
Lord Pyreleos' Son God of Mercy and Flame

Growing up in the sums of the Capital City of the Valor Kingdom, Isarial is as much an orphan as any boy left to the slums would be. But is he? After a series of events proved him to be an adored son of a strict rich, yet cold merchant he was sent on a mission to assassinate the people who threaten to harm his Father's pregnant girlfriend. However, the mission goes awry and he is sent to a parallel universe. To get home, he makes a dangerous deal and selects the beginning of the year to return to. How shall this God touched boy's new life go? Better than the last, he swears. And he'll do anything to see that happen. For added context, I recommend reading The Sleeping Ox Guild. This story is based on that.

Irrylath · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Culling Guards

I watched Dean process my words, he'd not been expecting this. Who would? While he thought it over, I forged a fake identification card. Just in case.

"You're really trying to tie me down, huh?" Dean asked.

I shrugged. "I realized that I should be offering people I trust closely positions within the Kingdom I intend to build. My brother is the one who made me realize it, he wanted to be my treasurer."

"So what exactly are the responsibilities of an Arch Duke? I get the spy master, but not the Arch Duke." Dean said.

"Well, that's the interesting part. I'm offering you the title and not the land responsibility. If you'd want it, that's one thing. But security of the kingdom would fall to you. The last0 line of defense, essentially. Like myself, you'll have to improve your skills." I told him. "If you wanted the land responsibility, you'd train your own people how it pleases you and maintain a portion of land and your own household. Kind of like the fort game we played in the alleys."

"Well, at the moment I have absolutely no interest in land." Dean said. "But I do feel a little interest in trying out this little venture of yours."

"Great. If it doesn't work out you can default to minding Hearthstone Town, or return here. We could have a mock execution for 'betrayal'." I replied.

"That seems like a lack luster exit. But we'll just see how that goes. Something tells me it won't be necessary." Dean said.

"Probably. That woman, Zelda, is my lover." I told him.

"I don't think I've ever seen you even second glance a woman. And now this? What did she do? Know what? I don't wanna know." He said.

"In that orb, I spent a month getting to know her and my Mom. She respected my boundaries the whole time. Yesterday, she mentioned wanting a rope, so I bought her one. She mentioned tying someone up.. And I'll leave that there." I shrugged.

He shook his head. "I wish you would have left it earlier."

I laughed and said, "Alright, well, shall we go liberate a book from a corrupt guard captain and get some kids to a safe place?"

"I could use more child workers. Unless they have parents. But I not." Dean said.

"They have Eluvian." I told him, as we left his house.

I went and bought a large amount of fresh baked breads, then some cheeses and smoked meat. We went to the barn and I used a glyph to get to East Haven, then. I immediately took Dean with me to the guardhouse. I mind linked to Dean and told him that the guard captian's book had all the information on the thieves guild here. I told him which drawer it was in. I also said I'd distract the guard captain while he gets it.

<Easy then. Can't have the guards have all the edge. It's no fun.> Dean replied.

<They've been using it to pick the kids off.> I told him. <Give them to a band of murderers.>

<I'm surprised we're just stealing a book rather than leading a purge.> Dean replied.

<That will come later.> I promised. <I want them to think they've gotten away with it. The band of murderers worked for Denoir and have been eradicated.>

We entered the guardhouse, and I rudely walked past the guards, acting like Nobility. Rather than speak to them, I opened the captain's office door. He was exactly as I remember him. Balding, out of shape, and mean looking. He eyed us both, and I said, "I have a proposal for you."

"You barge into the guard captian's office and say you have a proposal to make? Are you insane?" The captain asked.

I leaned onto my hands on his desk and said, "I need not deal with 'little people'. I've heard some things about goings on here. It would be in our mutual interest for you to listen."

"And what goings on would that be?" He asked.

I looked back towards the door. "Shut it." I ordered a guard.

The guard captain chuckled and waved his hand. "It's alright. Shut the door. Now I'm interested."

Once the door was shut, I said, "Do I really have go over what all has been occurring here? Or can I cut to the chase?"

He put a hand in his middle drawer and said, "By all means, cut to the chase."

"I have someone interested in your continued looking the other way.. Or perhaps direct 'exchanges'." I said, placing the fake card on his desk. Through my memories, I knew it was identical to a Denoir handler symbol.

"Well that is quite an interesting.. proposal. But why now?" He asked.

"Our previous 'exchangers' have been dispatched. Which you're aware of. Some goblin and half giant, smashing things around here and there." I responded casually, and without care or concern. I walked over casually to a painting he had on a wall, pretending to look it over.

"Yes, we sent word that they had been cleared out, but we never got word back about what to do. I've been looking forward to someone's arrival. So, what are the terms now?" He asked.

I hadn't known they were in Denoirs pocket. This knowledge made me seethe inside. I stamped it down. "Well, rather than hush and cooperation, if you want to be more directly involved.. This is where we can negotiate some finer details. You see, it took 'us' some time to mull over the facts and learn that, as of this morning, that entire organization has been dismantled. Same offender. So, we're in need of new hands, you see?"

"I can rustle up some boys to get going again, that's not the problem I want to know pay." He said directly.

I gestured with my head for him to join me, and held up a coin pouch. "Look and see your down payment of new beginnings."

He got up and walked over to me. As soon as he got close he swung his right hand up, but Dean caught his wrist. In his hand I saw a glass ball with shadows whirling inside it.

I took it from him and said, "Interesting. Do tell what this trinket does?"

"Simple, it checks to see if you are who you say you are. Since you don't know that means your a fraud. Guards!" He shouted.

I grinned, "Alright. So we murder them now. That's fine." I planted my knife through his eye. <Let me get hit, Dean, I should be immune unless it's magic.> A guard threw open the door, entering.

"Let's do this thing." Dean said, readying himself.

I pocketed the item as I pulled my knife from his eye. I'd managed to impale his brain, he was dead. I moved towards the next guard. "If a single one of you is a clean guard, back off and you won't die."

There were two guards that turned on the rest as the fight began. Sure enough, these men did not have magic weapons, and what Bryna had said about damage immunity appeared to be correct. None of their attacks hurt. We made short work of the guards here. Minus the two who helped.

"So there were a few good ones?" I said, once the guardhouse was clear.

They did a salute and said, "There are very few of us who did not partake in their.. corruption."

"And letters have disappeared." I concluded.

"Not that we would ever condone tampering with mail, but yes. Some letters have disappeared." One replied.

I held up the shadowy orb, "And this is?"

"I'm not sure." They answered after a moment.

"Very well. Stay where you all are. I'm going to fetch Plight." I said. I then drew a glyph to Phintias', and went to where they were hanging out. I hadn't paid attention to the blood on my clothes. "Plight. Care to take a walk with me?"

"I'm going to assume something has either gone very wrong, or very right." Plight said.

"Do you need assistance?" Alexion asked.

"I suppose the kids may need medical, sure." I replied. "Sienna, please stay with Zelda and Lucretia."

"No problem." Sienna said.

"We're gonna need to get you more outfits." Zelda said.

"Well, if the women are up for it, take them to my brother's store for shopping. Sienna, bite anyone who bothers you all." I suggested.

Sienna grinned broadly and said, "Okie dokei. Can do. Much pain on my enemies." She giggled.

"See you soon." I told Zelda, before leading Plight and Alexion to the portal. Once through, I said, "Oh, good. You all listened."

"Oh, yes because everyone wants to disobey the one who just stabbed the guard captain in the eye and walked through the rest of the guard like they're confetti." Dean said dryly.

"See? Not a good person." I said, draping my arm on Plight's shoulder. "Just also not a bad one."

He chuckled and said, "Well, that's good enough."

"Alright, so, down to business." I said. I went and got the book out of the desk, and went through the rest. I tossed Dean some pretty bobbles, since he'd helped me. "What I want you two guards to do, is gather your friends to the North Gate. The rest, I want you to alert them to what happened here. Send them to us, we'll handle them."

"Can do, sir." He nodded to me, then to the guards, "Let's get to it."

I casually leaned against the wall for a moment, before checking the jail cells. "Well, what you all in for? Lie, and I'll kill you with the guards."

The Large man said, "I fought the guards."

Slender guy said, "I stabbed some people."

The last prisoner was just a girl. She said, "I-I was to be used." And shuddered.

I asked the girl, "Are you one of Eluvian's people, or do you have family?"

"I have a family I hope. My dad didn't just let them take me, so they beat him pretty badly. Nut I dont know what happened to him after." She said.

"Did anybody touch you?" I asked, my tone gentler, and I opened her cell with my lock picks. "Where is your home?"

"It's just a few streets down, and no, no one touched me." She said.

"I'll walk you home.. How long ago was your dad beaten?" I asked.

"Two days ago, I think." She said.

I nodded. "In that case.. Alexion, will you take her home?"

"I can." Alexion nodded, "Let's go."

"Umm. Ok.." She said.

"He's a friend. And stronger than me. He'll ensure your safety." I told her.

She appeared shy, but went with Alexion. Meanwhile, it became a waiting game. I turned back to the larger of the remaining prisoners. "So, you fought them? That's it?"

"Turns out, when you punch a bunch of people for being assholes, they continue being assholes and lock you away." He replied.

"Well, yes. Stupid doesn't learn." I replied. Unlocking his cell. "What's your job?"

"I am a waiter, if I still have a job." He said.

"If you don't, why not try out as the guard captain here? It's just came vacant... And I can talk to the noble for you." I said.

"I don't know much about being a guard, or a captain."He said.

I shrugged. "If you aren't interested that's fine. If you want training, I know the man to talk to."

"I never expected to be able to.. throw hands at somebody. But I suppose, with some training, I can be a guard." He replied.

"You can train under the guards left, or you can go to the Capital and apply at the guard barracks under Haril. You can request your placement be here." I told him. " East Haven is going to need protectors."

"Who is this Haril?" He asked.

"Guard Captain of Valor's Crest, for now. Soon to be Guard Trainer of Hearthstone Town." I replied. "He's an upstanding gentleman with little patience for the bullshit like what these fools were up to. The corruption."

"He sounds like somebody worth studying under then." He said.

"Know that guy." I gestured to the final prisoner.

"Not a clue. Just know he stabbed people." He said.

"Alright. I suggest heading to the Capital before the rest of the guards get here." I said.

He agreed and headed on, saying he'll get to it. And so the wait commenced. The dirty guards were likely naturally suspicious, but as it turned out, enraged enough to charge in.. together. It was fine. Much like goblins, we handled the guards in quick succession. Then I counted how many we'd killed. We'd gotten all of them, so far as I could tell. Alexion had returned and caught the back end of them, so there was no escape.

"Any questions before we move on?" I asked.

"Let's go heal those kids?" Plight asked.

"Eventually we'll have to talk about that whole mastermind thing you were doing. Yeah. It was weird." Dean said.

"Sure, sure." I said, leading my group out of the guard house and through town to the abandoned well.

I opened it and jumped down, not caring about the twenty foot drop. I saw Michael. A little boy who is very useful, but doesn't talk to people he doesn't trust. When my friends joined me, I was walking forward, scaring everyone, unintentionally.

I looked at the injured kids, there were fewer than last time, "Plight, Alexion." I gestured to the kids, "They are healers, we mean no harm."

I noticed a few kids had ran into the back, and Eluvian came quickly. "Who are you people? Why are you here?" She demanded to know.

"Hello, Matiarch. I am Isarial, this is Dean. My other two friends, Alexion and Plight, are healers. I realize we may be a little off putting due to the blood on us.." I held up the book with their information in it. "Do you recognize this?"

"I recognize the book, yes. I don't recognize you as someone who should know of that book." She replied.

"My friends and I have hushed your enemies." I shrugged. "Can you do something for me in return?"

"It is extremely difficult for me to believe this. But, if it is true, what would be your request?" She asked.

"I want you and yours to eat three meals a day, have access to medicine, live in Hearthstone Town without direct cost to you, and I've brought enough food for everyone to have a decent sandwich. My friends are already healing your injured." I replied. "You're a smart woman, so says this book."

"Why do you want a large group of children moving into this town?" She wanted to know.

"Your people include crippled adults." I reminded her. "I want the kids to move there to be safe and have space to learn and grow without needing to be thieves. I am having a city built with a new set of rules, so that kids like Dean and I, won't have lives like Dean and I. Though, he's satisfied with his lot in life. We're both from the slums in the Capital."

"You'll have to show me this place before I take my people there." She said.

"No problem. I can make a portal there, right now." I shrugged.

"Alright. Show it to me." She said.

"Send Meech to find out about the guards. I guarantee you know about the Bloody Hawkes being dead." I said, pretending to look through the book. I put it away and started making sandwiches, passing Dean some of the things to put together, too. The promise of the sandwiches were too much for the hungry people to pass up. Once sandwiches were passed out, including to her, I drew the glyph to Hearthstone Town. "It's being built, still."

Once I finished the glyph I activated it, Dean, Eluvian and I went through. I left the glyph alone, so we could go back easily. Torches were lit, and I led them down the left tunnel. From my bag, I handed her the picture of the completed place. Several houses were started, though not completed.

"This has been going on for four days now." I told her. "Farming is going to be handled through the right tunnel."

"Why are you doing all this?" She asked.

I offered her the policy papers. "Simply because I can. I was an abandoned child, Dean is an orphan. I have a chance to do something about kids in our position and keep them from being abused, like me, or exploited, like Dean and I. This is technically a smaller version of my other plans, which I intend to carry out on the other Continent."

"If these policies are true, then I would be happy to bring my people here." She said after looking at the papers. "It's just a lot to take in."

"I get it. See the tiger man?" I asked, having seen Jaden.

"Yes, he's.. hard to miss." She replied.

"He is one of the council members behind assisting me in getting this place going. It's his money funding this place, my plans inspired him to back it. Just for the hell of it, I'm about to tell you a lie." I smiled at her, then told the lie, "I enjoy being around crowds of people."

"Well, then, it would be a good idea to have people run it for you." She said.

"And I do have people who will run it. Mills will be Mayor, and there'll be a council. I was simply showing you that I can't lie. Even without a warning, people can tell when I'm lying. It makes no sense, because I excel at everything else." I sighed. "Just ask Dean, he's known me since I was five."

"Is this Dean? You introduced them before, but I wasn't quite paying attention." She replied.

"Yes, I am the one known as Dean." Dean said.

She raised an eyebrow and said, "I will try to keep that in mind. I do have this terrible tendency to forget those who aren't helpful."

"Well, I'll just have to try to be helpful, then, won't I?" Dean replied, with a charming grin.

"Dean will be helping train people as a council member here, until I build the Kingdom oversea, then he'll be my spy master." I told her.

"That is quite a bit of information to be telling someone you just met." She pointed out.

"Once you're free of being Matriarch, perhaps you will want to come to the Kingdom with us." I shrugged, offering her the book. "I trust you."

"How can you trust me when we met not two hours ago? Not even an hour ago." She replied, taking the book.

"Perhaps I'm a fool?" I said.

"These plans would speak otherwise, but for now, I'll have to accept that." Eluvian said.

"Even if I told you the truth about why I trust you, you'd find it difficult to believe." I told her. "If your people move here, they'll be fed. Temporary tents would be more comfortable than nearly moldy and damp earth."

"It is true, they do not have the best conditions at the moment. Alright, we'll come here. By the looks of it, it's still better than anything East Haven can offer." She said.

I saw the Fool, briefly. "Dean, I told Mills about what that idiot did." I pointed him out. "He has him busting up stones."

"Would it be too terrible if I busted him up a little?" Dean asked. "Not enough so he couldn't work.. but, you know, just a little?"

"Unfortunately, I want this to be a safe place. The kids may be scared if you do that. Just think it's another dangerous place." I sighed.

"Fine." He sighed. "If I find him wondering around out of view.. then what happens, happens."

"Thanks." I told him. "Are you ready to go back, Miss, or do you wish to speak to Jaden?"

"I should head back." She said.

"Dean can take you to get supplies." I offered her a coin purse. It contained around fifty gold.

She took the coin purse and looked in it. "..Did you hand me the correct purse?"

"Is it not enough?" I asked. "Dean and I robbed some vampires, we have money."

"No, fifty gold should get us situated fine." She said.

"My job is to provide for the people of this town until they can do for themselves." I told her. "And Dean can be reimbursed from my pocket at any time, so you may get funds from him if need be." I smirked at my friend. "I trust he'll be honest with me."

"Now that's a risky belief, but alright." Dean replied.

I laughed and headed up towards the top part where the glyph was. "Hey, I should go to Dueling Rivers and get the bread deliveries taken care of. Do you two want to go with me?"

Since they agreed, I walked them to Dueling Rivers. I showed them around a bit, before going into the bakery. I purchased them both a cloud bread, Elven Pillow, and cookies for the kids. Then I said, "Remember that deal I mentioned, Kaz?"

"Vaguely, yes." He answered.

I took out two pieces of paper and wrote out how much bread I'd need starting the next morning, with plans to increase it in the future, and the price I'd pay for it. On the second paper, I wrote out exactly how to make noodles. Then on the first paper I wrote out how much noodles I'd like in a week, and what I'd pay for it. I offered him the papers. "I think you'll find this fair and worth while."

Kaz looked over the papers. Once he was satisfied he understood what he was looking at, he said, "Yes, I believe this is quite the deal. I get to try out a new experimental dish. New to me at least."

I nodded. "Noodles are a multi use food that uses little ingredients to feed many. To cook them, you boil them for five minutes when freshly made. If dried, you boil them about twenty minutes or so until tender." I explained. "If you would like, I can provide recipes for sauces and soups to eat them with. I intend for noodles to be a staple in Hearthstone Town, though. What the Dwarven Union is working on. Our friend Mills will be mayor there."

"That is quite a lot to take in. I had known they were working on something, but I hadn't known what." He said.

"... Hey Trevel. If you can hear me, don't run. Instead meet me at the Inn in twenty minutes at the table to the right of the front doors. I could use your services. I know what secret your looking for, as well." I spoke loudly, then quieter, "Your rat problem should be over now. They didn't touch anything of yours."

Sheer confusion crossed his face. "Did you talk to the rats or something?"

"The one controlling them, yes." I replied with a wry grin. "I forgot to grab the paper from the guild house, though." I took out a hundred forty gold, and laid it on the counter. "Hope you don't mind pre paying. There's gonna be thirty-seven kids moved into Hearthstone by tomorrow, and another twenty or so kids in a week."

"Sounds like you'll be real busy." He said.

"Nah. There's fifteen adults living there now, and thirty-eight moving in." I replied.

"Well, I had better get started on this order prep alone will take some time." He said.

I smiled. "I can send someone to become an employee for you, to help manage the influx, should you like."

"Someone who knows their way around a bakery?" He asked.

"Someone with basic baking skill." I replied. "I'm afraid I haven't found any so skilled yet."

"Hmm, basic baking I can work with, who is it?" He asked.

"I don't remember their name. I'll bring them by within the hour. They used to work for some wealthy people." I told him.

"Ha! I hope they can learn quick, I won't go easy on them." Kaz declared.

I laughed. "I'll see you shortly, Kaz. I have an appointment to keep, and if he doesn't show, I'll kill his pet rats."

"Well, that does sound important. I will see you on your next visit then." Kaz said.

I left with Eluvian and Dean. "Dean, Trevel will work for you. He'll be an excellent knife. I will have James train him, unless you'd prefer to."

"If he is to be my knife, then I will train him.... So who is he?" He asked.

"Never met him, personally." I replied, heading to the Inn. A knife in this case is our code for a spy. "But I heard about him. He's.. like me, but a rat. I hope he shows."

"A lyncanthrope rat? Huh never heard of it myself, but hey we live in a crazy world." Dean said.

We were ahead of time by five minutes, but I took a seat at the table I'd indicated. "Do either of you want any food or drink?" I asked. Ordering ale, I asked for blackberries to be added to it. They also ordered a few things.

Bout the time we got out orders, a man walked over and joined us at our table. He was a plain man with brown hair and brown eyes, and of average height. "I had planned on making some super stealthy entrance, but I figured just walking to the table would be easiest." He said.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." I said, casually taking a sip.

"I consider it a great failure on my part that you already know of me. Might I ask who you are?" He asked.

"To be fair, there is a lot I know because I died and came back in time." I smiled. "My name is Isarial Hearthry."

"I don't know anything about this time travel, but I have heard of you." He said.

"Oh? What have you heard?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, just the usual things. You were adopted by James Hearthry at age four and he's been using you for odd jobs since." He replied.

"Adopted is a nice way to put it. He bought me to clear the debt my birth father had racked up with him." I said. "This is Dean, and this is Eluvian. Dean is going to train you to be a proper listener. He's a good teacher. I'm the man I am, in part, because of him. I am going to build a Kingdom in the other continent. I'll need listeners."

Dean socked my shoulder and said, "It's ok. You can call me dad."

<Daddy.> I replied in his head, looking at him tauntingly. "I didn't feel that."

He raised his fist, "Next time I'll aim lower."

"Why? Cause it's bigger?" I joked.

He laughed, cleared his throat and say, "You're right. I shouldn't aim at such a difficult target."

I patted him consolingly. "It's ok, Dean. You are experienced in using yours. Size doesn't always matter."

"That's right, it's the motion of the.." He began confidently, "Gods damn it, yours is not bigger!" He pointed at Trevel, "You. You are going to train, this conversation is over."

Eluvian chuckled a little at us. I cleared my throat, turning red, "I apologize, Eluvian, that was inappropriate in your presence." I was uncomfortable now, sipping my drink. What would Zelda say to know of this?

"Oh, now your gonna get lost bashful? It's a little fuckin' late." Dean said.

"It has been a little while since I heard such joyful conversations." Eluvian commented. Clearly amused.

"It's Dean. Dean brings such things out in people. He puts people at ease and is easier to laugh with." I tried to explain.

"I'm not laughing." Dean said.

"Because even my jokes are true." I replied. "Anyways, Trevel, are you fine with these plans of training?"

"I was more ok with it before conversation, but I'm still fine with it." Trevel said.

"Sorry, We're teenagers." I explained. "Though Dean's be twenty soon nough."

"Age doesn't matter much when it comes to this kind of job." Trevel pointed out.

Dean had been glaring. And then slowly started to smile. But he wasn't saying anything. "... I am aware of what that look means." I said, "And yes, age doesn't matter. It's ability that does. I look forward to your improvement, if you find Dean's teaching to be inadequate, seek James, though I don't think you'll have issues with Dean. He's capable."

"In many regards, but certainly in this." Dean said.

"Are you going to stick around Hearthstone, Dean? Or carry out your training in the Capital?" I asked.

"I would probably flip between the two, just to train this fellow in multiple areas." Dean replied.

I nodded. "Very well, I'll fix a more permanent portal. Where do you want it established?"

"Well, you can establish one in my home." He said.

"Alright. I'll set it up through the metal door. I should also get a special lock for it." I said.

"Yes, added security is always a good thing. Especially for thieves." He said.

"Did you want anything to eat or drink, Trevel?" I asked.

"This may sound like a joke to you, but I wouldn't mind a cheese tray." Trevel replied.

I shrugged and said, "Order what you like. As an adventurer, I can easily recover the cost of meals and such. Which reminds me... Dean, have you seen a chatty red tiefling girl in the Capital? Black hair and horns that curve backwards."

"Um, no. Not in particular." He said.