
Lost But Where Am I?

Cain once ruled the world but then was killed by his left hand man. He’s lived his life and is content with the end of his story, but it seems it’s not quite over yet. Follow Cain in his adventures in doing who knows what!

OppressedBeans · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Crazy Bastards

They soon dragged me up into a room, it was quite spacious. I looked around the room noticing more details now that I had the time to look, there two beds like those you'd see in a hotel. There were oil lamps lining the walls keeping the room lit with light, it looked like a room in the 1700s the whole building did really.

They laid me in a chair and after a while started discussing what they would do to me. I couldn't make out most of what they said because I didn't really know the language, but I knew it wasn't anything good.

I sat there with fake tears in my eyes, hopefully I looked scared. They soon began to unpack their things in the room and get settled in, I guessed I was gonna sleep on the chair. Surprisingly I wasn't they soon tied me up tight on the bed, there was four people including me. So two slept on one of the beds while I slept on the other with somebody else, I was really hoping none of these people were sus.

Soon they all began to fall asleep, I stayed awake for a while contemplating things. 'Why was I suddenly transmigrated here? Is there a unknown force doing this? These people seem to be wanting to send me somewhere in two days.' I thought for about and hour before falling asleep. When I woke up they were moving me down the stairs back into the dining area we were at yesterday. People were in there eating their breakfast, there was one particular group that caught my eye though. They wore shoes more polished than the others and their outfits were clean as if they'd just been rolled with a lint roller.

I kept staring at them they were really eye catching to me, others didn't really notice their appearance strange. I stared until one of them looked at me, the whole group had hoods on like most people in the dining hall my kidnappers included. I didn't have a hood on I just had the clothes I had on since I was in the Never-Ending Forest. Black lightly tight pants, gray short sleeved t-shirt that defined my muscles and comfortable black sneakers. My clothes had holes here and there and some dirt too. 'Man I really want a different outfit.'

The one on the right stared at me for a second before looking away, I looked away no point in looking at them at the moment. They'd somewhat distracted me from my acting so I had to get back into character.

I shivered when one of kidnappers with gray hair looked at me, we looked each other in the eye and I looked away in fake fear. He then grabbed my chin and took off the piece of cloth wrapped around my mouth tightly to keep me from screaming for help.

He then proceeded to then shove a spoonful of food in my mouth, I didn't really know what it was since I didn't live around here. It looked like lasagna but brown and white without sauce. It tasted sweet like cheesecake, it was really good. I ate the whole bite with joy evident on my face, the kidnapper looked surprised but I didn't care that cake thing was really good. I looked at him for more, he then said "Ah, you really like this don't cha? You want more?" I just looked at him with puppy eyes since I still had to pretend I didn't know the language.

"Haha, forgot you don't know our language, I'll give you a bit more." He then took another big spoonful and put it in my mouth. It looked like he enjoyed feeding me because he then gave me at least half of it, it was quite big anyway and he wouldn't have been able to finish it if he didn't give me half. He then ate his half and then put my cloth back on my mouth before he did I gave him a small smile of thanks. He paused for a second then put it on my mouth, he looked bright red. Guess he was a bit embarrassed.

Then I looked back to where that group was they were all staring at me, I felt a bit creeped out. But I stared back then tilted my head in question like a dog would, they then started to discuss with themselves. I tried to listen in to what they were saying but I couldn't understand a word it seemed they were using a different language from my kidnappers.

I gave up trying to listen to them and just watched with curiosity but I couldn't do that for long because one of my kidnappers with blue hair then started to pull my hair back to look me in the eye. I faked fear and whimpered lightly, I trembled a bit and he then said "Annoying, tch."

It didn't really hurt and I wasn't really scared but I had to act, I was learning a lot along the way as they kidnapped me. It gave me free information and food so I didn't really mind being kidnapped and I could escape any time I wanted. He let go of my hair and then threw money on the table, or what looked to be money. It was 15 copper looking coins, I'm guessing it was what they used for money.

They soon dragged up the stairs back into the hotel room, the group of people were still discussing with themselves while sometimes giving me a glance. I guess they were talking about me because as soon as they saw me staring they chatter ceased. I then lost sight of them while I was being dragged up the stairs. Those people looked at me quite weird. I was thrown onto the bed and tied tightly, they soon began to do their usual routine of getting cleaned up and what not. And it was the end of another day in this new world.