
"Unveiling the Truth"

Chapter 15

Ryan's POV

I wanted to leave to avoid her from seeing me, but my guys were here, so I couldn't leave. We went to sit down, and to be honest, they filled all the seats. I told them to order anything since I'd be paying for it, and they did.

"Thanks, guys," they all said in unison.

"It's really nothing. You all did well today, that's why this is happening," I said.

"Let's eat and enjoy ourselves. Waiter, bring the champagne," I added, and he quickly came and placed it on the table.

Liela's POV

I heard loud chatting going on among a lot of guys, and I guessed they were a group. I took my attention back to Tania, who was telling me how she wants to meet her future man. My eyes grew wide open when I heard, "Let's toast to Ryan Diego for this meal he prepared for us," one of the guys said, and they toasted.

"It's really nothing," I heard Diego say. I couldn't help but think my first love was really in this place. I took my mirror, checked myself, put on some lip gloss, and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Tania asked.

"I'm going to meet someone. Maybe my own man is here, so wish me luck," I said, signaling her to tell me how I look.

"You're beautiful as always," she said, and I smiled. Taking a deep breath, I went to meet the guys.

"Hello, everyone," I said, and they turned their attention to me.

"I heard you saying Ryan Diego, so I came here. I would love to toast to him for saving me that day," I said, smiling, and the guys were just whispering to each other.

"Sure, you can..." a guy said, but someone interrupted him.

"He just left now," that weakling said. Why was he here, and why does he have to be friends with Diego? I'm sure this weakling will spread his bad omen to him, I wondered as I stared at him.

"Well, I can wait," I said, smirking at him, and took another chair to sit, and everyone whispered.

Ryan's POV

We were eating, and a lady came to meet us. I was on my phone with an earpod in my ear. I didn't pay attention to her, but when I heard Ryan Diego, I looked up to see her. She came to toast to me, and I quickly said, "He just left," and her eyes went to me. I know she was irritated to see me, and I wasn't surprised when she said she was going to wait.

I saw my guys whispering, saying, "She doesn't know it's him. Wow, he has found a lover."

Jackson's POV

I stared at both of them in awe. I couldn't help but think she hates him and came to thank him for saving her. Which means she doesn't know how her savior's face looks like, so the name she heard must be what he had told her. But why would he help her when he acted coldly towards her in that restaurant? Wait, I've figured it out. He likes her but shows it from afar and treats her badly so she could have a bad impression of him. This doesn't make sense.

She sat with us for over ten minutes, and the guys started getting impatient because Ryan hadn't told her he was the one. So one of them decided to tell her.

"Young lady, he's Ry..."

"I'm Soo ho," Ryan said.

"Not like I care," she said, giving Ryan a disgusted look. Now everyone was confused except for me.

Now I understand perfectly well. This is love from a distance, I said.

What Soo ho meant was that he had already left, so you're wasting your time here, I said, and Ryan looked at me.

"Oh, you should have told me earlier you unfortu... I mean, Soo ho, instead of beating around the bush. But anyways, tell Diego thank you for me," she said and left.

"Guy, why didn't you tell her you're the one?" James asked, and the rest nodded in agreement.

"Because I'm not the Ryan Diego she's looking for," he said.

"But you're the Ryan Diego we know in this school."

"Yes, but she's looking for someone else, not me. So I had to say Soo ho not to get her confused, in case you all are wondering why," he said, and everyone nodded. The matter died down, and we continued our celebration.

Liela's POV

I went back to my seat.

"Tan, let's leave this place. He had already gone. If that idiot had specified it very well, I would have left the place and caught up with him outside" I complained.