
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

Autor: Yan Wanyan
En Curso · 198.7K Visitas
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What is Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

Lee la novela Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert escrita por el autor Yan Wanyan publicada en WebNovel. The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house.Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set u...


The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

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joshua_solomon · Ciudad
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2 Chs


  上一世的迟姝颜活的憋屈,明明是个大富大贵的命格,却被人‘借运’,福气变霉气,一手好牌打烂,家破人亡,亲戚霸占瓜分财产,高考考试被人举报作弊,前途尽毁。   而她还傻兮兮的对策划一切的始作俑者好友感恩戴德。   直到有一天,一个天师点破这一场骗局,收她为徒。   迟姝颜恨,浴火重生,成为闻风丧胆的女魔头,杀尽所有黑心肠的人,因此也断了自己的生机。   重生一世,她带着上一世的记忆又回到高考前。   这一世的她身负异能,能够预见任何人的运势和未来,十分精准,算无遗漏。   她发誓将上辈子害她家破人亡的人全部踩在脚底。   只是仇还刚报没多久。   有一天摸到一个商圈大佬,竟然看见自己乖乖跪在大佬面前叫爸爸。   迟姝颜震惊脸:我未来到底混的多掺?   祁臻柏,帝都权势滔天,根基深厚祁家的掌权人,当之无愧的天之骄子,长相俊美,性格冷漠,手段铁血强势,贵市排名第二的单身汉,哪哪都好,唯独体弱多病,被医生断定活不过三十岁。   前世一生定格在二十九岁。   然而今世,遇到她开始,就有些不同了。   暑假挣钱篇一   “这年头,骗子也太多了。”   “可不是,有手有脚,也不干点好的工作。”   一群人对摆摊算命的迟姝颜指指点点,一边嫌弃装骗子也不不装像一点,迟姝颜岿然不动,一边画符,一边含着棒棒糖。   一个月后   “迟大师,幸好上回您跟我算命,才让我逃过一劫。”   “迟大师,您这驱鬼符箓怎么卖,我要十张!”   “迟大师,您顺便帮我把我一家人的运势都算了吧,钱都不算什么。”   众人看着收钱收到手软的迟姝颜,眼神发亮,高人收钱这么俗气的事情居然都‘仙风道骨的’,果然是高人。

流萤烛影 · Integral
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1823 Chs


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Looking forward to its release! Need the raws!!![img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


waiting waiting ... still waiting ... hoping that the book is like how the synopsis make it seems


nice book, well done author..............






😭😭😭 this was so good. I'm really sad it didn't make it through the voting pool. this has/had so much potential. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll come back later 😭😭😭


Can’t wait for the release of this book. It’ very interest ings


I am liking this story, it is starting out very interesting. I hope continues, it has great potential.


really a good story .I like it ? how can she survive if there's no more ghost to keep haunting the living hihihi




Review after less than 20 pages of reading: If you are into powerful leads who does exorcism, deals with spirits and all those "unknown" stuff then this is for you. the FL here does that for work to support herself. The story basically talks about those most. nothing much about her family. if you have a faint heart then it wouldn't be good as this is very descriptive. I hope that this one would get some love so it would be translated. it's kinda boring the read novels that are the usual pretty much the same. lol. if you know the raws pleaaaseee comment. 😊 thanks so much luvz!!


What an unusual interesting story! More pls




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