
Six Headed Dragon

Didn't take long for the eyes to come up to me during lunch smacking my food to the ground up. The six girls surrounded me poking there fingers in my shoulder asking "why did he sit next to you", the main head girl blonde big chested head cheerleader said "he looked at you as if he knew you"!!! her eyes looked at me with hatred and jealousy. I slowly picked up my lunch box with the meal I made for myself put it together and stood up slowly and said "I don't know him, and don't want to get to know him" as I slowly looked away to see if anyone will make eye contact for help. Just then out of the blue a figure grabbed a apple that must have rolled away from the box when it was knock over... before our eyes can me I can see the look of the girls in shock when he stood I'm from the of me with a smile and said you dropped your apple while he wiped the apple on his shirt to remove any dirt from it before handng it to me. He looked at the girls with a Stern looked and said "Not very lady like to gain up on one person over nothing". The girls were in shock by his mere presence. they quickly took a step back bad sorry and took off. a sigh of relief as a left. I thanked him for getting me the apple and try to walk away. he grab my hand and asked if we could sit and eat lunch together. I turned down the offer and walk through the door outside. as the door shut behind me I can feel heat boiling in me felt like I was having a fever, my heart was racing pounding and pounding. I felt dizzy my knees shaking his eyes connected with mine and I before I could get stuck into them I left. As I went to the garden to cool off. Take out all the ruin plants that I'm pretty sure the six headed dragon messed up. saving what plants I could before the bell rang to return to class. I promise myself I will not look, or talk or even know him.... I spoke to soon... He was moving my desk back into it's original space, must have been from the dragons too as they were talking so friendly to him asking him many questions. As a note fell from the desk the dragon girl looked at each other in frantic of not knowing what to do before he could reach down to pick it up. I raced over. grabbed the note and place it back into my desk before he could touch it. His mouth open to ask about the note or to just say something than the bell rings and the teacher walks and and class begins.

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