
Love Attraction And Lust

BADASSGIRL143 · Adolescente
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70 Chs

The Beginning

Our apartment bell ring.. and we both are woke up to ur little nap. I don't want to get up so she get up and get food. And freshen up and than woke me up.. and I do the same..

After that we both eat food watching some movie.. and than we both started to get ready.. it's 9 o'clock in night. Our flight is 2 in the morning.. plus we have to go to airport early for check in.. also our suitcase.. and lots of things we have to do there.. so it's better that we are not going to be late. An reach there safely.. and on time..

Half an hour after we both ready to go to airport and exact time doorbell ring. We both know that it's Grayson. So we didn't west out time. And get our suitcase and opne the main door.

The driver come and get our suitcase and take in back site in car.

" Hyy girl's.. ready to start the journey.." he said to us. And we both are nodded. And we all get in the care.

Grayson site with driver and doing something good know in he's phone. Me and hazz take backsites . And we also do same thing.. hazz post some photos.. and also update status that we are going to New York whom I like are post. We started to chat in comment all rubbish.. an our phone ding every second.. and we both laughed that how stupid we are. We both are sitting together but still we are chatting in comment boxx.

" Why you said thiss bell.." she said. And I laughed.. I like to annoy her. And than she also after same thing..

" Damn hazz.. I am going to kill yeaa.." i told her. An both keep doing it .

" What are you girls doing back there.." Grayson turn toward us and see that what we are doing..

" Nothing we are just joking around.." she said. And didn't said.. I reply her comments and than she read it.. and I see how she red all in her face.

" Damn girl.. you are naugthy girl or what can I say bad girl." She said. We both laughed..

" Told yeahh. I am best in everything.. now don't say there any come back.. or you will be Dead hazz.. " I warn her.. and I am thankful that she didn't said.

" Girls what are you talking about.." Grayson again asked..

" Nothing gray.. I just post that we are going to New York so someone of comment something naugthy.. than bell join him and they both are just.. " she said but I cut her of because I know what she agar going to her next work..

" Nothing gray i just leg pulling her.. with one for he's friend. " I finished it.. and Gray again amused that how I just come up with..

" Oky.. " he said.

" So how your day.. you pack all things that you want girls.. anything that you want guys don't hesitate to call us.. " he said to us. And when he said this. I know he's mean it what he said.

" Yeahh sure . We will.. and don't worry we didn't pack much.. it's just important things what we are needing there.. if we need something we will go and buy it . " Hazz said to him after that he didn't say anything..

Finally we reach airport.. we get our suitcases drivers help us for that. And than get trolley and take there all our bags. And than Grayson said important things whom we have to do when we get inside in airport..

" Take tace of each other.. and be safe.. please for me.. for us.. " he said. And hug hazz. Kiss her forehead.. she nodded an didn't say something to her..

I know how much are they both are fight but in the end they both are love each other so I am happy that seeing them like this. I feel Happy looking at them. Hazz cry in his arm and he console her.. and that what brother and sisters relationship. After making some joke hazz laugh an than she said she want to use washroom she will be back.. and I know why she did. She want to give us privacy.. damn girl. She know.

When we both are alone.. I looking at my shoes.. I know he's starting at me.. I blush.. damn he still has effect on me..

"Princess.." he said. And I look at hes eyes. And I just what to say.. I am going to miss him. He's smile he's face. He's eye's. He's everything..

" Hyy." I said confidently when I know that I can't strong enough.

" I just want to say sorry.." he said to me. I don't know why he's apologizing me. Or I just know why he's doing..

" I am sorry that I didn't tell you that day. I don't know what I did is right or wrong.. i don't know why you left. But if I hurt you.. I am really really sorry.. " he said to me. And I know he mean it what he said.

" I hope you will forgive me.." he said to me.. I just looking at him. I don't know but I feel angry.. I feel angry on him..

" I will not gray.. I will never.. " i said and I didn't know but I am crying.. tears can't stop in my eyes..

" You supposed to be my best friend.. we never hide things to each other.. I know that we both married for our father  legacies.. but we both are friend's.. but you suddantly change.. you didn't know but you hurt me so much.. how can someone do this to there Best friend.. how can you forget me.. what you thing that I am not Support you.. when you introduce Bobby to me. I accept your relationship. I accept you.. for you happiness I convinced everyone.. but what you did in return.. you just humiliate me.. " I told him and I know my words will hurt him but he also want to know this where is wrong..

" You are to blind in love that you just forget me.. forget you cousin and forget all of them who care for you.. they are accept you relationship but what you did in return you just use them and throw them.. I never thought that you will change like this.. if person become selfish in love. And forget he's responsibility.. than I don't want to love again.. I don't want to love anyone.. " i said to him.. and I didn't want for him to say something.. I know I am leaving me like this. But it's he's punishment.. I hope he understands when time comes.. but still in my heart I don't want to see thing like this. I don't want to feel this.. if I will do.. I can't just live the way I plan.. I turned around and look at him. He still stood there and looking at me..

" But still you are best friend.. I forgive you gray.. " i said to him given him smile and I Walk away..

I show my tickets and passport to guards and they nodded. And I enter the airport.. I didn't turn back to see him beacuse I know if I did I will broke down.. and feel guilty that why I said all things to him.. I don't want to.. but why he start all this. If he didn't up this things I never those things to him.. I just got angry. Why.. beacuse I know how he hurt me.. how much I feel that kill myself. How I control my feelings to him.. before love him.. he's my best friend.. and as friend yes I am angry.. and I have all right to show him where he's wrong..

" Bell.. " hazz come to me.. and than we both started to join the line for show them our tickets and asked them where to do. And all this..

" So.. " hazz asked me.. I know she want to know . And I have no idea to hide this..

" He apologized what he did that day.." I said to her..

" So he finally did huh.. " she said with smirk..

" Yeahh. " I said with nodding my head..

" What you said after.." she asked.. and I know that she will asked but still I want to her to asked me an she did..

" I said that I don't want to forgive him.." i said. She surprise and waited me to continue..

" I told him that how we used to be friends.. how he used to be my best friend.. and also told him that how can he hide this things. He supposed to be first tell things.. it's all my right to know.. and lots of this I just said that how he just upset us.. and distance with us.. " i said to her.. she nodded..

" you did was right thing.. now I feel for bad to him.. he feel guilty about all this.. " she said to me.. same what I feel about when I walking away for him..

" I know that's why that's why I told him that I am still he's Best friend and I forgive him.. " i said to her. And she hug me..

" I know it.. you are not heartless.. bell.. I am so proud of you.." she said.

" Yeahh yeahh whatever.. " i said..

" So new what.. " she asked me..

" It's new beginning.. new chapter for our life.. i want you to forget about all this. And enjoy as much as we can do in New York.. this six months are our only freedom that we can enjoy it.. we are living there for our own.. and I want you to experience with me everything.. our time.. our friendship.. it's all about us.. " I told her.. and she nodded with smile..

" You are right.. after all it's about us.." she said. And than after that we did college things and we did all things what they told us..

And like this.. we finally sitting in our plan.. and we both are so excited about it.. an it's our first time.. but we don't want to know anyone that..

Whatever they announced that we all nodded. And that they announced that we are going to up.. so we both hold each other hand. And thank God it's not that dangourse so we are happy for that.. I look at me window.. yeahh right. I got window site.. me and hazz both see that we are finally leaving London.. an going to be New York..

I looking at there and see that when we started to moving up.. London going to be seen blurr.. and that I finally admitted finally I am leaving it.. I know it's for short journey.. but I am finally leaving it.. I want to think about myself.. I am leaving Grayson.. giving him chance to giving him he's happiness.. I am leaving him.. for he's good.. for my good.. for me to write new chapter.. to forget everything start news.. think about myself.. my present and my future.. and this six months.. I promise myself that I will going to be forget about Grayson..

Forget about him that we have any relationship.. that we still had married.. that we are husband wife.. to forget that we are even firends..

I just want to know that... And it's only about me.. it's about only about me.. my life.. my future.. I know in future he will going to married Bobby.. and I also know that me and Bobby we both are not living together in same house.. we can't stand each other..

An I am assured that.. when I come back.. I will going to divorce to him.. than we both are leave our life happily.. he finally going to married Bobby.. happily ever after.. I will make sure that when I come back.. I  give them what they want.. I am not going to more interfere and stay like side bitch..

So this is it..

New start..

New place..

New people..

New adventures..

New life..

New beginning..

New chapter...

New challenges..

New me..

And in this new life.. there is no more Grayson Donal.. no more annebelle Donal..

just a annebelle Benson.