
Lords of the rings I become Smaug

After waking up, he found himself in the world of Lord of the Rings. Became the dragon Smaug! In order to prevent the tragedy that happened to him from happening again, he decided to summon craftsmen to cast scales! Poor Dwarf King Thorin and others were captured by it and made craftsmen before they entered the Lonely Mountain. Then he supported his puppets to rebuild the river valley city, and he could get as many gold coins as he wanted! Gandalf? You dare to come here and see if I don't bite you to death! The orc army cried out and wanted to surrender, the woodland elven kingdom surrendered collectively, all humans became its believers, and the northern continent was basically dominated by it! Sauron in Mount Doom said viciously: "We are villains!" Smaug was furious when he heard this, "Ah, bah, for a guy like you who was killed by a thief, I am ashamed to be associated with you." Until the night in the North The king appears... Smaug wakes up when the apocalyptic plague sweeps through Middle-Earth, orcs travel from another dimension, and the Qin army from the east presses the country. It turns out that the Middle-earth world he lives in is not that simple... Exclusively signed novel: "The Lord of the Rings, Beginning with the Dragon Smaug"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and do not imitate. .

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Become the Dragon Smauf( ps support me pls sent me some stone)

North, Gushan

This was once the royal capital of the dwaves.

Gold and precious stones piles piled up like moutains.

in the main hall lies a gaint

dragon more then 100 meters longs, named Smaug.

He is the first of the four evil dragons in middle-earth

Becasuse of the dwarves' endless greed hor gold, they attracted it from afar.

But now.

In its lantern-sized eyes. Revealing confusion. Everything in front of me feels incredible.

"i...is this a dreams?"

The evil dragon Smaug uttered human word, raised his gaint paw and scratched the seeds on his head. Aren`t you sleeping in the dormitory?

Why did I wake up like this? Could it be that he has traveled through time? !

Especially looking at the palace covered with gold and precious stones .Combined with the fragmented memories in hiis mind, he was even more certain of one thing. He turned is just Smaug from the Hobbit movie!

"No, my name is just Smaug. How did i really become Smaug?

He suddenly admired his father.He was so far-sighted that he gave himself this name, maybe he didn`t know that he would travel through time in the future.

He curled up his huge body.

Thinking back to your original memories before time travel.

Remember that in addition to humans, elves, dwarves. and orcs, there are alsTo strange other races in this world. 

The gaint dragon clan is on a dragon island overseas. 

He is just a red dragon expelled from Drogon Island.

Althought it is powerfull, it has also been injured by humans usings spears and bows.

This result in a fatel weakness under his left wing.

Think of this. 

Smaug turned his neck to look at the wound.

If it goes according to the direction of the plot, it probably won`t take long 

Then Thor`s grandson Thorin will arrive.

Just a dozen dwarf elites forced it out of the lonely town.

And was shot to death by the marksman Bard using a black arrow...

Smaug closed his dragon eyes and began gto think of countermeasures in his mind.

"They must not be allowed to enteer Gushan!" 

I don`t know if it`s because of the fusion oh the evil dragon`s body.

Smaug had a special liking for the golden moutains at his feet, and the golden things were very tempting to him.

"The most important thing right now is to heal the woung on the chest, otherwise it will be a headden danger sooner or later."

Smaug shook his head.

Although they are determined to protect their home base , the dwarven spear and bow are always athreat.

Dragon are not invincible. As long as the opponent has enough spears and bows he can be killed. 

Especially remmber the battle between and elves and dwarves.

Dann, the King of the Hills, relies on his secreat weapon, a force of whirlwind spear and bows.

The woodland elve fought suffered heavy casualties.

You must know that dwarves are particulary good at forging weapons.

Who knows if there might be any weapons more threatening than spear and bows.

I absolutely cannot sit still and wait for death!

While he was thinking , he suddenly sensed the presence of human beings outside Gushan.

This made him nervous. 

Could it be that Thorine and his followers are already here?

Suddenly. Smaug immediately covered the entire valley with his powerfull senses.


"Are they a group of guys who want to enter the lonley mountain to hunt for treasure?"

After seeing the people clearly Smaug said that he did mot recognize these people.

It`s not explained in the movie either. 

Maybe they were the townspeople of Changhu Town.

After all, there are countless gold and silver treasures in Gushan Castle not fsr from them.

Human have no resistance to these thinhs.

Over theyears, many people must have come to Gushan to explore for gold and gems. 

As for the dragon inside?

This is not within their scope of consideration, otherwise they would not dare to come .

"Sure enough, people die for money and bird die for food!"

It was obviously not the the first time for these human thieves in front of them.

I saw them climbing over the pile of rocke with ease, lowering the rope from the cave on the top of the mountain, and sliding in one after another. 

The corners of the Smaug`s dragon`s mouth raised slightly. 

I already have aplant in mind. 

Ever since it destroyed the dwarf kingdom hundreds of years ago, everything here has been cursed.

Once humans or other races approach, their heart will be eroded by the evil dragon Smaug, and they will fall deeper and deeper into greed.

Faced with such a huge treasure.

There are always some people who will take desperate risks.

After entering the cave on the top of the mountain these thieves slowly approched the outsite of the palace alonmg the cave extending directions.

The man walkings at the front couldn`t help but swallowed.

He seened very nervous.

They have all heard that dragons exist here.

The group pf the people tiptoed. They seened to hear somethings vaguely, echoing in there ears. This is the dragon`s whisper. 

Ordinary people cannot peristr under this spiritual whisper for long before they lose themselves.

Eventually so did this groupof people.

They knew nothing how much time passed. 

In a daze, the thieves unexpectedlyarrived at the hall filled with gold, and silver and jewelry. 

Seeing the golden mountain in the front of them everyone`s eyes widened.

"We`re finally in!"

"Oh my god, there`gold here!"


The thieves` eyes were red.

They all pounced on the pile of gold coins like a sick mcan.

The more sober thief leader among them.

He walked to the throne alone and looked at the stone throne symbolized power.

Suddenly he fell to his kness with a plop.

"Otis, son of the bill , acitizen of long lake town, kneel before my master..."

His pious look madw him look extremely fanatical now.

The excited thieves behind him also saw the leader`s movements.

They all become quit.