
Daenerys Targaryen


Daeron and the silver-haired girl walked through the lively streets of Pentos, savouring the rich tapestry of sounds, scents, and flavours that surrounded them. The girl, who had spent most of her life indoors, described the books she had read with vivid enthusiasm.

She spoke of the countless tomes that had been her companions, their pages filled with tales of adventure, romance, and intrigue. Her eyes sparkled as she recounted the epic battles, the mysterious quests, and the forbidden love affairs that had captured her imagination.

Between bites of exotic street food, she shared her favourite works. She painted vivid pictures of the distant lands and fantastical creatures that existed only within the pages of her books. Her words were like a portal, transporting Daeron to worlds he had never dreamed of.

In turn, Daeron shared some of his adventures as a warrior and traveller. He spoke of facing down fearsome foes beyond the Wall, the breathtaking beauty of the northern wilderness. The girl listened with rapt attention, her curiosity piqued by the tales of a life so different from her own.

Daeron couldn't explain why but he found himself telling her a lot about himself, to the point where he couldn't help but be surprised. His tales of wildlings and white walkers seemed fantastical to his own ears and yet the nameless girl believed every word of it.

"You truly have seen some incredible things, I truly wish I had the opportunity to experience such things" the silver-haired girl exclaimed wistfully as she walked in step with Daeron.

Daeron smiled "At times I myself wished I could be anywhere else, as amazing as some of these things are they are also terrifying and dangerous" he explained though it seemed that the girl was already lost in thoughts of adventure.

"Oftentimes life is difficult, but it is worth it as at the end you can look back on a life well lived" She replied as she looped her arm inside of his.

"Sage words from someone so young, you are wise beyond your years" Daeron said in slight awe of her words.

The silver-haired girl couldn't help but chuckle "I am sure the author of the quote would appreciate your words"

Daeron shook his head in amusement "Why not travel, judging by your gown you don't appear to lack the means" Daeron questioned.

The silver-haired girl looked at him with a sombre expression "Means perhaps, but the freedom to do so is another story" she replied.

Daeron couldn't help but frown, if he was honest with himself he wasn't sure why this even surprised him, this was a woman's lot in life often. He desperately wanted to help this girl and it bothered him that he did not know why, she was a stranger to him and often whenever he helped a stranger there would always be a consequence for it. Daeron sighed, he wished he could ignore how he felt now but he couldn't, if he sees someone in need then he should help them 'Sorry Arthur' he thought to himself before turning towards the girl.

Though before he could start talking the sounds of footsteps and armour clanking together echoed down the street "Princess, you have been requested to return to your benefactor manse, Khal Drogo has arrived at the city, and your brother and mother are waiting to... present you" The lead guard said, though the last words came out in a way that made Daeron recoil with disgust, he even had the audacity to lick his lips as he said it revealing a said of rotten teeth.

Daeron felt the arm looped around his go stiff but eventually, she slumped "I had an enjoyable day with you... you know I don't think I even asked you your name, how rude of me" she said with a small giggle.

Daeron looked at the guards with a frown on his face "Tell me the truth... do you want to go with these men?" He asked, though his eyes never left the men in front of him, his hand was comfortably rested on the hilt of his sword.

"Truthfully I would much rather not go with them, however, I do not think they will take that into account" she said her tone that of someone who was defeated.

As the girl looked down at her feet she felt the strange boy nudge her, she looked up and saw him flashing her a charming smile "Ready for a mini-adventure" he said with a wink, the girl had her mouth open in slight confusion but she the understood his meaning and smiled before nodding.

Hand in hand, Daeron and the silver-haired girl sprinted through the labyrinthine streets of Pentos. Behind them, the relentless guards shouted in pursuit, their armoured boots clanging on the cobblestones.

They turned another corner and found themselves in a bustling market square. Daeron's keen eyes spotted a fruit cart laden with colourful produce. Without hesitation, he shoved the cart over, sending watermelons and oranges tumbling in every direction.

As the guards rounded the corner, they skidded on the fruit-covered cobblestones, giving Daeron and the girl a precious head start. But the guards were relentless, closing in on them with each step.

The chase continued through the crowded market. Daeron weaved through stalls, narrowly avoiding grabbing hands as the guards reached out to snatch him. He yanked the girl away from a merchant's stall selling exotic spices just as a guard lunged for her. The pungent scent of saffron filled the air as they escaped the guard's grasp.

With quick thinking, Daeron spotted a stack of woven rugs and toppled them into the path of the guards. The pursuers stumbled and cursed as they tripped over the unravelled rugs, temporarily blocked by the colourful chaos.

Taking advantage of the diversion, Daeron and the girl reached the edge of the square. They paused for a moment, their hearts pounding, before dashing into the bazaar beyond.

The bustling bazaar provided new opportunities for escape. Daeron noticed a merchant's cart piled high with bolts of vibrant fabric. He grabbed a length of the most colourful one and held it like a banner behind him as they continued to run. The guards, now disoriented and fruit-splattered, hesitated for a moment at the sight of the fluttering fabric, unsure of which way to pursue.

With nimble footwork, Daeron led the girl through the heart of the bazaar, expertly dodging the bustling crowds and narrowly avoiding the grasping hands of the guards. As Daeron and the silver-haired girl raced through the bustling streets of Pentos, the city guards closed in on them. Their breaths were quick, hearts pounding as they darted through the winding alleyways.

Seeking refuge, Daeron spotted a lively tavern up ahead. He realized this could be their escape route. Instead of bursting in with force, he had a different plan.

With a mischievous grin, Daeron led the girl inside the tavern. It was filled with patrons enjoying their evening, and the noise of merriment enveloped them.

In the midst of the crowd, Daeron subtly manoeuvred, positioning himself near a group of patrons who were deep in their cups. As the guards entered the tavern, he made his move. With a quick, deft shove, Daeron pushed one patron into another, creating a collision.

The tension escalated as the two patrons exchanged heated words and shoves turned into punches. Chaos erupted in the tavern as the fight spread like wildfire, dragging in other patrons and spilling out into the streets. The city guards, now distracted by the sudden brawl, rushed to intervene.

Daeron seized this opportunity, taking the girl's hand, and they slipped away unnoticed in the midst of the ensuing fracas. Outside in the dimly lit alley, Daeron and the girl shared a quiet laugh, relieved to have successfully eluded the guards. The chaos left behind in the tavern had bought them precious time, and they continued their escape through the winding streets of Pentos.


"I don't think I've had so much fun before in my life!" The girl exclaimed with excitement as she and Daeron walked down the streets of Pentos.

Daeron smiled at her "This is what life could be if you choose it" He told her as he looked down at her.

She smiled at him sadly "While I am glad I did not have to go with those guards, I will have to go back regardless, Khal Drogo is the man I am betrothed to and I do not wish for him to take his displeasure out on my family"

"I had thought I misheard earlier, you mean to tell me that you have been betrothed to a Dothraki warlord" Daeron said with slight disbelief in his voice.

The girl nodded her head "A woman's lot I'm afraid, being subject to the whims of her families desires" she said with a helpless smile.

"It's not right or fair" Daeron couldn't help but say, though he was aware of how childish he sounded.

"In a land without gods that's the only thing anyone can expect" she replied.

Daeron sighed "The least I can do is escort you back to the manse" he offered. He refused to let her be subjected to such a fate and would do what he could, though he'd need more information first, blindly diving in had not served him well before.

"I would like that," she said with a smile and so they walked together through the streets of Pentos, Daeron followed her as she led him back to her home. He could feel how stiff she was with every step they took and as they drew closer he noticed she started to walk even slower. He knew she didn't want to go through with this but most likely did so due to a combination of duty and fear for her family.

As they approached the large manse they saw a commotion and a gathering of people, both peasants of Pentos and what Daeron assumed were Dothraki warriors. They heard a deep rumbling of laughing as well as the sound of swords clashing, the girl seemed panicked as she let go of Daeron and pushed her way through the crowd with Daeron following closely behind her.




Daeron saw a tall silver-haired handsome man get kicked to the ground with his sword clattering behind him, the person responsible was a large tall tanned man with a long braid running down his back. He looked amused at the silver-haired man as he crashed into the dirt 'Must be Khal Drogo' Daeron thought to himself, he had several men at his back who were joining him in laughing at the silver-haired man's pathetic attempts at fighting.

"Brother!" The silver-haired girl shouted as she pushed through the crowd and ran to the man on the ground who was bruised and breathing heavily. Another woman who looked older but very similar to Daeron's companion also knelt at the feet of the man, her eyes looked teary and she was speaking to the man on the ground though Daeron couldn't hear what was being said.

A rotund bearded man stood off to the side as he tried speaking to the Khal though it was obvious he was being ignored. Though the laughing soon stopped as the girl ran to her brother, the Khal seemed to look at her intensely as if memorising every detail of his body, Daeron very much didn't like that.

He followed the girl to her brother while keeping an eye on the Khal who seemed enthralled with the silver-haired girl "I'm sorry sister, I couldn't protect you or mother" The silver-haired man breathes out heavily as he tries to push himself up.

"Hush now Viserys, it will be okay I promise" the other woman whispers to him as she places his head on her lap. The Khal decides this moment is ideal to walk towards them, Daeron guessed he wished to inspect his betrothed fully and not in the crouched state she was in.

Daeron stepped in front of the giant man, he was large, perhaps even larger than the King but his build was not as powerful. While Daeron had grown over the years he was still just shy of six feet putting over a head of height between them, though he still did not shy away and barely even flinched when the Khal stood right in front of him. And why should he, Daeron had dealt with men and creatures far more terrifying than the person in front of him. Though he wasn't stupid, if he used his magic anymore he'd wind up a walking corpse so if it came to blows he'd need to be careful.

"Anha think yeri hezhah lekhaan Khal (I think you've walked far enough Khal)" Daeron spoke to him, if the Khal was surprised at Daeron's mastery of the language then he didn't let it show.

"Gwe (Move)" Drogo simply said, all the chatter and muttering stopped and the entire courtyard in front of the manse was silent.

"Mae ajjin ma mae chomak (She is busy with family)" Daeron stated with a blank expression.

"Jadat eshna kashi (Come another time)" he continued.

The Khal stared at Daeron his eyes filled with rage that someone dared treat him in such a manner. As if a silent signal had passed between them, both warriors drew their weapons simultaneously, their blades glistening wickedly under the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves. Their initial strikes were swift and precise, the sound of steel meeting steel echoing through the courtyard.

Daeron advanced, his Valyrian steel sword flashing like a streak of lightning toward the Khal's throat. In a heartbeat, the Khal parried with astonishing speed, his arakh cutting a precise arc through the air. It was a breathtaking display of skill, the Arakh meeting the Valyrian steel in a clash that resonated with deadly intent.

The Khal retaliated with a blinding flurry of strikes, his arakh a spinning whirlwind of death. Daeron barely managed to defend against the relentless assault, his own sword a blur as he parried with the precision of a master swordsman. Each movement was deliberate, calculated, and demanded Daeron's unwavering focus.

The duel raged on, the two combatants a symphony of lethal artistry. Daeron executed a daring manoeuvre, a graceful twirl followed by a low sweeping strike. The Khal was forced to leap backwards to avoid the deadly arc of the Valyrian steel. In response, the Khal displayed his agility, springing high into the air before delivering a ferocious overhead strike. Daeron met it with a perfect parry, the clash of their blades reverberating through the courtyard like a thunderclap.

With every clash, the courtyard seemed to shrink, the world narrowing down to just these two warriors and the dance of death they performed. The crowd watched in awe as they moved with a grace that belied the violence of their confrontation. The tension in the air was palpable, and the outcome remained uncertain.

Then, in a moment that showcased their mastery, Daeron and the Khal executed simultaneous moves. The sword struck Arakh with such force that both weapons were sent hurtling from their grasp. The blades arced through the air, glinting like fallen stars, before clattering to the ground.

"Sille asshekh anha jadat ha yer (Tomorrow I come to finish this)" Drogo said before turning around, he picked up his Arakh and left the courtyard with his Dothraki in tow.

Daeron couldn't help but frown at this, he'd have thought that the man would wish to fight to the death, in Dothraki culture there is no draw only win or lose. But he was quickly brought out of his thoughts when he was grabbed by his arm, he turned around and as immediately hugged by the silver-haired girl "Thank you!" She whispered into his chest.

Daeron smiled down at her "I'm glad I could help you" he said as he rubbed her back. Though they were drawn from their moment when he heard someone gasp. He looked in front of him and saw the older woman holding her hand over her mouth with tears streaming down her face, even the man on the floor looked up at him as if he'd seen a ghost.

The girl turned around "This is my brother Viserys Targaryen, my mother Rhaella Targaryen" she said as she introduced them.

She then turns back around to Daeron "And I am Daenerys Targaryen"

Daeron stood there dumbly for a few moments before coming up with the most intelligent thing he could think of.


(AN: Tbh I have to get this out the way first, once Daeron and company start travelling I can hurry along the other aspects of the story. When it comes to a fight between Jon and Khal Drogo I'm honestly not sure who would win based off of pure skill, logically I'd lean towards Khal Drogo but he barely wears any armour and Jon as Brightroar. I guess we shall see where it goes. I always realise that I'm projecting a tiny bit when I write Jon, unintentionally of course but irl I'm pretty bad at introducing myself so often at times it'll reach the point where it's too awkward to ask what their name is)

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