in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover