time Lily was too tired to get up so I decided to see myself because it can be my father. That's his habit that he drop by after work or dinner at my place to spend some time with me. I went to check the door and when I opened the door there was no one.

"Who is it Chelsea? " Lily shouted from the room and I turned to reply no one. I turn my face back at the door and saw a man wearing a black mask along with black hoodie standing in front of me. He was holding a bottle. He threw the white liquid at me and it hits my half neck and half breast and it felt like someone just pour boiling water at me. I fall back and started screaming with pain.

"Aahhhhhh.. AAAHHHHH… "

Hearing me screaming Lily came out running of her room and looking at me she ran to me and asked

"What happened?" I screamed with pain, "Someone threw hot water at me." She shouted getting panic

"That's not water, it was acid. Someone threw acid at you. Let me call ambulance." She called the ambulance and went in kitchen and brought cold water from fridge and pour that at me but the pain was unbearable. I passed out with the paim and when I wake up I was in the hospital in ventilator and my father and Lily were standing on the other side of the glass window. My upper body was covered with bandage and I was half naked. Looking at me the nurse called the doctor and the doctor came inside to check me.

"Hello, Chelsea, How are you feeling now? " I replied in my dizzy painful voice, "Burned." The pain was extreme that I was even unable to take the breath. He told me I was attacled by the acid and my neck and left side breast and shoulder is burned with it. He told me the healing will take time and time will be painful. I was happy that he didn't lie to me. He told me everything clearly so I can make my mind that now my life will be totally change.