
72. The L-Angels

In the cafeteria in Royal Woods Elementary, Stella was trying to find a table to sit at. Normally she would sit with Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty and Zack but as much as she liked them, even she needed a break from them once in a while. As she was looking for a table she heard someone calling her name. "Hey Stella! Over here luv!" Stella looked and saw Tabby waving her over. "Got a spot right here for ya!" Stella smiled and went to join her.

"Thanks." Stella said. "For a minute there I thought I would've had to stand to eat." When she sat down she noticed that Haiku and Paige were also sitting at the same table much to her surprise. Paige was playing a game on her phone and Haiku was writing in her poetry journal. "Didn't know Paige and Haiku were sitting here too."

"Yeah, Haiku and I been friends along with Giggles and Polly Pain after the Sadie Hawkins dance, Sure there were some bruises and such but we became good friends after the dance and so on." Tabby explained. "Well Giggles got suspended for a prank that involved a beehive in the girl's basketball team locker room and Polly is in the hospital after getting her leg broken."

"What about Paige?" Stella asked.

"I taught her how to play Through the Fires and flames on the Guitar hero arcade machine. She missed a few notes those." said Tabby.

"So What brings you to our neck of the woods?" Paige asked while keeping her eyes on her phone. "Don't you usually hang out with Lincoln and his friends."

"Sometimes I need a break from the boys. I mean I like them, but I need a break from their chats, they're talking about this Death Battle that involved Green Lantern, calling it a load of crap." Stella explained as she sat down.

"Oh I saw that one." Paige said. "Good animation but lousy ending."

"Agreed." Stella said. "Boys get worked up over the stupidest things."

"I agree they keep making their pointless arguments." Haiku replied. "They will realize they wasted their lives on the web."

Paige looked up from her game and looked at Haiku weirdly before scooting over a little bit. The girls then hear laughing and turn to see Ronnie Anne walking into the cafeteria with a girl they didn't recognize.

"Is that Ronnie Anne with a new girl?" Paige asked.

"I see her too." said Tabby as Stella leaned in and see the new girl. They see a 12 year old girl light-skinned half-Asian girl with long brunette hair, freckles. She wears a blue long-sleeved shirt, black shorts, pink headband, white earrings, red socks, and black boots.

"Who the heck is that girl?" Stella asked.

"Not sure." Paige answered. "But Ronnie Anne seems to know her. Let's just ask her. Hey Ronnie Anne!" Ronnie Anne stops laughing and sees Paige calling her. She motioned for the new girl to come with her before walking over to the table.

"S'up." Ronnie Anne greeted.

"Hey Ronnie." Stella greeted. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh. This is Sid." Ronnie Anne replied. "She's a friend I met in the city. She just moved here so her dad can be the manager at the bus depot and her mom works at the zoo."

"Cool. Hey luv. Names Tabby." Tabby said.

"Hey I'm Paige." said Paige.

"My name is Haiku." Haiku introduced herself.

"I'm Stella." said Stella.

"Nice to meet you all." Sid replied. "I'm actually excited to be in Royal Woods because this is the hometown of the greatest superhero team of all time, the L-Crew!"

"You heard a lot about the L-Crew in the city?" Stella asked.

"Yeah one time Adelaide and I were walking home and we both saw Firecracker and Parkour. They were here in Great Lakes city, we wanted to get a selfie with them but they left." said Sid.

"That's cool mate!" Tabby said. "One time Amplifier saved me when my apartment building caught on fire! It was wicked!"

"You were saved by Amplifier? That is so cool!" Sid said.

"One time I saw the L-Crew battling this Hulk like monster." Paige said.

"Seriously?! That's so wicked!" Sid exclaimed. "I think I'll like Royal Woods." Sid then gets an idea. "Hey you guys want to hang out after school? I heard of this abandoned warehouse just outside the city that could be fun!"

"That sounds like fun." said Tabby.

"I'm in." Paige replied.

"I have nothing planned, so sure." Haiku said with a deadpan voice. "Perhaps I should contact the spirits of the old warehouse."

"Sure thing." Stella replied.

"Sorry but I'm out." Ronnie Anne said. "I gotta go work at my abuelo's store today."

"Aw that sucks." Sid said. "But maybe we can hang out tomorrow!"

"Sure thing." Ronnie Anne said.

"But today you got us." Stella said.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Sid said.

After school the five girls all walked to the old warehouse Sid was talking about. "So how did you discovered this place Sid?" Paige asked.

"I saw it when I was entering Royal Woods." Sid answered.

"Huh. I didn't see it when I first moved here." Stella said. "Then again I think I came in a different direction. What do you think is inside?"

"Maybe some old video games that got recalled?" Paige stated.

"Some old candy." said Tabby.

"Then let's find out." said Sid as they walk towards the warehouse. Along the way they see some claw marks on some of the crates.

"Are those claw marks?" Haiku asked.

"They look it." Tabby said as she rubbed a hand over them. "They're pretty deep."

"Wonder what caused them?" Stella asked. "Let's head inside." As they walk towards the warehouse itself they heard growling coming from nearby. "Please tell me that was your game Paige."

"My phone isn't even on." Paige replied fearfully. The girls slowly turn around to see a tiger cub with his teeth bared growling at them.

"That's a tiger." Tabby said.

"A young one." Sid said. "I'd say eight months old."

"And I say we run." Stella said before running off with everyone except Sid following her.

"Wait where's Sid? Paige asked. The girls look back and Sid still with the tiger.

"Is that girl crazy?" Tabby asked.

"Hi there big guy." Sid cooed as the tiger slowly stalked towards her and looked ready to pounce. She is then suddenly grabbed by two pairs of arms and pulled away. She looks to see Stella and Tabby pulling her away.

"Hurry! Get to the warehouse!" Paige shouted. She looks behind her and sees that the tiger was giving chase. "He's right behind us!"

"We know that!" Tabby shouted as they kept on running from the tiger.

"Once we're in the clear, close the doors!" Stella shouted.

Once the girls enter the warehouse, they closed the door so the tiger wouldn't get in. "That was a close one." said Paige. "But we lived."

Stella then turned her attention to Sid. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Stella asked enraged.

"What? I was trying to calm it down." said Sid.

"That tiger had no interest in being calmed down. You could've gotten killed!" Stella shouted but stopped when she saw Sid look upset.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to impress you guys." Sid said. Stella's gaze softened and place a hand on Sid's shoulder.

"You don't need to impress us." Stella said. Sid flashes her a smile but jumps when she hears the tiger snarling on the other side of the door. "We need to find another way out."

"Maybe we can look for a vent or something?" Haiku suggested.

"Ain't possible mate." Tabby said. "Warehouses don't typically have vents but they should have another door. Let's look around." The five girls walk around trying to find any sign of another exit. But they so far found nothing.

"This is getting annoying!" Paige groaned.

"I can't believe we're gonna be Tiger chow." said Stella.

"Guys I found something!" Sid shouted. "There's a door behind this crate! Help me move it!"

The girls move the crate and Haiku opens the door. However when they see what's inside there eyes widen in fright. What they see is a large pink rubber creature wearing a black vest and sweatpants with a tail sticking out the end eating a full ham. As soon as the door the monster stopped what he was doing and stared at the five girls. "Not an exit!" Paige said before Haiku slammed the door shut. "Hide!" The girls proceed to run and hide behind a crate right before the monster busted the door down.

"Where little girls go?" He growled. "Me will find you!"

"What the hell is that thing?" Sid whispery asked.

"I think that's the pink monster that attacked the L-Crew." Haiku whispered. "But it looked different from the last time I saw it."

"Where little girls?" The monster lift up some crates to look for the little girls.

"He seems smaller." Paige whispers.

"And dumber." Stella added. The monster grabs another crate and picks it up before slamming it down with a growl of frustration.

"Mates, this place is crazy." Tabby whispers. "First a tiger and now a rubber thing. What's next? A wizard?"

Just then an old man with a brown robe, sandals and had a grey beard and medium gray hair walks outside and confronts the monster. "What is the matter? Why are you making all of this ruckus?" The wizard asked.

"Petty see little girls." The monster said. "Me trying to find them." The wizard sighs and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you go let Tongri in." The wizard says. "Maybe you'll find your little girls out there."

"Ok." Petty said before walking off towards the exit while the wizard goes the other direction.

"I think they're gone." Sid said. "Let's head the direction the wizard went and see if that leads to a way out of this place." The other girls nod and they all head down the direction that the wizard headed. As they walk, they begin to hear voices. One belonged to the wizard while the other ones were unrecognizable.

"But they've been gone since this morning!" One voice said.

"They should of made contact at this point." The wizard said.

"That's the thing. I lost contact with them!" Voice two said.

"Why does one of the voices sound so familiar." Haiku asked.

"It sounds like the wizard." Tabby said.

"We need to send Petty and Tongri to find them." Voice three said.

"True but it make matters worse if we send them." Voice four said. The girls reach the end of the hall and dive behind some boxes where they see the wizard along with six animals and a teddy bear.

"Um, is that a dog, a cat, a canary, a hamster, a frog, a bat and a teddy bear?" Sid whispers. "Or am I seeing things?"

"I'm seeing this too." Stella whispered back and they're talking too."

"What kind of warehouse is this?" Paige asked.

"A magic one it seems." Haiku said. Unknown to them two large hands were coming up behind them and grabbing Haiku and Paige. "Gasp!"

"Hey!" Paige gasped.

"Petty got you!" Petty exclaimed.

"Hey let them go!" Stella demanded before she, Sid and Tabby jumped on him whiched knocked over some boxes when Petty stumbled.

"What on Earth?" The wizard exclaimed. They all turn to see Petty with five girls all over him. Petty shakes them off and they land in front of the animals and teddy bear. Both sides stare at each other before someone says something.

"Hi." The teddy bear said. As soon as he said that all five girls screamed. In response the animals and teddy bear screamed. After a few seconds a voice rose above everything.

"Enough!" The wizard shouted causing everyone to look at him. "I must apologize children. Tongri and Petty are very protective of their home. This is the first time someone has tried to sneak in so they got carried away."

"It's alright Gandalf Dumbledore." said Sid and then she got on her knees and puts her her hands together. "Please don't kill us mister! We didn't mean to come here! I just moved here so spare us!" Sid begged.

"We're not gonna kill you." said the cat.

"Yeah. We're just gonna feed you to Tongri." The frog said causing Sid to jump into Stella's arms. "Kidding." Sid let out a sigh of relief and got out of Stella's arms.

"Me sorry." Petty said. "Tongri sorry too." As if on cue, Tongri walks in a rubs his head on Sid.

"No Petty you did what you were told to do." The wizard said. "But I've been rude. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Soothsayer."

"Nice to meet you dude, I'm Tabby." said Tabby. "That's Haiku, Paige, Stella and Sid."

"So how did you girls found this place?" The Cat asked.

"I passed it when I moved here." Sid said. Haiku then speaks up.

"I know these animals." She says before walking up to the bat. "Hello Fangs." Fang's eyes widen with surprise before nodding. "In fact I recognize all six of you. You're the Loud pets."

"Ok you got us." The hamster said. "I'm Geo. You already know Fangs, the bird is Walt, the frog is Hops, the cat is Cliff and the dog is Charles. And I know you didn't ask but the teddy bear is named Mr. Cuddles."

"A pleasure to meet you." Mr. Cuddles said.

"Talking animals and a talking teddy bear! This town is awesome!" Sid exclaimed. "But what were you all talking about earlier? You all sounded worried." The pets, Mr. Cuddles and Soothsayer exchange a quick glance.

"Should we tell them old man?" Walt asked.

"Well they already have seen Tongri and Petty, you six talking, and have seen Mr. Cuddles and myself." Soothsayer pointed out. "They already know a lot." He turns back to the girls. "Girls, what I'm about to tell you must be kept a secret at all cost. You mustn't tell anyone. Understand?"

"We promise." said Stella.

"I won't tell a single soul." Haiku said.

"Very well. The The identity of the L-Crew are the Loud family, along the Santiago siblings being Surge and Armor." said Soothsayer causing the girls to gasped.

"Wait a minute, so you're telling me that Lincoln is Firecracker!?" Stella exclaimed.

"So Lucy is Black Ice, I should of known." said Haiku.

Sid stood then eyes widened in silence until she broke the silence. "This is so cool! My best friend and neighbor is Surge! This is so exciting! My best friend is Surge, Adelaide is gonna go nuts when she hears about this." Sid squealed in excitement.

"Hey Sid, What part of you can't tell anyone didn't you get?" Cliff shouted at Sid.

"Oops. Right." Sid said embarrassed. "Sorry. So this is their base?"

"Indeed." Soothsayer answered. "This is where Petty, Tongri, Mr. Cuddles and myself live as well."

"Cool." Paige said. "But where are the L-Crew or the Louds? I mean I saw Lincoln several times today."

"Same here." Stella said.

"I saw Lucy today." Haiku added.

"Those were duplicates I created." Soothsayer answered. "The real L-Crew are missing."

"What?!" The five girls exclaimed.

"Lincoln's missing?!" Stella asked.

"Same with Luna?" Tabby asked.

"Can't you call Ronnie Anne and Bobby to find them?" Sid asked.

"They're still in a word, green and they have to work." Walt said. "Anyways, the kids came here early this morning to do the mission briefing. They figured since it was just a fight club, they'd be in and out just in time for school. But that was hours ago."

"When they didn't come back, Soothsayer created duplicates of them so that nobody would notice they were gone." Hops continued. "We considered sending Petty and Tongri to go find them but it was too risky when we don't know reason why the L-Crew are missing."

"Well I doubt that Replicate will save them." said Tabby.

"Well that fact is true." Charles said.

"Don't they have any other ally that's either a meta human or has gadgets?" Sid asked.

"Well they have some biker friend but we don't know where he is." Fangs answered. "And we can't just send anyone in there. It's too dangerous. Our only hope is that the kids are ok and are planning a get out of there." The five girls look at each and huddle up.

"This is serious." Stella said. "The L-Crew are in trouble."

"And the only friend they have is somewhere far away in the country." said Sid.

"But what can we do dudes? We don't have any powers?" Tabby asked.

Then Paige just got an idea. "Why don't we save them?" Paige said.

"I just said that we don't have powers." Tabby told her. "We can't save them."

"Look we're they're only chance to save them." Paige said. "We're twelve so we can sneak in. The Louds need our help!"

"Look back in Great Lakes City I had to avoid these cats from attacking us, heck I had to buy packs of sardines so my and I had to go to school. This is a death wish!" Sid explained.

"But who else are gonna save the L-Crew?" Stella asked. "They need to be saved and I don't see anyone doing it."

"But we must look at the risks." Haiku pointed out calmly. "Are we willing to accept the possible embrace of death?"

"We don't have much of a choice Haiku. Besides Lincoln's my friend and I'm not gonna stand by and let anything bad happen to him." said Stella.

"He's my friend too." Paige said. "Even though he's a little weird, he's still cool."

"Luna is my mate." Tabby said. "I'm not abandoning her."

"Same with Lucy." Haiku added. They then turn to Sid.

"Well I don't know them, but I would like to." Sid said. "Plus you four are my friends and I want to help."

"So we're all agreed?" Stella asked and everyone nods. "Great. Let's talk to Soothsayer." They break up the huddle and turn to Soothsayer. "We'll save the L-Crew."

"You five?!" Soothsayer questions. "Have you lost your minds?"

"No we have't." Sid said.

"Look I get that we don't have any powers. But maybe we can go in and save them." said Stella.

"Look we can't just let you go in there!" Mr. Cuddles says. "Who knows what's in that place! Plus it's a meta human fight club! Think about that."

"Sorry mate but we're doing it." Tabby said with the other girls voicing their agreement.

"Will you excuse us." Soothsayer said as Mr. Cuddles, Petty, The Loud pets and himself go onto a huddle.

"They're just powerless girls." said Mr. Cuddles.

"We don't have much of a choice. Maggie and Road Hazard are probably miles away by this point." Charles pointed out.

"I think we should let them go save their friends." Soothsayer said.

"And if things get rough we send Petty and Tongri to get them out." Cliff added.

"Me like that." Petty said with Tongri popping in and growling in agreement.

"So we let the girls go?" Walt asked.

"Yes, but they will require weapons and some training." said Soothsayer.

"We don't have time to train them!" Cliff said.

"I have a solution for that but first they need weapons." Soothsayer said.

"Like blasters and such?" Hops asked.

"What no?" Soothsayer said.

"Don't worry. I got this." Mr. Cuddles assured them. "Petty, go get my trunk."

"Petty go!" Petty said and walked out of the huddle to get Mr. Cuddles trunk. Then the rest of them break out of the huddle.

"Ok girls we'll let you save the L-Crew." said Charles.

"Seriously?" The girls asked in unison.

"Yes. However you'll need to be trained before you go." Soothsayer said.

"Dude we don't have time to train!" Tabby exclaimed.

"Yeah the L-Crew could be killed or worst!" Sid agreed.

"I'll explain once Petty gets back." Soothsayer told them. As soon as he finished saying that, Petty came back with the trunk and placed it down by Mr. Cuddles.

"A chest. Let me guess you hit a chest that'll give us powers?" Paige asked. "Can I have the power to summon any video game weapon, I can be called Summoner."

Mr. Cuddles and Soothsayer exchange a glance before looking back at Paige. "It's just a chest." Mr. Cuddles said. "That's all it is. A chest with a bunch of stuff inside."

"Oh." Paige said with a small chuckle. "So what's inside?"

"I'll show you." Mr. And said. He goes to open but sees it's locked with a combination lock. "Why did I lock it? What was the combination again? Oh right! Petty if you would." Petty then breaks the lock off. "Thank you. Now inside this chest are weapons and gadgets I made. I have a lot of free time."

"Not bad for guy with no thumbs." said Sid.

Stella walked up the chest and looked into the chest. "These are impressive." Stella said.

"I want a weaponized guitar." said Tabby.

"Well I don't have that but I do have an axe." Mr. Cuddles said as he pulled out an axe with clear blue blade. "Light, balanced and when you throw it, it'll come back to you. Got the idea from this game I was playing. But unlike that weapon, it's not lethal unless you press a specific button."

"I'll take it!" Tabby exclaimed before grabbing the axe. "So beautiful."

"Do you have a scythe or something?" Haiku asked as she walked towards Mr. Cuddles.

"I actually do have a scythe for you." said Mr. Cuddles and took out a scythe with a black handle and a blue blade. "Again it's not legal unless you press the blue button."

"I've never been so happy." Haiku said in monotone. Mr. Cuddles looks her up and down trying to figure her out.

"Trust me, she's happy." Fangs said.

"Me next!" Sid begged excitedly.

"Alright Sid, you'll get these battle claws." Mr. Cuddles said and handed Sid a pair of dark silver battle claws each of them has three blue blades.

"This is so cool." said Sid. "Now I'm just like Wolverine."

"Me next!" Paige said.

Mr. Cuddles pulls out a backpack with two blaster pistols attached to it by two cables. "After watching every Star Wars movie forty-five times, I've come to the conclusion that blasters are awesome!" He said. "These blasters are different than our other blasters. These don't require constant ammo replenishment. The backpack charges the blaster when you're not firing them. It's awesome." He hands the backpack and blasters to Paige.

"This is awesome." Paige said. "I'll be like Tracer!"

"So what do you have for me?" Stella asked.

"Well I've been watching some Avengers movies and some Arrow and realize that Hawkeye and Green Arrow are pretty cool. So I made these." Mr. Cuddles said and took a black bow and a quiver full of arrows. "I made this bow and a bunch arrows and some trick arrows."

"These will do." said Stella.

"Plus you have infinite arrows thanks to Soothsayer's magic." Mr. Cuddles said as he handed Stella her gear. "I'll give you girls the rest of your stuff after you finish training."

"Alright then. How long is this going to take?" Sid asked.

"Not too long Sid." Soothsayer and then a red door appeared out of nowhere.

"That door just appeared out of nowhere." Paige said.

"I know right?" Sid said excitedly. "This is awesome!"

"Come along girls, we don't have time to waste." said Soothsayer as he gestured the five girls to enter the doorway. Sid is the first one to walk to the door and enters it, along with Haiku, Paige, Stella and finally Tabby followed suit.

The door shuts behind them leaving the pets, Petty, Mr. Cuddles and Tongri behind. "So what now?" Hops asks.

"Give it a minute." Mr. Cuddles replied. Three minutes later the door opens up again and Soothsayer came out followed by the five girls who looked worse for wear. "You weren't in there long."

"Our here it seem but in there it was three hours." Soothsayer told him.

"Ok what the hell was that?" Charles asked. "You six were in there for three minutes but you say it was three hours?"

"Yeah what's up with that?" Cliff added.

"You have no idea what we've been through!" Sid shouted.

"Yeah we've been there for three hours and we worked non stop." said Tabby.

"We've seen some things." Paige said with wide eyes.

"Um, what was that room?" Fangs asked.

"It's a doorway to another dimension where time works differently." Soothsayer answered. "It's very rare that I have to use it. Minutes are hours, seconds are minutes, hours are days, days are years and so on. I only use it when training needs to be quickened which is why the Louds never needed it."

"But Jax-" Geo started but Soothsayer cut him off.

"Jax was here to take down Replicate and the L-Crew were caught in the middle of a multi-year grudge." Soothsayer pointed out. "Jax had only one interest and that was Replicate. Now these five received enough training to hold their own. So we will do a briefing and then Mr. Cuddles will give then the rest of their gear."

"Right." Mr. Cuddles said. "Martha, please bring up the info on the fight club called PowerSmash."

"With pleasure." said Martha and begins to bring up the files on PowerSmash.

"An A.I!? Cool!" Sid exclaimed.

"I have found the files." Martha said and showed everything about PowerSmash on screen. "About a few weeks ago, there have be reports of PowerSmash where the main fighters are Meta Humans. We have no information on the owner of the fight club. The L-Crew were suppose to put an end to the fight but they haven't been heard or seen since this morning."

"The mission was simple but risky which is why all eleven went to do it." Fangs continued. "They were supposed to be back before school started but they weren't."

"It's been hours." Soothsayer said. "We fear they might've been captured but we're not entirely sure. It could be worse. Are you sure you want to do this?" The girls look at each other and nod. "Very well. Your mission is to find and rescue the L-Crew. This mission is covert and must try to avoid detection at all costs. If things become too much, I will send Petty and Tongri to aid you. Mr. Cuddles you said you had more gadgets?"

"Yep." Mr. Cuddles responded. "Let's see. These are camera earrings. They'll allow us to see what you see. I also have smoke pellets. I have a bag full but don't waste them. We also got the classic grappling hook and a hacker thing. These should help." He gives the girls the gadgets and all five put on the earrings. "Keep in mind that metas are dangerous. We don't know what level the metas are in the fight club so be careful and try to avoid fights. And Soothsayer, make them mission ready."

"I'm on it." Soothsayer said.

Soothsayer waves his staff repairs their clothes. The girls then prepare to head out.

"So you girls understand what you gotta do right?" Geo asks.

"Find the L-Crew and get them out." Paige said.

"And try no to get spotted." Tabby added.

"Excellent." Soothsayer said. "Good luck girls. We're counting on you."

The girls, Petty and Tongri are outside of the fight club PowerSmash. Observing the fight club from the rooftops. "This is so cool that we're gonna go on a mission to shut down a illegal club." Sid said.

"Sid focus! We need to find a way to sneak in and rescue the L-Crew." Paige said.

Sorry." Sid said. "So how are we gonna get in?"

"Maybe that side door." Haiku suggests pointing over to the side of the building where there was another door.

"Ok the side door it is." said Stella. "Lets's rescue the L-Crew."

"Let's go." Tabby said before turning to Petty and Tongri. "You two stay here until we call you. Got it?"

"Me understand." Petty said with Tongri growling in agreement.

"Right." Stella said. "Let's move out!" The girls shoot their grappling hooks to the fire escape on the side of the building before swinging down to the ground by the side door. The door opens and the girls take cover as a man with a gun on his back walks out with a garbage bag. Stella then motioned for the girls to run in while the door was open. Once in they see a lot of people in the stands and with a small sand terrain on the center with two large doors on either side of the area. And to top all off, the fighting area was in a large cage.

"I wonder if that's where they fight?" Sid whispers.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to PowerSmash and prepare for our next meta human rumble!" The announcer said over the loud speaker.

"Yep." Haiku said. "Hey Tabby, does that announcer sound familiar?"

"I think so." said Tabby. "Why does that voice sound familiar?"

"I don't know who this guy is?" Sid said.

"Quiet!" Stella whispered back.

"Coming out from the right, she is the master of crystals, Crystal Princess!" The announcer said. The door open and Crystal Princess is shoved into the arena.

"Whoa." Sid said. "It's Crystal Princess!"

"Why is she fighting?" Paige asked. "She's supposed to be trying to shut this place down."

"And coming from the left, he is the destroyer of Royal Woods, Firecracker!" The announcer said. The other door opens and a battered looking Firecracker is tossed out into the arena.

"Firecracker." Stella gasped. "He looks horrible. How many fights have they put him in today?"

"No idea. But he really needs medical attention." said Paige.

"Destroyer of Royal Woods? That's bull crap." said Sid.

"Ready fight!" The announcer shouted.

Firecracker wasn't even on his feet when the announcer ordered them to fight. Crystal Princess stayed where she as she looked like she was hesitating to attack her brother. Suddenly she started twitching with a yelp of pain before running forward.

"Did you guys see that?" Stella asked.

"I saw it too she was twitching but she screamed in pain." Tabby said.

"It's like she didn't want to attack Firecracker." Stella said.

"Something's not right." said Sid.

Crystal Princess reaches her brother and whispers something in his ear. Firecracker appeared to have nodded and slowly stood up only to get hit by Crystal Princess's crystal club.

"Now that's a weak performance." The announcer said. "Maybe Firecracker needs some motivation." Firecracker then starts to twitch with a weak shout of pain before passing out. "Well what a shame. Firecracker seems to be unable to continue so it looks like Crystal Princess wins." The crowd cheered as several guards escorted Crystal Princess back to where she entered while two more guards dragged Firecracker off.

"This is nuts." Paige said. "Firecracker couldn't even defend himself."

"They were wearing collars." Haiku said catching everyone by surprise. "Firecracker and Crystal Princess had collars around their necks. I believe that the twitching is caused by an electrical shock."

"The others must be wearing collars too." Paige realizes.

"We need to find them and take those collars off." said Tabby.

"Hold up there has to be like a master switch for all these collars. So let's find it and smash it." said Sid.

"Sid's right. We need to take down the master control and preventing the shock from hurting them. But I think the trapped Meta Humans could be in cages like animals." Stella explained.

"Let's find the L-Crew first and make sure they're actually here before we find away to turn off the collars." Haiku suggested. "Especially after seeing the condition that Firecracker was in."

"The goth's right." Sid said. "Check on them first and then find away to shut down the collars."

"Ok. Let's go." Stella said as they all ran off.

Up in the announcer's booth, the announcer was preparing himself a drink. He was a tall and burly man, with dark skin, black short faux hawk hair, and a long mustache and was wearing a black tank top and brown cargo pants. "Firecracker disappointed again." The man said to another man sitting in the shadows. "He's been in four fights but refuses to fight his younger sisters. That hooligan is starting to annoy me and reminds me of that one kid that I threw out when I ran that grocery store."

"Oh don't worry. Firecracker will have no choice but to fight his younger sisters. He only has two choices either fight or die." The man in the shadows said. "He can't hold back for long."

"He better fight back, these people want to see the L-Crew fight and I'll be damned if Firecracker doesn't throw a punch at Wildgirl's face!" The tall man shouted.

"Let's have the little firefly have his rest. Let's announce the next fight." said the man in the shadows.

"I'll go see who's still conscious." The tall man said before walking off. Once he's gone the man in the shadows turns on a nearby screen and typed something in. A few seconds later, Andrew Tetherby appeared on the screen.

"Report." Tetherby ordered.

"As predicted the L-Crew believed the rumors of our little fight club and came to shut it down." The man said. "They were immediately incapacitated and are now serving as our gladiators. Firecracker had refused to fight four of his younger sisters so my associate has taken enjoyment in shocking him. We're preparing our next fight now?"

"Good. And what of Greenthumb?" Tetherby asked. The man reached next to him and picked up a cage with Greenthumb inside.

"Right here." The man said before putting the cage down. "For now she will not be harmed unless I feel otherwise."

"I couldn't care less for what you do to her. What about the others?" Tetherby asked.

"Well the older sisters are fighting well, some of them are resisting, as for Firecracker he refuses to fight his younger sisters." The man in the shadows said. "He's getting ass handed to him."

"His love for his younger sisters are both his strength and weakness. Either you make him fight back and he dies." said Tetherby.

"Oh rest assured, he will fight." The man said. "And even if he does, he will die along with his sisters."

The five girls snuck through the arena towards the area where it was believed that they kept the fighters. They reach a door where they see that's it's locked with a keypad.

"Crap." Sid said. "This door requires a code."

"We can use that hacking thing that Mr. Cuddles gave us." said Tabby.

"Good idea." said Stella as she took out the hacking the device and placed it onto the keypad.

After a few seconds the door unlocked and the girls ran in where they saw several large cells. "Is this a prison or a fight club?" Paige asked.

"C'mon let's find the L-Crew." Stella said. They began to walk down the corridor while checking each cell but found nothing when they heard voices.

"You guys hear that?" Tabby asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." Paige said. They head toward the sounds of the voices and as they moved through the voices became clearer.

"Is he even breathing?"

"Yes he's just in a lot of pain."

"I didn't want to fight him and he couldn't even stant so I told him to take a dive!"

"But they still shocked him."

"Look we just gotta do this till we find a way to escape and get Greenthumb."

"Yeah, only one problem. We got those necklaces that shock us if we misbehave. We're like animals."

The girls reached the cell to see the L-Crew minus Greenthumb in a cell. But they decided to remind in the shadows. "Are you the L-Crew?" Stella asked.

"Yeah and we're not gonna fight our brother!" Wildgirl snarls.

"Relax mate we're not gonna hurt you." said Tabby as she stepped out of the shadows along with the rest of the girls. "We're busying you heroes out of here."

"Don't." Speed Queen told them. "It's too dangerous. As long as these collars are on us we can't do anything."

"Which is why we're gonna disable the master switch to those collars." Stella said and then she looked at Firecracker who was still out cold. "How's Firecracker holding up?"

"He's recovering." Prodigy answered. "He's been in four fights but he's constantly being put against those of us who are younger than him so he refuses to hit us. I assume you've seen what happens when we refuse." The girls nod. "While we have tried not to hurt him, these collars don't give us much of a choice."

"Have you tried taking them off?" Paige asked.

"Several times." Parkour answered. "But these things don't budge."

"They're magnetically locked onto us until the owners decide to let us go." Amplifier said. "Which will probably be never."

"We'll disable the master control on those collars and give you early retirement from your fighting days." said Stella. "Well not you're heroic days of course."

"Better make it quick. I don't think Firecracker won't have that much fight left in him." said Speed Queen.

"Let me see if we have anything to help him." Sid said. She goes into the bag and starts looking through their items to see if they have anything. However she finds nothing. "Damn it. No healing items." She picked up the bag when something falls out of the side pocket.

"Is that a pill jar?" Haiku asked.

"Give it to me!" Prodigy ordered which Haiku complied. "These are the pills that we use to heal our injuries. How did you get them?"

"We're not sure." Stella answered.

Flashback- At the base five minutes ago

Soothsayer and Mr. Cuddles sat at the computer in silence when Soothsayer turned to Mr. Cuddles. "Did we ever give them the pills to help the children recover?"

"Nope." Mr. Cuddles said as he pulled out a bottle. "Think you can magic this into the bag?"

"Of course." Soothsayer said as he waved his staff and the bottle disappeared.

End flashback

"Yep. No clue." Sid said.

"Well even if these don't heal him back to full strength, it should heal his internal injuries from the shocking." Prodigy said as she tossed a pill to Multiple Girl. "Give it to him."

Multiple Girl opens the pill bottle. "Firecracker wake up." said Multiple Girl and Firecracker slowly opened his eyes.

"No more fights." Firecracker groaned in pain.

"No we have the pills to heal you from the shocking." said Ms. Appear. Multiple Girl places the pill on Firecracker's tongue and he swallows the pill as he coughs.

"It's going to be ok big brother." said Black Ice.

Lincoln looks to his right and sees the five girls. "Ste-ela?" Firecracker asked in a weak state.

"Yeah Linc, it's me." said Stella.

The rest of the L-Crew don't respond right away before their eyes widen. "WHAT!?" The shouted in unison.

"Tabby what are you doing here!?" Amplifier exclaimed. "And how do you know who we are?"

"Long story but I'm here because I owe you one for saving me when my apartment was on fire." Tabby said. "Look mates we'll explain everything later but first we gotta find the source of the shock collars." The L-Crew don't respond until Wildgirl looks off to the side.

"Someone's coming." Wildgirl whispers. "Hurry, hide!"

The five girls all ran and hid behind some crates as they peels to see a tall man, as he approached the L-Crew's cell. "I see that he's still breathing, but if he keeps getting knocked out, he'll be dead before you know it." The announcer said.

"No, he doesn't want to hurt them! But I am going to break your freaking arms, whatever your name is." Parkour glared.

"You don't know who I am? Well let me introduce myself my name is Leonard Miller." The announcer introduced himself.

"Who?" The L-Crew asked.

"Oh you just never heard of me? Oh right this was before you guys show up became famous." He explained. "I was once the manager of the supermarket, until this white haired boy and nine of his sisters showed and caused mischief around what was once my store. This kid wanted zombie bran and then his sisters whined about how if he gets a treat, his sisters get a treat. They caused trouble and I banned them from my store, until I lost my job thanks to those brats!"

"So that's why he sounded familiar." Tabby whispers.

"Yeah." Haiku said. "It sounded familiar I just couldn't put a name on it."

"So you work here now?" Multiple Girl asked.

"Of course." Leonard answered. "There's nothing better than forcing two people to fight against their will. And we have another fight lined up and the lucky two are Ms. Appear and Multiple Girl."

"Us?" Ms. Appear and Multiple Girl questions.

"Yes you girls!" said Leonard and took out his phone and tapped it two times and the collars shocked Ms. Appear and Multiple Girl.

"So it's on his phone? Crap." Sid muttered.

"That complicates things." Haiku whispers. Leonard snaps his fingers and two thugs walk up and grab the two heroes before dragging them out.

"Take them to the arena." Leonard said as he locked the cell door back up. "Hopefully they'll give our customers a better fight." He then walks off after the thugs. Once he's gone, the five girls come out of their hiding spot and runs up to the cell.

"So that complicates things." Stella said. "How come you can't use your powers in here?'

"The collars have like an on/off switch when it comes to our powers." Prodigy explains. "They can turn on our powers at will so we can't use them in here." Paige then noticed something.

"Where's Greenthumb?" She asked.

"She was taken away by the thugs when we got caught." said Parkour.

"Ok so we need to disable the collars and rescue Greenthumb from the former grocery store owner who runs this fight club?" Tabby asked. "Well that's just great."

"Be careful girls." Speed Queen said before the five ran off.

In the fighting arena, Ms. Appear and Multiple Girl were tossed into the arena and were preparing themselves to fight each other. In the announcer's booth, Leonard Miller was prepared to make the fight announcement.

"This will be a good one." Leonard says when he looks on the monitors and sees two heat signatures on a building across from the fight club. He turns to the man in the shadows. "Hey, we have some unwanted guests across the street."

"Send some drones to deal with them." The man said.

"With pleasure." Leonard said before pulling out his phone and pressing a button.

On the rooftop of the other building, Petty and Tongri were getting bored.

"Petty bored." Petty said and Tongri growls in approval who was laying down and then he raises his head up. "Tongri hear something?" Petty questions and went they looked up they see a squad of drones coming towards them.

Tongri gets up and roars at the drones. "Petty fight flying toasters!" Petty said.

The two charge and attack the drones with Petty smashing through them with his brute strength and Tongri slashing them with his claws. As they battled the drones, neither of them noticed Leonard Miller watching them from the PowerSmash roof.

"That should keep them busy." He said before heading back inside.

Leonard heads back to the den to make the announcement. "You took care of the heat signatures?" The man in the shadows asked.

"Yeah, just some tiger and pink blob that looked like the Starfish from SpongeBob joined a gang. But let's not keep the people waiting." Leonard said and began his announcement. "Alright our next fight is on the way, on the left she can make clones of herself but they're all dumb as rocks. Multiple Girl!"

Multiple Girl is thrown into the arena. "Ouchie!" She cried out.

"And coming in from the right, she's the jokester on the team, with bad jokes that makes her want to go invisible Ms. Appear!" Leonard announced as Ms. Appear is pushed into the arena.

"Hey! Don't be pushy!" Ms. Appear joked. Leonard let out a groan and pulled his phone before pressing a button which resulted in Ms. Appear getting shocked. "That hurt."

"Now fight!" Leonard ordered. Ms. Appear and Multiple Girl don't move which caused Leonard to shock them both forcing them to fight each other. "This just feels good."

"Leonard." The man in the shadows said. "Our sensors have detected some unwelcomed guests. Go deal with them."

"With pleasure." Leonard said as he grabbed an injection gun and a vile before walking out.

The girls are planning to steal the phone from Leonard to release the collars and rescue Greenthumb.

"Ok so Leonard Miller is obviously using Greenthumb to force the L-Crew to fight in this fight club." Stella said. "And the collars are to make sure that the L-Crew don't attack him while also making sure they fight."

"That sounds about right." Haiku said. "However you are forgetting that it's Miller's phone that controls the collars. How do we plan on getting it?"

"Well we have weapons." Sid points out. "We can use them to force Leonard to give us his phone."

"Or, you can just ask." The girls stop talking and look to see Leonard Miller standing in front of them. "Aren't you girls a little young to be in a club like this?"

"Busted." Tabby gulped in fear.

Sid wasn't scared at all, she readies her weapon. "Give is your phone or else we'll kick your ass!" Sid threatened.

"Little Wolverine acting all brave." Leonard mocked. "But it ain't happening. You ain't getting no phone. In fact you ain't leaving this place in one piece." He pulled out an injector gun and placed a vile inside the gun.

"Oh you gonna use that on us?" Sid taunted.

"Nope. On me!" Leonard responded.

"Wait what?" Sid questioned.

Leonard shoots the injector gun in his right arm and groans in pain, as he closes his eyes and his turned green. The girls backed away in fear as Leonard got bigger, he grew muscles and he growls at the girls.

"Stella if you have any arrows with sleeping gas. Hit him!" Tabby shouted.

Oh right." Stella said as she tried to reach for her arrows but grabbed nothing. "I'm trying but my body won't let me."

"I'll shoot him down!" Paige shouted as she aimed her blasters at Leonard and pulled the triggers but no shots were coming out. "Oh come on!"

"Why aren't they working?" Sid asked.

"I don't know. I haven't used them this whole mission." Paige said.

At the base

Mr. Cuddles and Soothsayer sat at the base watching everything go down. "You made sure to turn the blasters back on right?" Mr. Cuddles asked.

"I thought you did." Soothsayer replied. The two look at each other before looking back at the screen.

"Uh oh." They say in unison.

Back at PowerSmash

"Why ain't these things working?" Paige shouted.

"I got bigger problems. Like how come I can't touch my arrows!?" Stella exclaimed.

"This is the team that we'll take me down? How pathetic." Leonard scoffed.

"Um, can we talk about this?" Tabby asked.

"No." Leonard said before clothes lining all five of them which sends them flying into the wall, knocking them out.

When the girls woke up, they see they're locked up in a cell. "Well that sucked." Sid said. "We got our butts beat and he probably took our weapons."

"Actually they're right here." Haiku said pointing to the weapons lying next to her. "He probably realized that since we can't use our weapons then it won't do any damage."

"But I don't understand why the weapons won't work." Paige said. Sid picked up Paige's blasters and sees that on the backpack the blasters were connected to was an on and off button.

"Um, Paige? Your weapon isn't on." Sid said.

"What now?" Paige asked.

"Your blasters had an on/off switch." Sid said. Paige grabbed her blasters' backpack from Sid and looks at it, then lowers it down with a deadpan look on her face.

"So let me get this straight that Paddington knock off forgot to tell me that my blasters came with an on/off? Maybe he should of told me that?!" Paige shouted.

"Actually Paddington was a real bear." said Stella.

"Whatever." Paige said as she turned on her blasters.

"Ok but why weren't my arrows working?" Stella asked.

"Question: are you left handed or right handed?" Tabby asked.

"I'm left handed." Stella answered.

"I think there's your answer." said Tabby.

Stella grabs the bow with her left hand and then picks up a arrow with her right hand, then fires the arrow at a wall. "It works." Stella said.

"You were trying to shoot with your right hand." Tabby said. "The way your quiver was on your back, was for you to shoot with your left hand. That's why you couldn't grab your arrows."

"That makes sense." said Stella.

"Let's make sure our weapons work." said Sid.

"Right let's do it!" Paige said.

"For we are fans of the L-Crew!" Tabby shouted as she grabbed her axe.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted while raising their weapons.

"Wait. Where are the L-Crew?" Haiku asked. "They aren't here."

"Huh. Didn't notice." Tabby said. They then hear loud footsteps and see Leonard Miller walking towards their cell but he was no longer bulked out.

"Come along girls." Leonard said. "It's time for your PowerSmash debut."

"Gonna put collars on us?" Sid asked defiantly.

"No cause I can assure you that you'll fight." Leonard said. He snaps his fingers and several thugs walk in and grab the girls and began escorting them to the arena.

"I don't like this mates." Tabby whispers.

"Me neither. This is not going to end well." said Stella.

"Well this could be it, game over girls." Paige signed.

"Don't say that Paige. I'm sure I can find us a way out of this mess." said Sid.

"PowerSmash fans! Do we have a treat for you, we have 5 new contenders for our battle royale! An announcer shouted.

"Battle royale!? The five girls questions.

"Give it for the newbies!" The announcer shouted as the door opens as the guards pushed the five girls out of the doorway. "Give it up for the Archer, the Goth Gal, The little Rockstar, Zero shot and discount Wolverine!"

The crowd boos at the five girls and threw their trash at them. "This is not the kind of praise I should be getting from a show." Tabby sighed.

"Same here." Stella said.

"And their opponents: they are the so called defenders of Royal Woods. Give it up for the L-Crew!" The ten members of the L-Crew are then pushed into the arena. When they got to their feet, they were surprised to see the five girls.

"You said it was a battle royale!" Speed Queen shouted.

"I did. And those are five of your opponents." Leonard said. He then grabs a mic. "And ladies and gentlemen because this is our final bout of the evening, the owner of PowerSmash would like to say a few words."

The man came out of the shadows, but it wasn't a man, it was robot, that was human sized, but he had some body parts there were even cooper coloured and dark silver, and the head looked like like a jestor. The L-Crew gasped at the one who was in the shadows.

"The Jestor!?" Ms. Appear questioned.

"That's impossible! We took you apart!" Parkour stated.

"Here's the thing about robots L-Crew." Jestor said. "They can be rebuilt. While you did destroy my original body, I was rebuilt better, stronger. I take it you aren't happy to see me?"

"Damn right we aren't!" Firecracker shouts. "Last time we saw you we were forced to go through some deadly maze with our greatest enemies that almost killed us! And now you're running this fight club with the ten of us as entertainment!"

"That's correct. You are now my puppets and I will make you do whatever I want!" Jestor shouted. "Now fight!"

Leonard taps his phone ten times and the collars shocks the L-Crew. The L-Crew screams in pain from the collars. "Fight or the shock will kill you!" Jestor shouted.

"Ok!" Speed Queen mustered as she was being shocked. Miller taps his phone again and the collars stop shocking them.

"Good now the ten of you will destroy these five intruders then you will fight each other." Jestor said. "Make it entertaining." The L-Crew look at the five girls and make their way towards them.

"Sorry about this dudes." Amplifier said before firing an electric blast at the five.

"Hit the deck mates!" Tabby screamed.

The five girls dodged the electric blast. Wild girls turns into a bear and snarls at Sid.

"Oh crap." Sid said. "But I don't have a choice." Sid said and readies her weapon.

Wildgirl swings her paw but Sid rolls out of the way. "Sorry!" She said. "But who are you exactly?"

"I'm Sid." Sid replied before swiping at Wildgirl with her claws. "I just moved here." She then jumps out of the way as Crystal Princess tried to swing at her with her club.

"No hard feelings!" Crystal Princess said.

"I can't believe I'm fighting the twins of the L-Crew!" Sid squealed. "And I'm probably screwed!"

Haiku is dodging all of Black Ice's ice weapons even blocking her attacks with her own weapon. "Don't take this the wrong way Haiku." Black Ice said.

"Yeah I know." said Haiku and pushes back Black Ice

Speed Queen then shoulder tackled her to the side. "Sorry!" She says. Haiku gets back up and gets her scythe ready. She runs up and swings her scythe at Speed Queen who dodged it. She then blocks Black Ice's ice scythe.

Stella is running while avoiding fireballs from Firecracker. "We're still friends right?" Firecracker asked.

"Yeah of course!" Stella replied as she dodged the fireball. "Just don't burn my face my mom will kill me."

Tabby is dodging all of Amplifier's electric strikes and bolts. "Sorry Tabs I don't want to hurt you." said Amplifier.

"Totally understand mate!" Tabby shouted before throwing the axe at Amplifier who dodged it. Tabby then holds her hand out and the axe come flying back while also hitting Amplifier in the back of the head. "Sorry." She said after catching the axe right before getting kicked by Parkour.

"Nothing personal." Parkour said.

Paige is firing her blasters at Multiple Girl who is trying to surround her.

"Like we really don't want to do this." Multiple Girl assured her.

"I understand, I can say the same on my end too." Paige said and began shooting at Multiple Girl and her clones.

All the clones fall as they get hit with the blasters. As Paige is about to fire at the last one, a forcefield pops up in front of her. "Sorry. Force of habit." Ms. Appear said.

Stella fires an explosive arrow at Firecracker but it stops in midair. Stella turns and sees Prodigy with hand up. "My apologies for what I'm about to do." Prodigy said before flicking her wrist and sending the arrow back at Stella who barely avoids the explosion.

"We gotta get that phone." Stella said. "But how?"

Stella looks around and begins to think. Maybe she can lure Amplifier to overload the phone, no he would see that coming. While she was thinking, she sees her friends avoid being burnt, beaten, frozen, mauled or electrocuted in any sort of way. "Come on Stella everyone's counting on you." Stella muttered to herself.

Suddenly she hears the wall start to crumble. She looks over and sees sees the wall starting to crack. Few seconds later, Petty comes crashing through the wall with several drones on him with Tongri not far behind. This gave Stella an idea. "Petty!" Petty looks and sees Stella calling him. "You see that big bad man over there?" She points at Leonard Miller. "Get his phone! It's hurting everyone."

"Phone hurt?" Petty growled. "Me get!" He shakes off the drones and charges at Leonard.

Petty tackles Leonard and begins to fight the former Supermarket manager. Leonard pushes Petty off of him and delivers a right hook to Petty. Tongri lunges towards Leonard and swipes his claws in the left side of Leonard's face. "Oh what do we have here? Marin Patrick Star and his pet kitty? This is Grrreat!" Jestor laughed.

Petty slams Leonard to a wall and keeps punching him in the face. "You hurt Petty's friends! So Petty hurt you!" Petty said,

Petty then throws him away and when Leonard lands, the phone falls out of his pocket.

"No!" Leonard shouted as the phone slides away to where it stops right by Haiku as she was trying to defend against Black Ice. She looks down and sees the phone and smiles.

"Wicked." Haiku said as she opened the phone and saw the controls for the collars. "Time to release." She presses the release button and the collars open up before falling to the ground.

"We're free!" Parkour cheered.

"No!" Jestor shouted before jumping down from the announcer's booth. "I will not let you ruin my plans again! Mr. Miller, take care of our five annoyances. I'll deal with the L-Crew."

"You got it!" Leonard shouted as he took out the injector with the same serum and injects the serum into his left arm and regrows his muscles and grows larger.

"Oh shit." Tabby gulped in fear.

"We turned you into scrap metal! We can beat you again!" Parkour shouted.

"But that was different." Jestor retorted. "I'm much different than last time we fought and it will be this day that the L-Crew perish. Jestorbots! Destroy the pink blob and his pet tiger!"

Then a squad of Jestorbots fly out of some hatches and fly towards Petty and Tongri." It's the same thing." Parkour scoffed.

"Think again Parkour!" Jestor shouted.

The Jestorbots all merge together and become one large Jestorbot. Petty and Tongri don't flinch and roar out a challenge to the giant robot before leaping onto it. Meanwhile, the L-Crew face off against.

"So you set up everything." Speed Queen said. "The rumor about the meta human fight club, the collars, everything."

"That is correct Speed Queen." Jestor said. "I like to think of it as a new game. After I was destroyed by you, the Terror Crew and the Revenants, Damian Stuart began to rebuild me. Better, stronger, smarter. A better version of my previous incarnation while also downloading my previous memory. That's when I started planning revenge. A way to destroy you. And then it hit me, why not force you to destroy each other? So of course I started my fight club but I needed some assistance. Someone to be the face of PowerSmash."

"Leonard Miller." Firecracker growled.

"That's right! Not only he became the face of this plan, but the muscle as well. While I became the brains." Jestor said.

"Well we're shutting down your operations!" Speed Queen said.

"I'd like to see you try!" Jestor shouted as several weapons popped out of his body. "Time to die L-Crew!" He then starts firing his guns and blasters at the L-Crew.

"Move it!" Speed Queen ordered.

The members of the L-Crew avoided the bullets and lasers coming towards them. "Here's a new challenge. Defeat me and rescue the baby. As you can avoid my shots!" Jestor shouted and laughed.

"We're done playing your games Jestor!" Parkour shouted as she leaped up and hit Jestor with a diving kick followed by Wildgirl going gorilla and hitting an uppercut.

Leonard Miller swung his fist while Tabby slid underneath it and hit him with her axe. Leonard let's out a grunt but is then hit in the face by Paige's blaster.

Leonard charged towards Paige, but Paige dodges Leonard, Stella shoots an arrow at Leonard's face and the arrow explodes into a flash bang blinding Leonard. Sid and Haiku both charged towards Leonard and jump in the air and attacks Leonard.

Leonard's sight recovers and sees Stella as she fires an arrow at Leonard and it shocks him. Sid readies her weapon and charges towards Leonard and attacks him in the leg.

"You hooligans can't beat me!" Leonard told them as he tried to hit Sid who rolled out the way causing Leonard to punch the ground. "You five are just annoyances!"

"We prefer the term skilled." said Paige.

"And determined." Stella said.

"And you can call us the guy who whooped your a*!" Sid said. Nearby, Petty was still locked in combat with the giant drone as was clinging to it's head while punching it. While he was doing that, Tongri snuck off and made his way to the announcer's booth while everyone was distracted. When he climbed in, he sniffed around and let out a small growl announcing his arrival.

"Poo poo!" Tongri ran towards the desk where he saw Greenthumb in a cage. "Kitty!" Tongri slashes the cage lock, opening the door which allowed Greenthumb to crawl out and hug the tiger who tossed her onto his back before running towards the exit of the announcer's booth.

Firecracker throws some fireballs at Jestor. "I see that you improved Firecracker." Jestor said.

"Yeah I did while you were being rebuilt." said Firecracker.

"But you're still weak." Jestor said as he fired his fist at Firecracker which knocks him out of the sky and into Amplifier. "You L-Crew are all weak." Suddenly a vine comes up behind him and wraps around him, lifting him into the air before throwing him. Everyone turns and sees Greenthumb on Tongri's back.

"How'd that baby get out?" Leonard asked.

"Don't take your eyes off us!" Stella said as she pulled out a boxing glove arrow. "And I'm so glad this arrow made the cut!" She fires the arrow and it hits Leonard in the face. Jestor gets back up and glares at the heroes.

"I've had enough of this." Jestor said. "It's time to end this!"

"I couldn't agree more." Parkour glared.

"Get ready for anything he throws at us!" Speed Queen shouted.

Jestor then forms two rocket launchers on his hands while two more grow on his shoulders. "Not gonna lie. That seems overkill." Ms. Appear said. Jestor fires all five rocket launchers but Ms. Appear puts up a forcefield to block it. While she's doing that, Wildgirl goes horse and Crystal Princess jumps onto her back. Wildgirl then runs behind Jestor while Crystal Princess fires crystals at the two rocket launchers on Jestor's shoulders. Jestor lets out a growl but gets knocked down by Multiple Girl after she's launched by her clones.

"We have to take him down!" Speed Queen ordered. "Prodigy! Got any ideas?"

"I could try pulling him apart. But he would see that coming." Prodigy said,

"What if we found a way to shut him down?" Speed Queen asked as she avoided a laser blast from Jestor.

"It's a possibility!" Prodigy answered.

Than let's shut him down!" Speed Queen Shouted. "For good!"

"Never!" Leonard shouted before shaking off the girls. "Boss we must leave!" Jestor let's out a growl and puts away his weapons.

"Very well." Jestor said. "Jestorbot! Destroy them!" The L-Crew and the five girls turn to see Petty still trying to fight the giant Jestorbot only to get thrown off of him and onto the ground. While everyone was distracted, Jestor grabbed Leonard and flew out of the building.

"Jestor's getting away!" Parkour shouted.

"Let them go, we have a Jestorbot to deal with!" Speed Queen pointed out.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sid asked with her weapon up. "Let's send this thing to the junk pile!"

"Right!" Speed Queen agreed. "L-Crew! Attack!"

The L-Crew all sprung into action against the Jestorbot, Paige shoots the robot in the head, Amplifier threw lightning bolts at the robot's chest. Tabby and Sid attacked the robot in the left leg. Crystal Princess is shooting crystals in the Robot's chest.

Wildgirl goes ankylosaur and hits Parkour with her tail sending her flying towards the Jestorbot with such force that she knocked an arm off.

"Looks like he's been disarmed!" Ms. Appear jokes which just earned her blank stares.

"I get it!" Sid shouted from a distance.

"Thank you!" Ms. Appear shouted and then she surrounds herself in a forcefield shielding her from a foot about to stomp on her.

Firecracker threw fireballs in the air, and they were floating around the Jestorbot, then Firecracker moves his arms down Andy the fireballs all flew towards the Jestorbot on impact.

"The flare crusher!" Sid screamed.

"So is she uh?" Firecracker started and Stella nodded.

"A fan? Yeah you can say that." Stella answered.

The Jestorbot gets back up after that attack and turns it's remaining arm into a cannon. Paige fires at charged shot at the Jestorbot's head leaving a hole right where the left eye was. Stella also fires an explosive arrow right in the right eye leaving it blind and causing it to fall down.

"It's time to end this." Haiku said to Tabby and Sid who nod in agreement. The three then run up and jump onto the Jestorbot who starting to get back up. The three then swing their weapons at the Jestorbot's chest and go right into it. The robot twitched and then fell back. Stella and Paige climb up onto the Jestorbot to stand with their team while the L-Crew look at them with shock. Tongri walks up to Speed Queen who then grabs Greenthumb into her arms. After making sure she wasn't hurt, she looked back at the five girls.

"I think I have an idea." Speed Queen said to her team.

The Louds, Petty, Tongri, Stella, Haiku, Paige, Tabby and Sid are all back at the base. "I have to admit. I would never thought that five normal girls would discover our headquarters." Lisa said.

"Well we kinda found it by accident." Stella admitted. "We didn't know it was your headquarters."

"Well I'm glad you girls did. Without your help we would fear the worst for the L-Crew." said Soothsayer.

"True, and I was trying to impress these girls. Since I'm new here and all." said Sid.

"Hey you impressed us with your mad skill you had at PowerSmash." Tabby smirked.

"Yeah you were awesome!" Paige added. "So what are you gonna do with us now? Erase our memories?"

"Can you wait outside while I talk it over with my siblings and friends." Lori said as she gestured the five girls out of the base and closed the door.

"I have a feeling they're going to erase our memories. Men in Black style." Tabby said.

"I hope they don't erase my memories of you guys." Sid said. "I don't want to forget my new friends."

"I feel the same way dudette." said Tabby.

"I don't want to forget my skills in the fight club." Paige said.

"Yeah we were awesome!" Stella said.

"I too enjoyed our time together." Haiku said.

"Shame It has to end." Tabby sighed.

"So much for knowing Ronnie Anne's secret." Sid said.

Then the door opens up to reveal Luna. "You can come back in little dudettes." Luna said.

The five walk in and see Lincoln, Lynn and Luan wearing sunglasses. "Oh no! They're gonna Men in Black us!" Sid shouted. Lincoln, Lynn and Luan start laughing.

"Told you it would work." Luan said as they took off the sunglasses. "But seriously, we need to talk to you about something. Now let us ask, how did it feel to sneak around a villain's lair and eventually face a bad guy."

"It was so cool! I felt like Tracer from Overwatch, she's my go character." Paige said.

"It was intense, I will admit, but it felt great being like Green Arrow, Hawkeye or Artemis." Stella replied.

"I liked being Wolverine." Sid said simply. "'Nuff said."

"It felt good being one with the night." said Haiku. "Like Batman or other dark heroes."

"It felt great saving the hero who saved me." Tabby said.

"Good to hear because we have a proposition for you." Lori said. "Now despite fighting a big man with strength serum, a giant robot and us we don't really want you out there fighting crime all willynilly. It's too dangerous. But do have an offer. You see, Clyde's been asking if he can put together a recon team for stealth missions. We kept putting him off because we felt like it wouldn't work."

"Clyde is apart of this?" Stella asked.

"Yeah he was the first one to find out our identities." Lynn said.

"Ronnie Anne, Bobby and Sam did find out about us being the L-Crew." said Lincoln.

"How did she became Surge then?" Sid asked.

"That's for her to explain." Lori said. "So what is your answer on our offer?"

"I don't know honestly." Stella said. "It sounds awesome, it really does but this is a big decision."

"Well in that case I want in." Sid said.

"Really Sid, you want in already?" Tabby asked.

"Totally! Today was so much fun!" Sid told them. "Way better than my old home."

"Well then I will join as well." Haiku said. "I like Sid and I believe with this team we can form a long friendship."

"Are you sure it isn't because Clyde will be in charge of it?" Tabby said with a playful tone.

"Shut up." Haiku muttered back.

"Well It was fun fighting some bad guys in real life other than playing a video game." said Paige. Then everyone looked at Stella who was hesitant to answer.

"Look Stella, if you don't want in that's fine, you can walk out that door and we won't erase your memory." Lori stated.

"What why me? Tabby hasn't decided yet!" Stella pointed out.

"Oh no mate I'm in." Tabby said.

"Ok so I'm the only one left huh?" Stella asked.

"Yeah and again if you don't want to join, we understand." Lincoln said.

"I'm in." Stella answered.

"Good." Luna said. "We'll let Clyde know what's up."

"How about Shadow Strikers?" Paige suggested.

"Nah too dark." Sid replied. "What about L-Force?"

"Sorry Sid. I think that name is taken." Lincoln said.

"What about L-Angels?" Stella suggested. "Like Charlie's Angels except we work for the L-Crew and not some guy named Charlie."

"It has a nice ring to it." Tabby replied.

"I'm so in on this team name!" Sid shouted.

"I would of gone with Nightwatchers, but I can live with that." said Haiku.

"Very well." Lori said. "From this day forward, the five of you will work for us as the L-Angels. You will do recon missions only. There's no need to force you guys to fight metas. But there might be times where we might have you come on missions with us so be ready. Now Lisa, give them the things."

Lisa walks up to the five girls and each gives them watches. "These watches are used for communicator to communicate with us, and will allow quick change in your sleath suits." said Lisa.

"Suits?" Sid asked.

"You don't want anyone to recognize you." said Lori. "So Leni and Lisa will be making your L-Angels outfits."

"As long it won't be tight and stupid." said Paige.

"Ok that and I have one question." Stella said.

"What is it?" Lori asked.

"Who's going to be leader of the L-Angels?" Stella asked. The five girls each looked at each other unsure who will be the leader.

"We'll let you decide." Lori said with a knowing smile. "See you around." She and her team then walk outside.

"Well how do we decide?" Sid asked.

"It's not like we can we ask random people or something." Paige shrugged.

Smoke: Hey guys Smoking Wrecker here. Now I know what you're thinking, who's the leader of the L-Angels? That's what you guys will decided. Will it be Paige, Haiku, Tabby, Stella or Sid? Leave your answer in the reviews. We were originally going to have Tabby, Haiku and Paige be the three but we threw Stella and Sid in the mix due to their popularity in the show. Also yes, Sid's dad is a subway conductor in the show's canon, but zachlor16 decided to make him a bus driver, so that's his job in Loud Heroes.

Zachlor16: yeah leave your comments. Also if you're wondering why Giggles and Polly aren't part of the team, that's on me. I'm not really fans of them. Anyways there are a few questions I gotta answer before we get to an announcement. First, Xander isn't joining the Terror Crew. He's more of a lone wolf who doesn't play well with others and there will be no kid villains joining the Terror Crew. It's an all adult crew. Also, Camo will return once again this season as the main antagonist. I also want to send a shout out to the guest who gave the name for the fight club. So let's get down to business. Now last chapter we said we were gonna do intro dialogues similar to Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat X and 11. And we have decided to do it! It will be a whole separate thing that will be posted under Smoke's profile when we finish this season. And don't request characters because we already made a list of 43 characters! That's right. 43 characters, 5 of which are guest characters (yes we're treating this like an actual fighting game) and two are characters we haven't introduced yet. Now I won't go into much detail here, but we'll explain more at the end of the season. Well that's all for me and let us know who should lead the L-Angels. Later!