
Lost Souls' Rendezvous [Will be republished]

Link to the Novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-souls'-rendezvous_24939745906621205 Marco escaped from his father’s household and went on an unplanned road trip. He saw a girl in a forest and followed her to ask for directions but when he finally caught up; he was dumbstruck to see the girl at the edge of the cliff with her arms wide open. The lost young man misunderstood the situation. At that fateful dusk, they both didn’t know that it would be the trigger for their lives to change its view. It became the turning point for them. Marco is a lost young man who’s searching for the meaning of life and living with his newly accumulated freedom. Ayesha, a young lady that has been lost within her fears that has been bounding her and has been running away from death. Being lost in an unfamiliar place, Marco did not expect that he would have found the home that he has always wanted to have. Throughout his escapade, he discovered a lot of things, gained companions, began understanding what he has been looking for. He also found the girl that made his heart flutter. In that particular breathtaking sunset, at that certain cliff that became the witness of it all, he found her. *** ||Realistic Fiction|| ||Romance|| This novel is a work of fiction. Every name, character, place, and incident are all products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental unless stated. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior knowledge and permission of the author. All rights reserved. Plagiarism is a crime! [07-14-21] Discord: Luminous_Arcadian#5813

Luminous_Arcadian · Real
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28 Chs

[Extra] 1: Quarantine Buddies

Note: [This chapter is irrelevant to the story. You may choose to skip it and move on to the next chapter if there is. Well, this might be a little fun, though.]

[What kind of personalities lies beneath their characters¿]


One fairly normal day on the Lights' Vehicle Workshop… or so it was.

Marcus: (getting down the staircase while holding his phone) Oh, it was still pernicious outside because of that crown something. Ye need to wear this mask thing if ever you guys are heading out.

Ayesha: (walking out from the kitchen while wiping her hands with a towel) That's not good.

Sync: (sitting on the countertop, cross-legged) Crown something...

Marcus: (nods and hums) Hmm...

Sync: (nods his head unenthusiastically in return)

Marcus: Well, I don't often go out, though... So I guess I'll be fine.

Ayesha: Yes, me too! It's better to stay at home and watch some movies or read books! It's also nice to just watch the scenery outside the window!

Marcus: (sits on the sofa beside Ayesha)

Sync: Music, coffee, books, pen, and paper. That's all I need.

Dacron: (is sitting on top of the hood of the red under repair car) Oh, yeah? You won't last a day!

Sync: (quietly stares at Dacron with his cerulean eyes while taking a sip from his coffee)

Dacron: (nervously shivers)

Cooper: (leaning on the wall, staring down at Dacron, arms crossed on his chest) Pathetic.

Cooper: (rolls his eyes) You oaf is most possibly the one who won't last in this pandemic.

Marcus & Sync: (snickers while nodding) Ya bet.

Cooper: (exasperatedly sighs) Why am I even quarantined with you?

Dacron: (grins) Hah! We're quarantine buddies now, whether you like it or not!

Dacron: (childishly sticks out his tongue)

Darin: (is peeking at them outside the window and snickering while wearing a facemask)

Dacron: (his gaze narrowed at the young man by the window, indifferently) We should shut people out.

Darin: (dejectedly frowns underneath his mask) (sank his head from the high window)

Sync: (scoots away from Marcus, who's sitting on the couch near the counter) Distance yourself from lowly humans.

Marcus: (raises an eyebrow, unamused) Ha. Coffee maniac.

Sync: (raises his cup with a grin) As if you aren't. You're no better.

Ayesha: (cutely giggles at the two icebergs' banter)

Yeshua: (makes indecipherable noises from somewhere)

Arcadians: (pretends they did not hear anything)

Yeshua: (whines)

Charleston: (dramatically enters the scene from the backyard with a loud bang) You!


Charleston: Yes, You! Stay at home, and do your thing, anything. Leave the house if the situation is indeed necessary. Watch your food intake, and make sure that you eat healthy foods. Do some exercises, or do whatever.

Arcadians: …

Charleston: (raises an eyebrow, his arms crossed on his broad chest)

Arcadians: (stood up straight and salutes) Sir, yes, Sir!


Yeshua: (is sitting on a chair with his hands tied on his back, his body tightly bound with a rope, and his mouth covered with ducktape)

Yeshua: Mhmm!!! Mmm!.. Hmm...

Yeshua: (tearfully slumps on the floor while muffling)

Lumiar: [You have not formally appeared on the scene yet. Keep it down.]

Yeshua: (wails even louder)


[Well, that concludes the bonus chapter.]

[I created this for my school work about Corona Virus or Covid-19 a while, like, a few weeks back. I do not want it to just rot in my drafts, so I decided to publish it.]

[Hope you enjoyed this short interaction of our dear Arcadian characters!]

[Stay warm and breathe.]

No regular update for now. My brain's still on holiday. And honestly, it's a mess.

Sorry. I'll push this chapter back later.

Luminous_Arcadiancreators' thoughts