
Chapter One: The Unexpected Proposal

Isabella had never believed in the supernatural, until she met Eric. He was charming, witty, and unlike any man she had ever met. They had been dating for six months when he finally revealed his secret.

"I'm a werewolf," Eric said, looking into her eyes. Isabella blinked in disbelief, wondering if she had heard him correctly.

"A what?" she asked, hoping she had misunderstood him.

"A werewolf," he repeated. "I can shift into a wolf at will, and I have enhanced senses, strength, and speed. It's part of who I am."

Isabella stared at him, her mind reeling. She didn't know what to make of this revelation. Part of her wanted to run away and never look back, but another part was intrigued. She had always been fascinated by the supernatural, and the idea of being with a werewolf was both thrilling and terrifying.

Eric must have sensed her hesitation, because he took her hand and said, "I know this is a lot to take in, but I love you, Isabella. And I want to be with you, for as long as you'll have me."

Isabella felt her heart skip a beat. Eric's words were so sincere, and his eyes were full of love and affection. She knew she had to make a choice. She took a deep breath and said, "I love you too, Eric. But I need some time to think about this."

Eric nodded, looking a little disappointed, but understanding. He kissed her forehead and said, "Take all the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready."

Over the next few weeks, Isabella did a lot of research about werewolves and the supernatural. She read books, watched documentaries, and even went online to chat with other people who claimed to have had similar experiences. She was amazed by what she learned, and gradually became more comfortable with the idea of being with a werewolf.

One evening, as they were walking in the park, Eric took her hand and said, "Isabella, I have something to ask you."

Isabella's heart skipped a beat. She wondered if he was going to propose to her. She looked up at him, and saw that he was smiling.

"What is it?" she asked, feeling a little nervous.

"Will you marry me?" Eric asked, his eyes sparkling.

Isabella was stunned. She had never expected this. She looked at him, and saw that he was holding out a small box. She took it, opened it, and saw a beautiful diamond ring.

"Yes," she said, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, I will marry you."

Eric took the ring from the box, and slid it onto her finger. He leaned in and kissed her, and for a moment, Isabella forgot all her doubts and fears. She was in love, and nothing else mattered.

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