A world where the strong rules over the weak to maintain fairness. The people there loved waging wars, but there was no one that dared to wage war against the Clinton Family. The Clinton Family consisted of 10,000 knight's and guard's while most normal family only had 100 or more. In 1063, a prideful knight with a high rank and good status, who worked for the Clinton Family was framed by his comrades. His comrades stated that he sexually assaulted the daughter of Clinton, Clinton asked them for proof and they showed a fake picture that has been made with cursed magic. Clinton believed them after looking at the fake pictures, he then ordered some of his men to bring him out to the towns center and execute him publicly. The so called comrades of his that framed him simply wanted a higher position. He was taken by force by Clintons guard out to the towns center. *"Wait! please spare me I have a family waiting for me at home it's a misunderstanding!"* *"You criminal what family you have?! I'll execute your whole family too! You tried something with my daughter! This is no misunderstanding I've got pictures!*" *"I thought you were a trustworthy knight but, you were aiming for my daughter from the start!*" *"You fucker! I'll remember this for eternity.*" *"Guards, decapitate his head now!* "Am I really gonna go out like this? I trusted you guys..." ... [Chop] ... After the execution, thousands of years passed. The knight woke up in heavy black armour. Looking around, the world has been destroyed and monster's ran rampant. His new journey starts now. __-__ PS: This is my first novel so there might be some mistakes in my spelling. This is the type of novel you see on google sites.
I was asleep for basically eternity. I woke up from my sleep in a new body.
A bright light shined itself upon me.
I opened my eyes, but everything seemed to be blurry. I happended to be wearing a helmet. I couldn't see anything, I didn't know where I was or what my name was. I didn't remember anything except one. The day they executed me, but there was only one thing I knew... I knew that god brought me back to do something.
"Shit... the ringing won't stop.. where am i..?"
"What the hell are these sounds, and this annoying helmet..."
"Is this hell..?"
"What's with this absurd atmosphere..."
"The lands are bulky and destroyed, look's like it used to be earth. I can't speak... why am I in full armour with a heavy sword on my back?"
"I can't take the armour off... wait, didn't I get executed? if they're still alive I'll find them and kill them brutally.
I looked around, and immediately spot a group of monsters rushing towards me.
"What the hell.. I came back from the dead and this is how you greet me?!"
I sprint, trying to run away from the group of monster's.
While running I remembered the sword on my back.
"Shit! forget running just have a taste of my sword!"
I took the sword out from the sheath, and swung the sword as hard as I could.
All the monster's flew back in pieces, blood splattered everywhere.
"Holy shit, I wanna get out of here..."
I walked around, looking for something or someone.
"Huh, another monster?"
I unsheathed my sword and tried swinging it but, the sword was too heavy for me.
"WTF?! Why is the sword suddenly so heavy?!!! Come on sword help me out!"
The monster ran towards me and threw a kick that sent me flying back.
"SHIT! It's not like it hurts but.. a mere ant dare hit me... i still have my pride! If I can't use my sword i shall resort to my fists!"
I sprint, going in for a punch.
The monster exploded.
"What the fuck is my firepower, I guess me swinging the sword hours ago was just instinct."
I picked up my sword, shakily sheathing it back in and left.
A week has passed.
"I don't know how long it has been probably a week, and I still can't speak."
Another week has passed.
"What am I looking for... civilization? I stopped counting my days already."
A month has passed.
"I'm gonna go crazy if I don't find at least one human."
A year has passed.
"I don't care how long it takes, I'm immortal.
I walked, and walked endlessly to find no source of life whatsoever just monsters all over some places.
A decade has passed.
"Hey gods.. isn't the world just fucked? and it's your own fault! why did you bring me back to life, not saying that it's bad..."
I walked endlessly thinking about useless stuff.
"If I think about it.. I've never had a single girlfriend in my life.. that's gonna be on my bucket list."
"I'd consider myself lucky as an orphan. No need to worry about family."
"That's a pretty sad thing to say..."
"I swear I'm not emotional."
After decades over decades.
I look afar to see a blue portal.
"A portal? get me the fuck out of here.
I start sprinting to get to the portal.
I tried entering the portal, and almost got in but it pushed me back out.
"What the fuck is this bullshit."
I kept trying, but it kept pushing me out, so I just gave up and decided to try another day. I ended up sleeping on the hot sand.
"I just wanna get out of here and find a girlfriend."
I tried to enter the portal again and again after days, but I was still pushed out.
Years flew by.
"How long has it been... this is the 1,000th time I try here we go."
I fell in the portal finally with no vision at all.
I felt like I was falling.
A bright light, I couldn't see anything, just like when I first got here. I opened my eyes and see myself in the middle of an abandoned city with a bright blue sky.
"What the hell you could've teleported me on the ground to not shatter the ground, and you let me enter the portal in my 1,000th try?! I'm pissed."
"A blue sky looks great, I got used to seeing the blood red sky.
[Sighs again]
"Time to find civilization."
I kept walking for hours until I saw a guy with raggy clothes and jet black hair carrying a backpack.
"Is that a lifeform?"
I sprinted to him to go ask him questions.
The guy gets surprised seeing me and leaps backwards.
W-who are you! did Khan send you here to collect the money I owe him?!
I shook my head in denial.
W-woah there what are you trying to do is that magic?!
"Overly cautious..."
I showed a "Are you serious right now bro" stance and he understood.
H-huh you're not one of his men? why aren't you speaking?
"Hmm... how do I communicate with him?"
I took a glance at his backpack, and saw a paper and pen. I pointed at the paper and pen hoping he understands my intentions.
You want the paper and pen? seems like you can't speak.
I nod my head in agreement.
I'll hand it to you, here you go.
'What year is it, and what is this world?'
The year is 3454. Since you're asking about the world, could you be one of the otherworldy adventurers?
'What does that mean.'
You came from another world so of course you wouldn't know, haha silly me. We call the people who came from other worlds otherworldy adventurers. I heard they came from a portal that's why.
"Who came up with that shitty name."
My names Fang. It look's like you're lost I'll give you a spare map of mine. We're here right now, I'll mark it so you can make your way to the closest city.
Alright armoured guy hopefully we'll see each other again.
We both shooked our hands.
"Alright let's keep going to find a motive."
A new adventure awaits.