
I can see that something is burning

While seeing that girls drive away I take my headphones out from my pocket and then I connected them. When I did this I could see that I don't have a downloaded app "fuck" I said in a low voice while seeing it.

While I been looking at it start doing it. While I was doing it I start looking around and after a few seconds could see that it has downloaded.

While seeing it I opened it while putting my headphones to my ears. When I did this I go to voice chat and then I said "hello morons"

"Yo" shaggy said

"Finally what take you so long," sweety said

"I hear we are drinking tomorrow" bold said

"Ok I needed to download the app I had a new phone and I totally forgot about it. And maybe we are drinking" I said to him while adding in mind 'to tell truth its second's new phone but which I had earlier been destroyed due to accident but you don't need to know it' 

"So that's good but how your liver is now" bold ask