

I look up after I had completed telling my story and Milan was in tears and so was I, but she did not offer any comfort and nor did I. I did not expect her to be okay right now with all that has happened and I have also betrayed her and kept so many secrets.

She told her story and she blamed it all on Denton and Stacey for being evil and wanting to strip us of our life and independence.

We had hugged each other and i felt the weight of my heartache reduce by tenfold and I hoped that Milan had felt the same or atleast a little better.

I had showed everyone a few pictures of my daughter Rianna and they all were in awe of her by the time I had finished. Milan told me that if I loved Elton I should go ahead and be with him and that she does not hold grudges against him. She said that she had come to terms many years ago with the reason for him leaving her and she had requested to meet Ria.

The twins had come back home and I was feeling very desperate to see my baby therefore I headed to the hotel where I had found Ria asleep in the room she was to be sharing with a nanny that Elton had booked and he was now working on his laptop. I was unable to get another room that night so I had to share this room with him.

I went into the bathroom and that night I had cried after 3 years for all the damage that was caused by the Thompsons. I hated them with every fiber of my being and I wish to never see their faces again. They had tried to take advantage of us and had destroyed Milan and I by asking us to marry someone we had seen as a father figure.

After showering I had changed into a long t shirt as I did not pack any sleep shorts knowing I would be sleeping in a room of my own but this would have to do and it was no big deal since Elton never looked at me anymore so he would not notice and even if he did it wouldn't matter hes already seen it all before and he is not interested.

I went to the room and he didn't even bother to look up so I put on some face cream let my wet hair loose and on my way into the bed I had stumbled on one of his shoes that laid next to the bed and fell causing him to look up at me and mutter something about being careful.

Feeling embarrassed I quickly got up and got into bed and he was still staring at me. He came over to lay down on the other side of the bed when I felt his hand on my thigh causing me to become emotional I had cried that night and he held me tightly without asking any questions.

The next morning awakening to hearing Ria chatting her dads ears off about her new doll that I had gotten a few days ago. I got out of bed and smiled at my little girl. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and my hair and then took Ria to run her a bath after changing her I had a cup of coffee and went to shower when I returned I had changed into a light blue summer dress and slipped on silver sandals and went to tell Elton that Milan would like to meet Ria and that I would like to take Ria there to visit her today.

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