
Too Good to be Bad


   The deafening sound of the alarm clock was to be heard in the four corner of her room. She set it last night afraid at the thought of being late on her first subject.

  "Good morning Monday," she whispered while yawning as she tried to get up on her bed walking straight to the bathroom half of her eyes open and the other half closed. Feeling the heaviness of her head.

   Still half asleep, she sat down the basin and waited for a minute to fully open her eyes and do her morning routine.

   It was past two in the morning when she finally fell asleep trying to finish the series she watched last Friday on 'Netflix'.

   "La laaa, la laa la," she gracefully sung on the bathroom as she puts shampoo on her shoulder length  black hair and soap all over her body then rinsing it well with tap water from the shower while continuing humming.

    The good vibes she had early in the morning was from the satisfaction she had in the ending scene of the k-drama she had watched.

     She definitely loved watching K-dramas, the addiction started in her High School when one of her schoolmate 'her girl best friend actually back in those days' introduced to her the Korean dramas including Kpop idols and music, which fortunately blended into her liking, in other words she liked it, well the right term was, she was sucked by it.

      She's been fantasizing to have a man who was as good as the leading man in the dramas she had watched. Who were tall, handsome, sweet, caring and masculine as Song Jong ki, Lee Min Ho and etc., in short 'she wanted a perfect man' in her life. Just like someone whom she adores in real life.

     After she took the shower she goes straight to her dressing room putting on her clothes then proceeded to blowered her hair, putting 'em up into a ponytail afterwards, then added on a light make up on her pale face and a light lipstick.

      She was already pleasurely spending few minutes of checking herself in the mirror when she picked up in her desk the black glass she used to wear on weekdays when going to school. She puts it on. After spending a few more minutes looking at the mirror and finally earned satisfaction with her look, she gracefully goes out of her room and directly goes to the kitchen and had her meal.

    It was past six in the morning when she got on the bus and get there in school less than fifteen minutes before 7:00.

   "Good morning Lily!" Jackson greeted her bearing a wide smile from behind her as they entered their room making him look more stunning and manly in his black silky jacket with a white shirt tucked inside his jeans that tends to show the masculine build he had worked on for years.

    "Good morning too Jack," Lily sweetly responded while trying to hide her blushing face from him.

     Jackson Young was Lily's school mate back in elementary. She and Jackson was pretty close enough that all his problems in life, mostly family and school life was not a secret for her already.  Everything about him was known to her 'cause he used to tell her those happenings.

   " Slept late?" Lily's heart beats rapidly when she felt Jackson's warm breath in her ears.

"I guess you did," he grinned. 

"You finished watching it?" he added.

  "Yeah,  I did.  Can't help it," she cutely

responded to him. 

  "Expected it," he said as he pulled the chair on Lily's desk and pointed on it, stating that she'd go sit on it.

  "Thank You." she responded,  following him as she puts her bag on her desk.

    They both took the same course in Accountancy in Saint Luke University three years ago. Jackson was Lily's childhood friend who definitely become her ultimate crush whom she was admiring for the past six years. She liked him because he was good to her, caring and sweet. He used to make her smile with his jokes and accompanied her when she needed his help back in the days when they were inseparable.

    This past year she was trying her best to avoid asking for his help because she was afraid. Afraid that she might confess her feelings for him. They were nothing like the old days but both of them catches some small talk from time to time yet on her part it was awkward. Especially when he shows her affection that gave her thoughts of him liking her like she was.

   "How sweet of him right?"

     A familiar sarcastic voice of a girl named Stephanie Smith interrupted Lily on her thoughts as she was opening her bag to get her notebooks and pen. 

   "Happy now?" she glared at her mockingly as she was accompanied by her two minions at her back.

    Lily didn't respond to her query but rather she started to review her notes. 


     As she was about to open it, Stephanie quickly snatched it from her giving it to one her minion motioning her to throw it outside the classroom.


   "Dont dare lay your fingers on my man, bitch!" she hissed on her.

  ''As if his yours," replied Lily's brain.

   "Ugly nerd!" she added as she bump her arms to Lily's shoulder, passing on her and marching towards where Jackson seated five minutes ago who was now talking to the guy named John beside him.

    Lily hid the pain she felt on her shoulder.

    Addition to it, STEPHANIE was also one of the reason why Lily was avoiding him "Jackson" since coming into college.

    The girl who was well known to everyone in the class, and the campus as well, who was most popular to boys.


     She was used to getting whoever she wanted. Unlike everyone else, Jackson was the only exception among her targets, one whom she didn't get in a snap because he didn't fall so easily on her tricks, looks and seducing. He becomes distant on her and her allies while opposite to other girls in the classroom. Which makes Lily's heart flutter as if he did it 'cause of her.

     Lily wasn't born a warfreak and she aims to end her college with flying colors, so at any cost she was trying twice her very best only to avoid Stephanie's rants so she can peacefully enjoy her last year in their alma mater.

  "It's yours, right?" Jess her seatmate who became her bestfriend asked her referring to the plain black notebook she was holding.

  "Yeah," she nodded.

  "Thanks, Jess."

    She puts her focus back on her notes that Jess picked up outside the room and strictly told herself not to look back to avoid more conflicts in between her and Stephanie.

   "She's so annoying Lily," Jess demanded.

"Can I slap her for you?"

   "Never mind her Jess."

"Not worth of your time," she added.

    Lily can't help but smile on her friends suggestion.

    "Just tell me if you want me to do it. Any time I'll find her and smack her hard on face for yah".

   ''ALRIGHT! I'll tell you then", Lily jokingly agreed to her.


    They just both shrug and smile on the idea.

   Good thing she had a friend like Jessica who was so comfortable to be with.  She was straight forward and so mature to be with.  She's like a sister for Lily. She doesn't like parties just like her, especially boys, she was not into them.  Its not because she was ugly, of course! Jessica was pretty too even with her bare face only 'well she didn't put much make up thou' just a lip balm on her lips and usually putting her hair on a pony.


      She also preferred focusing on her academics just like Lily. Likes to read books and novel as well. In short she's intelligent, caring and friendly with few true friends including her.

      Three years ago when they first met each other on this school. At first Lily thought that Jessica's  ain't friendly and not approachable because she looked so distant, quiet and seemed like hypocrite at first look. But! when they became seatmates on that day, it turned 360 degrees and Lily didn't expect her to be this charming and friendly when she finally got the chance to talk to her and know her little by little for the past years.

     "Class starts on 5 Lil", Jess reminded her of their first class.


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