61 Chapter Sixty-One

Josiah leaned back in his chair with a small groan, lifting his arms high above his head until he felt the kinks in his back pop. He was an attractive young man with a rather pale complexion and fair hair. Reaching forward he picked up a deck of cards and shuffled it a few times before ringing a small bell that sat on his desk, signaling his last client of the day to enter.

To be completely honest, he was exhausted. While there had always been a certain amount of people willing to have their fortunes read, whether in earnest or in jest, it had almost never amounted to much more than enough coin to keep him going for another day. Now, however, people of all ages and gender were practically lined up outside his door from morning until night, waiting to hear his readings, and pay handsomely for the opportunity. It had gotten so chaotic he had been forced to actually schedule appointments.

This whole magic revival certainly was good for business.

He smiled warmly as the curtain was pushed to the side and a hooded figure entered the room and took the seat in front of him.

"Could you please remove your hood?" Josiah said lightly as he spun a card around his fingers. "It's far easier for me to read when I can make a connection with the client."

"Very well," Avril said as she pulled her hood down. Her dirty-blonde hair tumbled out loosely around her shoulders and she fixed her eye on Josiah.

He studied her for a long time, his blue eyes intently studying every aspect of her face before her finally landed on the eye patch partially hidden behind her bangs. He narrowed his eyes before leaning back with a nod.

"Well, your aura seems healthy enough, though I can tell you are quite a serious customer so I won't bore you with the usual opening questions and get right down to it. Tell me, what can I do for you? I don't take you for one looking for general information form the cards," Josiah said as he lightly tapped the deck. "No, I think you're here with a specific question in mind. Something important. Something that burns deep inside of you."

Avril looked down at the cards before back up as Josiah. "When were you born?"

"I'm sorry?" Josiah sat up. "That's what you want to know?"

"Yes. When were you born? Where as well, if you don't mind?"

Josiah looked at her confused before a look of understanding appeared on his face and he scowled. "You're a debt collector aren't you? I'll have you know, I have been paying all of my-"

"I have no interest in your personal issues," Avril cut him off. "I simply need to know the time and place of your birth."

"I think I'm going to have to ask you to leave now," Josiah said as he stood up.

He gestured to the door but Avril did not budge. Slowly, she lifted up her gaze and stared at him. "Please, answer my question. It will be easier for you if you do so."

"Look, I do not know what sort of game you are playing here, but it lost its charm long ago." Josiah pointed towards the door. "Now, please leave."

Avril frowned. "You don't why I am here, do you?"

"No. I don't very much care either, honestly!" Josiah snapped. "Now, if you would leave before I'm forced to get physical. Please. I will not ask again."

When Avril didn't move Josiah let out a small growl of frustration and stepped towards her. He reached out one hand to pull her from her chair only to have Avril grab him and slam him roughly against the table. Standing up, she grabbed him by the hair and pressed his face down against the table. He started to struggle until a cold piece of metal was pressed against his cheek.

"Are you a true Seer?" Avril's voice was calm as she pressed the cold barrel of her pistol harder against his flesh.

"Are you mad?" Josiah gave a weak tug to free himself before freezing as Avril cocked the pistol, the metallic click ringing loudly in his ears. His legs grew weak. He didn't want to die here!

"Do you posses the Sight?" Avril's voice was calm as before, her fingers a vice on his scamp, holding him locked in place.

"Look, I have money. I can pay you." Josiah began to babble before he was roughly thrown to the side. He crashed against a small end table and landed jumbled on the floor, cards and smoldering incense falling around him.

"This is your last chance," Avril said quietly as she trained the weapon on his chest. "Answer the question."

"Wait! No, no, no!" Josiah whimpered. "I don't have the Sight. I'm not a true Seer. I can barely read the cards. I have no magic! Are you happy now? Is that what you want me to say?"

"No." Avril frowned as she holstered her pistol and turned away from him in frustration. Josiah slowly lifted himself up from the floor.

"Is... is that all?" he asked quietly.

"No, there is one last thing." Avril turned and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. With a quick jerk she slammed his head against the table. Stunned, Josiah's body went limp and he felt a small prick on the side of his neck. Within seconds his limbs grew heavy and his vision faded to black.

Avril pulled the needle from Josiah's neck and tipped him back into his chair. The concoction she had injected him with would only knock him out for a few hours. He would wake up with a headache and little to no memory of their meeting, just like the others.

"Damnit," Avril sighed as she pulled a small notebook from her pocket and crossed out another name. She took a moment to tidy up the room before leaving the building and returned to her waiting horse. He was a great beast, black as night save for his entirely white head. Avril had received him as a gift when she was very young and he had proudly served along side her since she began her military service.

He angled his head towards her as she approached.

"Sorry, Moon. Not here either." Avril reached up and patted him sympathetically on the side as the horse shook its large head unhappily. She had been pushing him harder than she would have liked, but time was of the essence. She would make sure he was well taken care of when this was finished.

"I know," Avril said as she pulled a treat from one of the saddle bags and held it out for Moon to take. He hesitated for a moment before taking it between his large teeth and chomping down. Avril allowed him a few moments to enjoy the snack before pulling herself on his back and settling into place.

"We can't rest. Not yet."

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