
Lookism After all im the Strongest

My name is John Black, and I'm 25 years old. A pretty good name, right? Well, I had a pretty bad day. After all, I got fired from work because I didn't participate much. The reason is I was sick, but my manager is a bastard who likes to bully his subordinates. As I was transitioning into town at the crosswalk, I heard someone honking on my left. When I looked to the side, I saw a very scared face outside the truck windows. Then, I realized I was going to die, so I stopped, even though I tried to run. But it was already three meters away from me, so I accepted it. -------------------------------------------------- and if you are looking for mc who fall in love with single flirt or because he sees beautiful girl this is not for you NO HAREM/NO ROMANCE Lookism,Jujutsu Kaisen,Images are not mine

mantaege · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 4# The First Fight in Lookism

I yawned.. then I get out of bed and stretch and go to work out, I don't really need it in the end, even if I eat 100 kg of candy, I won't get fat and I'll always be muscular, but I do it because I'm bored and I'll do reneval taekwondo after the work out to a remote area to find some gangsters after he goes to the remote area

he see a group of five and see another laying down on floor and protecting his head and the 2 of 5 are kicking the boy he is fat he has glasses like some proffessor so he finded the targets to try his renewal taekwondo 

one of the five came to him and says "what are you looking at" but when he says that he's quite nervous because the guy with white hair and a black mask over his eyes is 190 cm tall so he's quite scared he regained his confidence , as his two friends came up behind him, one on the left, one on the right

gojo satoru is attacking on the gangster in the middle

Renewal Taekwondo Baek Rok to the head

the other got mad because he saw his friend fall to the floor so he accelerated at gojo satoru but before he could hit gojo satoru he bounced off his shoulder and kicked him in the head

Renewal Taekwondo Nigawa Kick

the last one was scared because his two friends were knocked out with one technique so he was careful not to run at him like his friend but that didn't help either because gojo satoru's leg blocked his neck and he swung his leg in a half circle move

Renewal taekwondo Roundhouse Kick

and then fell like his other two friends

and the last two kicking the fat boy stopped and they say martial arts user! and they runs and gojo satoru let them go because he was too lazy to catch them even with his superhuman agility

he goes after a guy who has bruises and all over his body but it's nothing serious "are you ok?" he's watchin him from the ground" h-hi thank you..."

gojo satoru says "what is your name? "

"Jade.... Jade Mantis"" gojo satoru says you have a pretty cool name huh.?" 'should i train him' he thinks? 'become my crewmember but i won't teach him my main renewal martial art taekwondo maybe taekwondo normal? well first i will copy the martial arts and then i will train him'

"He-hello? Jade think why is he staring at me?"

after he said Hello he awaken from his day dreaming and says" do you want me to train you?"

Train me? The techniques that did he show? and like gojo satoru was reading his mind he says"im not gonna teach you that martial that is mine im gonna teach you taekwondo if you want."

stronger? he was always bullied because of his looks he wanted to become stronger but he didn't have school fees so he looked into boxing but i needed guidance after he thinks he says "i have to pay?" and he says "no." "but you have to be loyal never betray me and i will let you grow stronger not like you can beat me at your peak but i don't want to lose a future strong crew member"

after a few minutes he says" i accept i will be the most loyal crew member when do we start?" after a week at my house he drew the address of his home with a pen on his hand and then left

he come back to his apartment and after he was using the renewal taekwondo he feels good, the feeling to be strong